
  • USD Fund;【经】dollar pool
  1. 此前,IVP曾将其7.5亿美元基金中超过一半多一点的资金投在了消费领域身上,但哈里克透露,这一次他们可能会将这个比例颠倒过来。

    IVP spent a bit more than half of its $ 750 million fund on consumer , but Harrick acknowledges that it may well flip this time around .

  2. 首笔收入将是高盛向Facebook和其它希望加入一个15亿美元基金的富有私人客户收取的数百万美元服务费用。该基金将在Facebook估值500亿美元的前提下认购这家社交网站的股份。

    The first source of income will be the millions of dollars in fees Goldman will charge both Facebook and the wealthy private clients who want to participate in a $ 1.5bn fund that will buy shares in the social network at the same $ 50bn valuation .

  3. 该12亿美元基金中的剩余资金拟在11个国家实施项目。

    The remainder of the $ 1.2 billion is committed to projects in11 countries .

  4. 目前,红杉资本正在进行2010年封闭的13亿美元基金的投资。

    Sequoia currently is investing out of a $ 1.3 billion fund closed in 2010 .

  5. 该基金会有着240亿美元基金,是世界上最大的非赢利组织。

    The foundation is the biggest not-for-profit organization in the world , with 24,000 million dollars .

  6. 人民币所受的监管约束不像美元基金那么多&例如外汇管制。

    RMB are not subject to as many regulations as dollar funds – such as exchange controls .

  7. 罗宾逊称:美元基金总会占有一席之地,因为当你努力发展企业时,你总是希望拥有长期投资者。

    Dollar funds will always have a place because when you are trying to grow a busines , you want long term investors , he said .

  8. 中国国内基金公司仍在扩大投资,人民币基金交易量去年首次超过美元基金交易量。

    Domestic Chinese firms continued to expand their investing , with local currency renminbi funds for the first time accounting for more activity during the year than dollar funds .

  9. 奥地利政府也开始用一笔联邦政府、维也纳城和奥地利工商业捐赠的2.1亿美元基金补偿纳粹受害者。

    The country also begun paying compensation to Nazi victims from a $ 210 million fund endowed by the federal government , the city of Vienna and Austrian industries .

  10. 此门课程的第三个创新之处是,给予学生八周时间以及每人3000美元基金来创办一家小型公司。

    In the third novel part of the course , students will be given eight weeks , and seed money of $ 3000 each , to launch a small company .

  11. 由于担忧加剧,自从五月以来,佛瑞斯特管理的1.60亿美元基金开始囤积现金,并购买指数看跌期权,目的都是在市场下滑的时候保护自己的基金。

    Since May , forester has stockpiled cash and purchased index puts in his $ 160 million fund both moves that protect the fund during market declines because of his rising worries .

  12. 这只2390亿美元基金所持有的美国国债等美国政府相关证券的比例,目前处于2009年1月以来的最低水平。当时这一类别的持有比例为15%。

    The proportion of US government-related holdings , which includes US Treasuries , is at the lowest level held by the $ 239bn fund since January 2009 when it held 15 per cent of its assets in the category .

  13. 今年,宾夕法尼亚州创立了1.5亿美元的基金为那些想要进入“农家乐”产业的农民提供低息贷款。

    For example : This year Pennsylvania created a $ 150 million fund to provide low-interest loans and grants to farmers hoping to go into agritainment .

  14. 金砖国家同意建立一个应急储备基金,由各成员国的中央银行管理1000亿美元的基金。

    The BRICS agreed to form a Contingency1 Reserve Arrangement , a 100 billion dollars fund to be managed by the central banks of the member countries .

  15. BP将把这笔现金用于去年设立的200亿美元信托基金。

    BP will apply the single cash payment to the $ 20bn trust fund it set up last year .

  16. 福布斯将是Elevation募集的这唯一一支基金中最后的主要持股,这支19亿美元的基金于2005年封闭。

    Forbes would be the last major holding for the only fund elevation has ever raised , a $ 1.9 billion vehicle closed in 2005 .

  17. 今年5月,中国与非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)合作建立了一个20亿美元的基金,并宣布将把合同授予最合适的竞标方&而不仅仅是中资企业。

    In May , China created a $ 2bn fund in partnership with the African Development Bank and announced that it would open the resulting contracts to the most suitable bidder – not just Chinese companies .

  18. 据知情的官员表示,昨日英国石油(BP)与奥巴马政府达成一项初步协议,同意建立一只总额200亿美元的基金,来支付与墨西哥湾原油泄漏事件相关的索赔请求。

    BP reached preliminary agreement with the Obama administration yesterday to set aside $ 20bn to cover claims relating to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill , officials familiar with the negotiations said .

  19. 以挪威8100亿美元石油基金为首的数家主权财富基金,正利用香港IPO市场的复苏,加大对华投资。

    Sovereign wealth funds , led by Norway 's $ 810bn oil fund , are using Hong Kong 's listings revival to achieve a long-held goal of ramping up exposure to China .

  20. 据彭博(Bloomberg)上周援引匿名消息来源报道,软银(SoftBank)的1000亿美元愿景基金(VisionFund)正在寻求获得北京人工智能公司商汤科技10亿美元(约合66亿元人民币)的股份。

    SoftBank 's $ 100 billion Vision Fund was seeking a $ 1 billion stake in SenseTime , an artificial intelligence company in Beijing , Bloomberg reported last week , citing anonymous sources .

  21. 据报道,布洛德艺术馆拥有2亿多美元的基金和其余款项,用于收购藏品,大约相当于洛杉矶乡村艺术博物馆(LosAngelesCountyMuseumofArt)与当代艺术馆(MuseumofContemporaryArt)的总和,因此他们会进行更多收购。

    With a reported $ 200 - million-plus endowment and additional funds for acquisitions - nearly that of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Museum of Contemporary Art combined - the Broad will be doing a lot more buying .

  22. 中国平安(PingAn)将推出一支10亿美元的基金,投资全球金融和医疗保健技术。这一迹象表明,这家中国保险集团渴望将其品牌和业务拓展至本土市场之外。

    Ping An is launching a $ 1bn fund to invest in financial and healthcare technology globally in a sign of the Chinese insurance group 's desire to expand its brand and business outside its home market .

  23. 私人股本公司TPG正在筹建一只规模为60亿美元的基金,用于投资陷入困境的金融机构,预计新加坡的一只主权财富基金将是该基金的牵头投资者。

    A Singapore sovereign wealth fund is expected to be the lead investor in a $ 6bn fund that TPG , the private equity firm , is raising to invest in troubled financial firms .

  24. 8月,包括诺德斯道姆公司、J.克鲁集团公司在内的其他四个被告同意出资125万美元设立基金来监督西潘工厂的工作条件,以此解决向他们提出的索赔要求。

    In August , four other defendants in that suit , including Nordstrom Inc. and J. Crew Group Inc. , agreed to settle the claims against them by establishing a $ 1.25 million fund to monitor working conditions of their Saipan workplaces .

  25. 它帮助我们筹集了二十万美元的基金来建新楼。

    It helped us to raise a two-hundred-thousand-dollar fund for a new building .

  26. 欧元区国家已经成立了一个约一万亿美元救市基金。

    Euro-area nations have set up a bailout fund of about one trillion dollars .

  27. 她刚接触性产业时是数百万美元避险基金的管理人。

    She was introduced to the sex industry while working at a multi-million-dollar hedge fund .

  28. 雷曼兄弟刚刚推出一个30亿美元的基金,专门购买那些折价的杠杠贷款。

    Lehman has just launched a $ 3 billion fund that will buy discounted leveraged loans .

  29. 这支20亿美元的基金目前下跌了3%,主要是因为重仓股票。

    The $ 2 billion fund is down 3 % , mostly because of large equity positions .

  30. 截至今年5月份,他管理下总资产1320亿美元的基金,有逾60%的资金投资于抵押债券。

    By May this year , more than 60 per cent of his $ 132bn fund was in mortgage debt .