
  • 网络budget quota;quota of budget;detailed estimate norm
  1. 工程预算定额作为一把“双刃剑”,能促进经济的发展,也能阻碍经济的发展。

    Construction quota of budget as a " double-edged sword ", can promote economic development , but also hinder economic development .

  2. 建筑工程预算定额的应用技巧

    The Techniques of Application of the Budget Quota in a Construction Project

  3. 我国于2003年正式推出《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》(GB50500-2003),初步实现了从传统的概预算定额计价模式到工程量清单计价模式的转变。

    《 Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity of Construction Works 》( GB50500-2003 ), which initially realized the change from traditional budget normal figure model to the list figure model , came into being in our country in 2003 .

  4. 使用《广东省建筑工程预算定额》应注意的问题

    Some Attentive Questions of Applying 98 Guangdong Construction Engineering Estimate Quota

  5. 建设工程预算定额应用的探讨

    Discuss on the application of detailed estimate norm in construction engineering

  6. 排水管道工程组合预算定额的编制与应用

    On Compilation and Application of Compound Budget Norm in Drainage Pipeline Project

  7. 新编《铁路隧道工程预算定额》的分析和研究

    Analysis and study of the newly prepared Budget Rating of Railway Tunneling

  8. 对完善抗滑桩预算定额的探讨

    Exploration of improving budget rating for anti - sliding piles

  9. 工程预算定额套用中几个常见问题的探讨

    Discussion on Several Problems in Application of Engineering Budget Quota

  10. 河南农村公路养护预算定额测定及计算模型

    Survey and Calculation Model for Rural Road Maintenance Budget Ration in Henan

  11. 对卫生器具预算定额的技术经济评价

    Technology and economy evaluation to budget quota of sanitary utensil

  12. 如何正确使用公路工程概算、预算定额

    How to use road project approximate calculation and budget ration

  13. 浅析如何合理运用预算定额

    An analysis on how to operate the budget quota reasonably

  14. 对工程预算定额在造价管理中的应用进行了研究。

    To engineering budget norm cost management in the application are studied .

  15. 关于对补充碎石桩预算定额的探讨

    Exploration of budget norms for additional crushed stone piles

  16. 铁路施工企业预算定额编制探讨

    Exploration into budget rating preparation of railway construction enterprises

  17. 关于调整沥青路面上面层预算定额的探讨与分析

    Discussion and Analysis on the Budget Ration Adjusting of Upper Layer Asphalt Pavement

  18. 基本建设概算、预算定额

    Preliminary estimate norms and estimate norms of capital construction

  19. 山东省建筑工程综合预算定额微机管理程序系统

    The Computer Management System of Integrated Estimation Quota of Shandong Province Construction Project

  20. 东海大桥补充预算定额造价分析与运用

    The Analysis and Application of Cost of Complementary Budgeting Quota for Donghai Bridge

  21. 实际与预算定额消耗量差异的解决办法探讨

    The Study of Different Consumption between Actual and Budget Quota and Its Solution

  22. 浅谈正确使用建设工程预算定额的重要意义

    Important signification to use accurately engineering budget ration

  23. 密肋轻板结构体系预算定额测定研究

    Determination of budge quota of energy-saving light structure

  24. 熟悉相关预算定额及软件,材料市场价格信息等;

    Familiar with relevant budget quota , software and price information of the material ;

  25. 按预想的来安排或装置。建筑安装工程预算定额

    Arrange or fix in the desired order . estimate norms of construction and installation

  26. 海事单位预算定额标准测定方法研究

    The Research about the Methods to Draw up Budget Ration Standards of Maritime Institution

  27. 本文就建设工程预算定额套用中几个常见的问题进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses several common problems in the application of engineering budget quotas .

  28. 浅谈清单计价与预算定额计价模式的区别

    About the difference between the list figure model and the budget norm figure model

  29. 预算定额人工组成内容划分的探讨

    Discussion on manual composition of budget quota

  30. 如何利用预算定额进行工程量清单报价

    The application of detailed estimate norm in engineering quantity list quotation in the transitional period