
  • 网络flexible specialization;Flexibility Plus Specialization
  1. 作为协作系统,加工贸易产业集群的柔性专业化优势、成本节约优势明显。

    As a coordination system , the flexible specialization advantage and the cost-saving advantage are obvious .

  2. 柔性专业化、网络与根植性、集聚与集群,区域管制等概念,频聚出现于国际主导地理刊物和国际会议讨论之中。

    The terms such as flexible specialization , networks and embeddedness , regional agglomerations and clusters , regional governance , cultural turn , and relational turn , have frequently appeared in the economic geography literature and international conferences .

  3. 在分析资本因素时,通过引入垂直FDI、内源性民间资本、国有资本的划分标准来阐述;在分析专业化因素时,通过讨论垂直专业化、柔性专业化来论证。

    When considering the ingredient of capital , we expatiate it by importing the partition standard of vertical FDI , the intention non-governmental capital and state-owned capital ;

  4. 由于新技术革命的推动,世界范围内许多产业的发展已经或正在从福特制向后福特制转变,柔性专业化中小企业随之不断涌现。

    With the new technological revolution , many industries around the world have transferred or are transferring from Ford system to post-Ford system , and flexible specializing middle-and-small-sized firms come forth .