
  • 网络Electronic Arts;EA GAMES
  1. 而马特里克2007年从美国艺电公司(ElectronicArts,EA)加入微软时,Xbox业务尚未实现盈利。

    But when Mattrick joined Microsoft in 2007 , from games publisher Electronic Arts ( EA ) , the Xbox business was unprofitable .

  2. 所以,如果说你的孩子爱玩游戏机的,而美国艺电公司是这些游戏的开发商。

    So if your kids are playing video games , Electronic Arts makes the video games .

  3. 美国艺电有限公司ElectronicArts(EA)已经认定中国人才,并资助了在上海的工作室,它是为数不多在中国有分支的美国游戏公司。

    Electronic Arts has identified Chinese talent and has funded a studio in Shanghai which is one of the only US firms in China .

  4. 现年47岁的肖恩&12539;德克尔(SeanDecker)对此有切身体会。德克尔是洛杉矶人,是美国视频游戏制造商艺电公司(ElectronicArtsInc.)设在斯德哥尔摩工作室的首席负责人。

    As the chief executive of videogame maker Electronic Arts Inc. 's Stockholm-based studio , 47-year old Sean Decker found this out firsthand .