
  • 网络Nintendo;nintendo co
  1. 然而,伦敦每日邮报报道,任天堂公司的人员正在开发刺激思维和提高儿童IQ的游戏。

    However , the London Daily Mail reports the folks at Nintendo are promoting games that stimulate the mind and improve children 's IQs .

  2. 任天堂公司(NintendoCo.)在WIIU游戏机的控制手柄中融合了触摸屏,这款游戏机于去年11月发布。

    Nintendo Co. 7974.OK + 2.97 % melded a touch screen into the controller for its Wii U console , which was released last November .

  3. 任天堂公司总裁岩田聪还宣布,公司将开发一款代号为NX的新主机。

    Nintendo president Satoru Iwata also announced that the company is working on a new console , codenamed NX .

  4. 任天堂公司将于12月15日在全球发布苹果公司iPhone和iPad版的《超级玛丽跑酷》。自今夏《精灵宝可梦Go》大热后,任天堂此次推出的产品备受期待,成功的“门槛”也很高。

    Nintendo Co will release Super Mario Run worldwide for Apple Inc 's iPhone and iPad on Dec 15 , a highly anticipated launch that has a high bar for success after this summer 's Pokemon Go phenomenon .

  5. ·由于推出后头三个月的销量低于预期,任天堂公司(Nintendo)对其3DS手持游戏机系统实施大幅降价,降幅达三分之一(由250美元降至170美元)。

    Nintendo slashed the price of its 3DS handheld system by roughly one-third ( from $ 250 to $ 170 ) because of lower-than-expected sales during the first three months .

  6. 任天堂公司已经连续三个财务年度宣告亏损,它的WiiU也被喻为自NES以来最失败的一款游戏机。

    Nintendo has reported operating losses for three consecutive fiscal years , and the Wii U is considered the least successful Nintendo console ever , going all the way back to the original NES .

  7. 任天堂公司的GameBoy相机和打印机的组合可以把你的境况不佳,9岁的男孩进入游戏,数码相机,可以打印的路要走。

    Nintendo 's Game Boy camera and printer combination could turn your ailing , 9-year-old Game Boy into a digital camera that could print on the go .

  8. 一项新研究表明,想通过玩电脑游戏来锻炼大脑的人倒不如去玩“超级玛丽”(译者注:日本任天堂公司上世纪推出的一款红白机小游戏)。

    People playing computer games to train their brains might as well be playing Super Mario , a new research suggests .

  9. 据任天堂公司的数据显示,迄今为止,《超级玛丽》游戏已卖出超过4000万套。

    Life to date , Super Mario Bros. has sold more than 40 million units , according to Nintendo NTDOY 1.40 % .

  10. 这正是任天堂公司的《大脑时代》的承诺,这款游戏声称,阅读练习、数学题及其他脑力体操,可以“有助于训练你的记忆力,保持思维敏锐”。

    That 's the promise of Nintendo 's Brain Age , which claims to " help train your memory and keep your mind sharp " through reading exercises , math puzzles , and other mental gymnastics .

  11. 坎米达纳韦是任天堂美国公司的销售及市场推广执行副总裁。

    Cammie Dunaway is Nintendo of America 's executive vice president of sales & marketing .

  12. 任天堂希望凭借公司独创的游戏人物,比如马里奥(Mario)、林克(Link)、大金刚(DonkeyKong)、星际火狐(StarFox)和星之卡比(Kirby),进入这个蓬勃发展的市场。

    Nintendo wants to tap into this growing market with its original game characters such as Mario , Link , Donkey Kong , Star Fox , and Kirby .

  13. 任天堂称,公司未就夏普和日立的定价向公平贸易委员会提出申诉。

    Nintendo said it had not complained to the FTC about Sharp 's and Hitachi 's pricing .

  14. 今年3月,任天堂推出了公司历史上第一款移动应用Miitomo,而索尼在这一市场一直不很成功。

    Nintendo launched its first-ever mobile app , Miitomo , in March this year , while Sony has had a chequered history in the market .

  15. “星巴克咖啡,茶叶和香料”原来叫“每日咖啡公司”,后缩减成简单的“星巴克”;任天堂在使用现用名之前,最初曾命名为马拉夫库公司,后又曾更名为任天堂扑克牌公司。

    Starbucks Coffee , Tea and Spice , once called Il Giornale Coffee Company , was shortened to simply Starbucks , and Marafuku Company turned into Nintendo Playing Card Company before becoming Nintendo .