
  • 网络AdR;adrs;American Depositary Receipts;american depository receipts;ADS
  1. 自去年年初以来,纽约银行中国美国存托凭证指数(BankofNewYorkChinaADRIndex)仅上涨77%。

    The Bank of New York China ADR index is up a mere 77 per cent since the beginning of last year .

  2. 独立库存报告-释放后,这可能会产生巨大影响,该公司的美国存托凭证股价。

    Independent Inventory Report-once released this could have a dramatic effect on the company 's ADR share price .

  3. 三家中国公司发行美国存托凭证(ADR)并在纽交所上市已经接近或超过二十年,一直遵守美国证券市场规则和监管要求,受到全球投资者的普遍认可。

    Having issued American Depositary Receipts ( ADRs ) and been listed on the NYSE for nearly or over two decades , the three Chinese firms have complied with the rules and regulations of the US securities market , and are widely acknowledged by investors worldwide , the spokesperson said .

  4. 该公司的美国存托凭证(ADR)在纽约证交所交易。

    The company also has American depositary receipts that trade on the New York Stock Exchange .

  5. 美国存托凭证的监管法律框架主要有联邦法、州法、SEC规则、各交易所的上市交易及规定及各级法院的判例。

    There are Federal laws , State laws , SEC rules and regulations of the exchange and the precedents .

  6. 美国存托凭证(ADR)方式已成为中国企业在美筹资的重要途径,得到了迅速发展。

    American Depository Receipt ( ADR ), an important instrument for Chinese enterprises financing abroad , has undergone fast growth .

  7. 上世纪90年代纷纷通过发行美国存托凭证(adr)来吸引美国关注的企业,如今正因其中涉及的成本和争议而止步。

    Companies that in the 1990s rushed to secure us attention through listings of American depositary receipts are now deterred by the costs and hassle involved .

  8. 跟踪丰田股票的分析师有18位。除了在东京,丰田股票在华尔街也以美国存托凭证(AmericanDepositoryReceipts)的形式进行交易,代码为TM。

    Eighteen equity analysts cover Toyota stock , which is traded on Wall Street ( as American Depository Receipts , under the ticker TM ) as well as in Tokyo .

  9. ADR即美国存托凭证,是由美国存托银行向美国的投资者发行的,代表非美国公司股票所有权的一种可流通证券。

    ADR American Depositary Receipts , were issued by American Depositary Bank to American investors , which represent , a sort of circulative stocks owned by non American companies .

  10. 如果该美国存托凭证(ADR)股票在周二早上恢复交易时保持周一盘后交易上涨后的价位,那么百度股价将突破至新高,从而完成其历时三个月的盘整期。

    If shares retain their bump when trading in the ADRs resumes by Tuesday morning , Baidu will have completed a three-month consolidation as it breaks out to new highs .

  11. 虽然去年8月的一份档案显示,富达出售了手中99%的中石油美国存托凭证(americandepositoryreceipt),富达的发言人维恩洛波尔基奥(vinloporchio)却表示,公司没有下令抛售。

    And while an August filing showed that fidelity had sold 99 per cent of its American depositary receipts in PetroChina , VIN loporchio , a fidelity spokesman , says the firm did not instruct the sales .

  12. 当所有权通过美国存托凭证实现时,投资者很难行使投票权。

    When ownership is via American Depository shares it is difficult to exercise voting rights .

  13. 它自己的一些增长举措比如推出19家亚洲公司的美国存托凭证交易正在困境中挣扎。

    Its own initiatives such as the trading of 19 American depositary receipts of Asian companies have struggled .

  14. 他为该公司的每份美国存托凭证支付的价格为40美元。

    He paid the equivalent of $ 40 per American depositary receipt ( the U.S. - traded shares of an overseas company ) .

  15. 同时,西门子通过美国存托凭证方式在纽约证券交易所上市,其他类似德国企业还包括德意志银行和德国电信。

    Siemens also trades in New York on the NYSE through American depositary receipts , as fellow German companies like Deutsche Bank and Deutsche Telekom .

  16. 上述名单每年更新一次,并于2月份接受该基金董事会的重新评估,不过投资于美国存托凭证和全球存托凭证,可能会更快获批。

    The list is updated yearly and is up for re-evaluation by the Calpers board in February , although permission to invest in ADRs and GDRs could come sooner .

  17. 帝国烟草计划维持其美国存托凭证工作,作为一个使投资者维持其美国存托凭证的一级项目,将在美国的柜台市场上进行交易。

    Imperial Tobacco intends to maintain its ADR facility as a Level I programme to enable investors to retain their ADRs , which will be traded on the over-the-counter market in the USA.

  18. 过去两周百度在纳斯达克市场交易的美国存托凭证下跌15%,奇虎在纽约证券交易所交易的美国存托凭证则累计上涨18%。

    Baidu 's American depositary receipts have dropped 15 % on the Nasdaq Stock Market over the past two weeks , while Qihoo 's ADRs have climbed 18 % on the New York Stock Exchange .

  19. 保险资金可以投资的品种包括银行存款、商业票据、银行票据、大额可转让存单、债券、货币市场基金、债券型基金、股票、全球存托凭证、美国存托凭证、股票型基金等。

    Insurance funds , under the draft , may invest in varieties including bank deposit , commercial notes , bank paper , large-value convertible deposit receipts , bonds , money market funds , bond-based funds , shares , global depository receipts , American Depository Receipts and stock-based funds .

  20. 在纽约股票交易所,公司在美国的存托凭证交易额下降了1.10美元,也就是1.6个百分点,最后成交价格是67.20美元。

    On the New York Stock Exchange this afternoon , the company 's American depository receipts were trading down $ 1.10 , or1.6 percent , to $ 67.20 .

  21. 周文耀还表示,为了增强对海外企业的吸引力,港交所正制定计划,推出类似美国的存托凭证。

    In an effort to burnish its appeal to overseas companies , Mr Chow also said the exchange was working on a plan to introduce a depositary receipts programme similar to that in the US .

  22. 虽然这些在美国发行了存托凭证(类似于股票)的中国公司可转向较小的审计机构,但是禁用四大可能使它们难以按时发表2013年财务报表。

    Although these Chinese companies – which have issued share-like depositary receipts in the US – can turn to smaller auditors , a ban on the big four would make it difficult for them to publish their 2013 results on schedule .

  23. 在美国交易的大型中国企业美国存托凭证(ADR)的走势证明,中国股市的现象仅限于国内。

    The performance of the American Depositary Receipts of the larger Chinese companies , traded in the US , confirms that the Chinese stock phenomenon is local .