
  • 网络task-oriented organization
  1. 任务型组织在完成任务的过程中,需要常规组织不断为其提供资源和各种帮助。

    The task-oriented organization needs resources and assistance from routine organization .

  2. 可以说,任务型组织运营的全过程是一个与常规组织不断发生作用的过程。

    The interaction occurs through whole operation process of task-oriented organization .

  3. 研究人员认为,任务型组织在商业文化中往往被低估,且得不到足够支持。

    The researchers argue that task-based organizing tends to be undervalued and under-supported in business culture .

  4. 常规组织和任务型组织是两种重要的组织形式。

    Conventional organizations and task-oriented organizations are two important organization forms .

  5. 常规组织与任务型组织在资源获取上有着很大的不同。

    Routine organization differs from task - oriented organization in resource acquisition .

  6. 任务型组织的对比优势及现实价值

    The Contrast Superiority and Realistic Value of Task Type Organization

  7. 其次,任务型组织在结构上具有灵活多变特征。

    Secondly , the mission-oriented organizations at the structural characteristics of flexible and varied .

  8. 论任务型组织的目标结构

    The Study of Goal Structure in Task-Oriented Organization

  9. 临时性组织的产生是对这一挑战的回应,而其中的任务型组织则是对传统常规组织形态的突破。

    The task-oriented organization is seen as a breakthrough in the conventional forms of organization .

  10. 拉开任务型组织研究的帷幕

    On Task - oriented Organization Research

  11. 科研课题组是准正式组织中的特定任务型组织形态,其组织形态具有一定的特殊性。

    Research group is a task-oriented organization form with a particular characteristic in the quasi-formal organizations .

  12. 任务型组织的提出,是关于组织范式探索的一个理论尝试。

    The proposed task-oriented organizations concept is a kind of innovative theoretical exploration on the organizational paradigm .

  13. 最后,由任务型组织的多变性特征延伸出的结构上的开放性。

    Finally , the mission-oriented organizations variability of the structural features of the extension on the openness .

  14. 任务型组织具有临时性,但是,不能归结为临时性组织。

    Task-oriented organization has a characteristic of temporariness , but it does not belong to the temporary organization .

  15. 任务型组织由于具有很强的灵活性和自我调适性而在处理各种突发性事件中显示其优势,具有传统的以官僚制为基础的常规组织所无法比拟的优越性。

    Task-oriented organization has a distinctive advantage over conventional organization because its flexibility and adaptivity in dealing with emergencies .

  16. 任务型组织由于其突出的社会功能而越来越被人们用来解决那些特殊性的任务。

    The task-based organizations have been used to solve the special task increasingly because of their prominent social functions .

  17. 任务型组织是专门因应环境的变动性而设立起来的组织形式,具有高度的灵活性和环境适应性的特征。它正是以变应变的方式来获得对环境的即时性反应和较高的效率。

    Established according to the environmental alteration , the task-oriented organization is of instant response , high efficiency and flexibility .

  18. 常规组织往往通过竞争的方式争夺资源,而任务型组织则通过信任与合作的方式获取资源。

    From the mode of acquisition , routine organization gets resource through competition while task-oriented organization through trust and collaboration .

  19. 任务型组织有效运转的关键在于以信任为基础的整合,信任、权威、价格构成了任务型组织完整的整合机制。

    The key for effective operation of task-oriented organization is the mechanics composed of trust , authority , and price .

  20. 特别是在获取社会心理资源、舆论资源等软资源方面,任务型组织所具有的获取能力是常规组织所望尘莫及的。

    So the task-oriented organization has advantage in acquisition of soft resources such as social psychological resources and public opinion .

  21. 作为社会的一种新型组织结构&任务型组织的网络结构,表现出与常规组织结构背道而驰的特征。

    As a society , a new organizational structure - task-based organizational network structure , showing the organizational structure runs counter to the conventional features .

  22. 任务型组织是当代政府改革的组织取向。它是与常规组织相对的一种能够适应现代社会迅速发展需求的组织形式。

    Task-oriented organization is the organization orientation of contemporary government reform , it is contrary to conventional organization and can suit the rapid development of society .

  23. 常规组织获取资源在一定程度上会存在保有和控制资源的目的,而任务型组织获取资源是出于直接使用的目的,是从属于任务得以完成的需要。

    From the purpose of acquisition , routine organization is for keeping and controlling resource , and task-oriented organization simply for use to fulfill the task .

  24. 从传播学的角度来看待任务型组织的研究,可以发现它的学术价值以及当今学术传播的一些新动向。

    In view of task-orientated organization research from the perspective of dissemination , we can find its academic values and some new trends of academic disseminations .

  25. 任务型组织的多变性特征涵盖了三个层次:首先,其本身表现出来的那种对环境的适应能力。

    Task-based organizations to cover the many features of degeneration at three levels : First of all , its own kind of manifested ability to adapt to the environment .

  26. 任务型组织的领导者及其领导角色都不同于常规组织,任务型组织应当确立起共享领导权、宽松授权、创造自由环境等原则。

    Task-based organizations and their leaders are different from the conventional organizations , and the task-based organizations should establish such principles as shared leadership , ample authorization and liberal environment .

  27. 任务型组织的任务、目标以及实现途径是有着高度的关联性的,这是常规组织所不具有的一种特征。

    The mission , goal , and realizing approach of a mission-oriented organization are highly related to each other . However , there are no such features in a general organization .

  28. 为了让任务型组织与常规组织实现优势互补,应该构建彼此之间的信任与合作关系,有效地解决对接过程产生的种种冲突,依靠二者共同缔造社会的稳定与和谐。

    The trustful and cooperative relationship between task-oriented organization and routine organization ought to be established in order to effectively eliminate the conflict of integration and create social stability and harmony together .

  29. 在20世纪后期,随着从工业社会向后工业社会历史转型过程的开启,任务型组织作为一个显著的组织形式呼唤着组织理论家们的关注。

    Since the late 20th century , with the historical transformation of the society from industrial to post-industrial society , task-oriented organization has caught the organization theorists ' eyes as a remarkable organization form .

  30. 任务型组织的领导者的职能应体现在把组织任务明确化为组织目标、实时决策、创造组织成员发展和参与机会以及复杂协调等方面。

    The functions of leaders in the task-based organizations should be reflected in making the organizational goals into clear tasks , real-time decision-making , creating opportunities for development and participation of their members and the complex coordination .