
  • 网络flexible assembly line
  1. 基于合并原则的柔性装配线平均生产时间的确定方法

    Consolidation Principle-Based Method of Determining Average Production Time for the Flexible Assemble Production Line

  2. 从立体视觉与机器人控制集成的角度出发,建立了一个主动立体视觉跟踪和定位系统,用于柔性装配线中装配零件的运动跟踪和装配工位的精确定位。

    From the view of combination of stereo vision and robot control , an active stereo vision for tracking and location system is built to work on flex line .

  3. 现场总线与Ethernet在汽车柔性装配生产线中的应用研究

    Application of Field Bus and Ethernet in Flexible Assembly Production Line of Trucks

  4. 机器人化柔性自动装配线的总体性能分析

    Performance Analysis of a Flexible Robotic Assembly Line

  5. 螺栓装配是汽车生产中的重要环节,以高性能的螺栓自动化拧紧设备为主构的柔性装配生产线体现了在质量控制与效率方面的优势。

    Bolt assembly is a major procedure in truck production . Flexible assembly production line , which incorporates high performance automatic bolting equipment as its core , offers advantage in quality control and efficiency .