
  • 网络US Line;American On-Line;Open-High-Low-Close chart
  1. 距离美国海岸线的飞行时间只有两至三小时的百慕大,仍旧吸引了包括罗斯・佩罗(RossPerot)和迈克尔・布隆伯格(MichaelBloomberg)在内的亿万富翁,他们都拥有百慕大的房产。

    The island , an easy two - or three-hour jet jaunt from the U.S. coastline , still attracts such billionaires as Ross Perot and Michael Bloomberg , who maintain homes here .

  2. 美国电影院线运营商AMCEntertainmentHoldingsInc.的首席执行长洛佩兹(GerryLopez)说,我们的业务依赖于消费者的可支配收入,萎缩的就业群体和停滞不前的个人收入并不预示前景向好。

    Our business depends on discretionary consumer dollars , and a shrinking employment base and stagnant personal income are not the kind of foundation that bodes well for the future , ' says Gerry Lopez , CEO of AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc. , the movie-theater company .

  3. 第二部分。论述了美国贫困线的发展历程。

    In second part , the author discusses the development process of poverty level .

  4. 申请人:我是在靠近华盛顿州西雅图的一个汽车站挎越美国边境线的。

    Applicant : I crossed the United States border in a bus station near Seattle , Washington .

  5. 出了友好的出海访问,中国从来没有派出他的舰船巡视美国海岸线。

    Other than a friendly port-of-call visit , China has never sent its naval ship to patrol the coastline of USA.

  6. 迈阿密国家飓风中心天气预报员表示,他们正在密切监视该飓风,查看厄尔飓风会继续停留在海面还是向西移动,影响美国海岸线。

    Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center in Miami said they are closely watching the storm for signs that it will remain in open waters , or turn west and impact the U.S. coastline .

  7. 太平洋变暖,也意味着美国海岸线的海平面会升高,因为水温升高体积就会膨胀,自西向东的整体风向会把海水吹向海岸。

    A warmer Pacific also means higher seas at the United States coastline , because warm water expands and the general winds that flow from west to east will push water against the shore .

  8. 66号公路从芝加哥一路横贯到洛杉矶,被称为“美国主干线”,是美国文化的象征之一。它让无数旅行者蠢蠢欲动,吸引人们驾车驰骋,穿越这个民族的心脏,探寻其魅力。

    It 's known as America 's Main Street . It 's the place where you can get your kicks . Running from Chicago to Los Angeles , Route 66 is an icon of Americana , whisking travelers across the nation 's heart .

  9. 两条二手美国砂处理线介绍

    Two Second Hand Moulding Sand Supply Lines from United States

  10. 浅析美国台湾联线的历史基础

    Analysis on the Historical Basis of American Taiwan Caucus

  11. 美国东海岸线运动员跨越了5个时区来到伦敦。

    American east coast athletes traveled five time zones to get to London .

  12. 但直到目前为止,无论中国还是美国,与线下相比,在线收入仍然相当有限。

    Whether in China or in the US , the online income compared with the underline is still deficient until now .

  13. 沃尔沃也正追随竞争对手宝马和奔驰的脚步试图在美国建造生产线。德国品牌在美国建厂是为了避免币值波动带来的影响。

    Volvo is also behind rivals BMW and Mercedes in establishing production in the United States , which insulates the German brands from currency fluctuations .

  14. 2010年,4620万美国人跌到贫困线以下。美国的贫困线标准是,四口之家年收入低于22314美元,或者一人收入低于11139美元。

    In 2010 , 46.2m people fell below the poverty line , calculated as an annual income of $ 22,314 for a family of four and $ 11,139 for an individual .

  15. 每日13美元是美国的贫困线,所以这类人在发展中国家就是人们眼中的中产阶级了,但是在美国却不是。

    Thirteen dollars a day is the poverty line in America , so this category might be described as people who are middle-class by developing-country standards but not by American ones .

  16. 1846年,就俄勒冈区域界限的争议与英国达成一致。美国北部边界线扩伸至沿太平洋北纬49。

    In 1846 , the boundary dispute with Great Britain over the Oregon Territory was finally settled . The northern border of the United States would be extended along the 49th parallel to the Pacific Ocean .

  17. 美国最大的电影院线组成的一个联盟即将达成一笔高达10亿美元的交易,将为赚钱的新一代3D电影铺平道路。之前,该组织已获得好莱坞3家主要电影公司的暂时支持。

    A consortium of the biggest US cinema chains is closing in on a $ 1bn deal that will pave the way for a new generation of money-spinning 3-D movies , after securing provisional backing from three key Hollywood studios .

  18. 我有一个美国的服装生产线,和我的秋天线出来。

    I have a U.S.Clothing line and my fall line is coming out .

  19. 霍加皮野生生物保护区美国摩根高线生产线吐丝盘保护罩的耐磨性改造

    American High-speed Wire Production Line Morgan Silking Disk Wear Protective Shield of the Transformation

  20. 美国数以百计的天际线给人留下了无法磨灭的印象。

    There are hundreds of skylines in the United States that leave lasting impressions .

  21. 其次,通用必须想好了君威怎么能和美国别克的产品线嫁接上。

    Second , it needs to figure where this Regal would fit in the American Buick lineup .

  22. 美国标准线规美国线径规

    Marking gauge American Standard Wire

  23. 今年2月,美国在九段线问题上首次表态,菲律宾对此表示欢迎。

    In February , the Philippines welcomed the move by the US to publicly weigh in on the nine-dash line for the first time .

  24. 有扁平的底部和三角帆的狭长的船;起初用于美国的大西洋海岸线。

    A long narrow shallow-draft boat with a flat bottom and a triangular sail ; formerly used along the N Atlantic coast of the US .

  25. 无线电源、无线网络、高带宽数据的盛行,将使美国大部分的电话线杆被拆除。

    No wires anywhere & wireless power / electricity , wireless Internet , high bandwidth data will result in the taking down of telephone polls in large parts of the country .

  26. 机器锁线:英文是锁线机的商品名,早期流行于美国。它用线连续的把书帖缝接一起。

    Smyth sewing : The term Smyth is derived from the brand name of a sewing machine used in United States for sewing sections of a book together by a continuous piece of thread .

  27. 油价上涨导致运输成本升高,而美国页岩气产量激增则降低了美国国内的能源成本,这两个因素提高了在美国设立生产线的吸引力。

    Higher oil prices , which raise transport costs , and the shale gas boom that has cut local energy bills , have also made the US a more attractive location .