
  • 网络Flexible Strategy
  1. 柔性战略模式下JIT在生产管理中的应用研究

    Application Research about JIT in the Production Management by the Mode of Flexible Strategy

  2. 第四章,本文具体论述了适应经济周期的四种企业发展战略:危机管理与竞争战略的结合战略,CIM战略,柔性战略,产业创新战略。

    In the chapter 4 , this dissertation analyzed and discussed four kinds of enterprises development strategy accommodating the economic cycle : the combinative strategy between Crisis management and the competition strategy , the CIM strategy , the flexible strategy , the industry innovation strategy .

  3. 基于超竞争环境下的企业柔性战略研究

    Research on Flexible Strategy of Enterprises Based on the Hyper-competitive Environment

  4. 基于实物期权理论的柔性战略决策模型研究

    Study on Flexibility Strategy Decision-making Model Based on Real Option Theory

  5. 基于柔性战略观点的企业差异化优势营造

    Design of Differentiated Operation in Businesses Based on Flexibility Strategy

  6. 企业柔性战略的内涵及其模型

    Connotation and the Model of the Firm 's Flexible Strategy

  7. 基于动态能力观的企业柔性战略透视

    Research on Corporate Flexible Strategy Based on Dynamic Capability View

  8. 企业知识系统柔性战略的决策模型

    Decision model of strategy flexibility of enterprise knowledge system

  9. 基于柔性战略的军事供应链系统集成研究

    Research on the Integration of Military Supply Chain System Based on Flexible Strategy

  10. 大型房地产项目柔性战略管理

    Flexible Stratagem Management of Large-scale Real Estate Projects

  11. 柔性战略视角下中国公立医院的人力资源管理变革

    On Human Resources of China 's Public Hospitals in the Perspective of Soft Strategy

  12. 企业动态核心能力的形成&一种基于柔性战略的视角

    Formation of the Dynamic Core Competences of Corporation & One Viewpoint Based on Flexibility Strategic

  13. 柔性战略与企业绩效:人力资源管理战略职能中介效应研究

    Flexible Strategy and Corporate Performance : A Study on the Mediating Effects of Human Resource Management Function

  14. 本文针对柔性战略的这一特点,提出了基于全面风险管理的柔性战略一体化模式。

    In this paper , the author proposed the integration model of the flexible strategy and comprehensive risk management strategy .

  15. 通过改变竞争规则的全方位的战略创新或者是战略转换,使不确定竞争环境下企业柔性战略得以实现。

    The flexible strategy under the uncertain competitive environment can be realized by thorough strategical innovation or strategical conversion which changes the competition rules .

  16. 国内外转型企业的成功案例也表明,柔性战略对推动企业转型具有积极的促进作用。

    The examples of successful enterprise transition at home and abroad also show that the flexible strategy has played a positive role in promoting the enterprise transition .

  17. 有关柔性战略的研究近年来日益受到关注,并取得了一系列重要研究成果,对研究产业转型中的转型企业柔性战略理论具有重要的指导和借鉴价值。

    Also there have been a series of important research results with some guidance and reference values for researches on flexible strategy of enterprises during industry transition .

  18. 房地产市场环境、宏观调控政策及消费者需求的不确定性决定了大型房地产项目进行柔性战略管理的必要性。

    The Flexible strategy is carried though the large-scale real estate projects , which is decided by the uncertainties of the real estate market , macro-control policy and consumer demand .

  19. 柔性战略观下的企业财务战略管理是企业战略管理的重要内容,它直接关系到企业战略管理的决策效率。

    The financial strategy management based on the view of flexibility strategy is an important part of the corporate strategy management . It influences the decision efficiency of corporate strategy directly .

  20. 本文介绍了大型房地产项目柔性战略包括产品柔性、流程柔性、管理柔性,并将大型房地产柔性战略系统进行集成。

    This paper introduces that the Flexible strategy of large-scale real estate projects includes product flexibility , process flexibility and management flexibility , besides the Flexible strategy system of large-scale real estate projects is integrated .

  21. 由此可见,以创造未来为特征的柔性战略必将成为21世纪超竞争环境下企业的基本战略选择。

    It is concluded from this aspect that the flexible strategy whose feature is to create future will be the inevitable strategy choice of the enterprises in the fiercely competitive environment of the 21 ~ st century .

  22. 最后以黑龙江思达集团为案例,对本文提出的基于协同竞争的柔性战略实施框架进行了实证研究,佐证和支持了论文的主题思想与理论观点。

    The last part takes Star Group in Heilongjiang Province for example , and makes a practical research into the execution framework which is based on cooperatively competitive and flexible strategy , and justifies the theme and viewpoints presented in this paper .

  23. 本章探讨柔性战略理论、复杂性理论、哲学中的辩证法理论、交易成本动态理论和动态经济分析方法理论、成本广义化理论、动态系统理论对成本管理的影响和启示。

    This chapter discusses the impacts of flexible strategy theory , complex theory , dialectics theory in philosophy , transactional costs dynamic theory , dynamic economic analysis methodology theory , broad sense turn of cost theory and dynamic systematic theory on cost management .

  24. 上述能力维度体系从洞察内外环境及其变化开始,到进行柔性战略决策并形成协同与控制力量付诸实施,体现了企业从认知到决策再到行动的战略调适的完整过程。

    The above dimensions begin from perception about changes in the internal and external environment to making flexible strategic decisions and forming cooperative and controlling strength to make them implementation . This embodies the complete process about corporate strategic adaptation from recognition to decision-making then to actions .

  25. 即构建了一种非线性的、网络结构的和动态柔性的战略管理模式。

    A novel strategic management pattern is constructed , which is nonlinear , network-structural and dynamic-flexible .

  26. 这些保障因素包括:组织学习与创新文化、战略柔性和战略调适能力。

    These factors include : organizational learning and innovative culture , strategic flexibility and the strategic ability to adapt .

  27. 这种供应柔性由战略层上重构供应链的柔性和战术层上的产能柔性与提前期柔性组成,构成全文的总体研究架构。

    Moreover , supply flexibility contained the flexibility to re-configurate supply chain strategically and the capacity flexibility and leadtime flexibility tactically .

  28. 对企业战略、柔性及战略柔性的研究现状进行了分析,提出了基于权变战略观的企业战略柔性思想。

    Researches in enterprise strategy , flexibility and strategic flexibility are analyzed . The idea of business strategic flexibility is proposed based on contingency theory .

  29. 企业项目投资的传统分析方法在不确定条件下具有一定的实用价值,但是这些方法忽略了项目投资的机会价值,主要体现在管理柔性和战略适应性两个方面。

    Traditional analysising approaches of corporate project investment are practical under certain conditions . However under uncertain circumstances , these approaches do not appropriately capture the whole value of project investment for neglecting managerial flexibility and strategic adaptability .

  30. 制造柔性水平对战略柔性水平具有显著的正向影响;

    The level of manufacturing flexibility has positive impacts on the level strategic flexibility .