
  • 网络American Economic Association;American Economics Association;AEA
  1. 上上周,我出席了美国经济学会(americaneconomicassociation)在丹佛举行的年会,在会上听到的一些报告让我产生了怀疑。

    Last week I attended the annual meeting of the American Economic Association in Denver , and some of the papers I heard gave me pause for thought .

  2. 阅读他最近向美国经济学会(AmericanEconomicAssociation)发表的演讲时,我起初怀疑这是场恶作剧。他在演讲中为美联储在住宅泡沫期间的行动进行了辩护。

    On reading his recent speech to the American Economic Association , in which he defended the Fed 's actions during the housing bubble , I initially suspected it was a practical joke .

  3. 如果美国经济学会可能给亚当·斯密颁发一个“政治上最不恰当解释”的评价的话,我一定是个领头的支持者。

    If the American Economic Association were to give an award for the Most Politically Inept Paraphrasing of Adam Smith , I would be a leading candidate .

  4. 由吉林省美国经济学会、吉林大学经济管理学院国际经济系共同主办的美国新经济与中美关系研讨会于1999年11月6日在长春举行。

    Editor 's Note : Jointly sponsored by Jilin Province Association of American Economics and the Department of International Economics of Jilin University , the conference on the American New Economy and China-U.

  5. 莫里斯爵士是英国社会科学院院士,爱丁堡皇家学会研究员,美国经济学会外籍会员。

    He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society ( of which he was President in1983 ) of the British Academy , and the Royal Society of Edinburgh , and a Foreign Member of the US National Academy of Sciences .

  6. 美国的研究者们来自康乃尔大学,他们在7月25日举行的美国农业经济学会的年会上介绍了自己的研究。

    Researchers from Cornell University in the United States presented the findings yesterday ( 25 July ) at the American Agricultural Economics Association 's annual meeting in Long Beach , California .

  7. 这篇论文上个月发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(ProceedingsoftheNationalAcademyofSciencesoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica)上。上周五在美国经济学会(AmericanEconomicAssociation)的年会上,这篇论文得到了介绍。

    The paper , published last month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , was presented Friday at the American Economic Association 's annual meeting .