
  • 网络American consortium;American Financial Groups;U.S. Interest Group
  1. 一个美国财团出资让他造这玩意。

    He was building this for a syndicate of americans .

  2. 这座大楼将成为星丽门(MacaoStudioCity)的一部分。星丽门是一个价值20亿美元的综合度假胜地兼赌场,由香港上市公司丰德丽控股(eSunHoldings)和一家美国投资财团修建。

    The complex will be part of Macao Studio City , a $ 2bn integrated resort and casino being built by Hong Kong-listed eSun Holdings and a US investment consortium .

  3. 特别的,由加拿大、智利、欧洲、日本、台湾及美国的财团组成的研究机构掌控ALMA,希望以此寻觅简单的糖类和有机酸——该领域大多数研究人员认为它们是地球上生命的必需之物。

    In particular , ALMA 's masters , a consortium of research agencies from Canada , Chile , Europe , Japan , Taiwan and the United States , hope to find simple sugars and organic acids - molecules most researchers in the field believe were needed to get life going on Earth .

  4. 东南亚华人财团与美国家族财团比较研究

    Comparative Studies on Southeast Asian Overseas Chinese Consortiums and American Kindred Consortiums

  5. 今年七月,美国的一大财团通用电气与阿布扎比的投资集团Mubadala,以1:1出资方式集资80亿美金,创建了一家投资领域涉及新能源以及航空技术的新合资公司。

    In July GE , an American conglomerate , set up an $ 8 billion , 50-50 joint venture with Mubadala , an investment arm of Abu Dhabi , to invest in areas such as clean energy and aviation .

  6. 还是代表美国的某个财团?

    Or is he representing an investment firm in the United states ?

  7. 许多抗议者还表示,美国政治被大财团和富有的捐赠者所把持。

    Many here say politics is controlled by large corporations and wealthy donors .

  8. 20世纪60~70年代,苏联打入美国中东石油势力范围,但未能动摇美国石油财团的优势地位;

    From the 1960s to the 1970s , although the Soviet Union once entered into the oil sphere of America in Middle East , American oil consortiums kept still dominant .