
  1. 论工资与企业人才竞争

    On the Relationship between Salary and the Competition of Personnels Among Enterprises

  2. 企业人才竞争的实质是知识的竞争,也是具有战争意义的关键竞争,其产生的原因是多方面的,有人才本身的,也有人才之外的;

    The essence of enterprise human resources competition is knowledge competition and it is key and strategic competition .

  3. 企业间人才竞争策略与动因分析&基于竞争互动的视角

    The Research on Tactics and Drivers of Interfirm Competition for Talents & Based on Competitive Interaction Perspective

  4. 人才竞争已成为21世纪网络时代一个显著特征,尤其是IT企业的人才竞争表现的十分突出。

    Talent competition has become one of the most obvious characteristics in 21st century , especially the talent competition in IT enterprises is the outmost .

  5. 随着传统刚性用工体制的消失以及企业间人才竞争的加剧,员工离职成为影响企业正常发展的巨大障碍。

    With the disappearance of rigid employment contract and increasing intenseness of human capital competition , turnover has become a great obstacle to the development of the firms .

  6. 在世界能源形势不断趋紧的环境下,煤炭作为基础性能源的地位日益突出,从而使得煤炭企业人才的竞争更加激励。

    Continued tight energy situation in the world environment , coal as a basis for the increasing prominence of energy , so that the coal companies more incentive talent competition .

  7. 中国加入WTO后,我国经济将逐步纳入全球经济一体化轨道,我国国有企业面临的人才竞争将更加激烈。

    After our country joined the WTO , it will be brought into the orbit of the economic globalization . The talent competition of state-owned enterprises will be more and more intense .

  8. 吸引人才培养人才留住人才&江苏省外贸企业老总沙龙人才竞争问题讨论纪实

    Attract , Cultivate and Retain Talents

  9. 当今社会进入了知识经济时代,企业间的人才竞争愈演愈烈,使得获取人才竞争的优势成为企业赢得优势的关键。

    Nowadays , in knowledge-based economy ages , the business enterprise obtaining the talented person 's competition has the key to win .

  10. 进入二十一世纪,企业对人才的竞争越来越激烈,企业的发展也越来越依靠优秀的员工。

    In the twenty-first century , the competition of talents is becoming fiercer and fiercer for the enterprise . The development of enterprises depends on more and more productive employee .

  11. 然而,在技术、生产、设备等都相当成熟的今天,企业间的人才竞争、软性竞争已成为在市场中获胜的主要因素。

    However , the current situation is that the markets of technology , production , and equipment are all very mature , so the competition for talent among enterprises and the so-called soft competition have become a major factor which will lead to victory in the market .

  12. 文章对国有企业在国际人才竞争中人才流失的原因及流向进行了探讨,并提出当前急需采取的措施,以缓解国企人才流失的压力。

    This text has carried on the discussion to the reason and flowing into of brain drain in international talent competition in state-owned enterprise , and put forward the measure needing badly being taken at present , in order to alleviate the pressure of brain drain in state-owned enterprise .

  13. 随着信息时代化的快速发展,现代企业在人才方面的竞争越来越激烈。

    With the rapid development of the information age , the competition between talents of modern enterprise is becoming fiercer .

  14. 说到底,企业竞争就是人才的竞争,是人力资源综合素质的竞争。谁能够占据人力资源的优势,谁将是最后的胜利者。

    In the final analysis , the competition between the enterprises is the competition of talents and comprehensive quality of human resources .

  15. 那么中小企业如何在这人才竞争的大潮中占有一席之地,最大限度地挖掘到自己所需要的人才呢?本文将试图为这些企业在人才的招聘方面寻找出路。

    So how do the small and medium enterprise in the great tide of competition to maximize to their need on attracting the talents ?

  16. 运营商之间竞争的本质将是企业之间各类人才的竞争,这必然会加剧国内电信业人才的争夺。

    In nature , the competition among the operators is the competition for talents , so it will inevitably develop the scrambling for telecommunication-related talents .

  17. 二十一世纪的企业竞争是人才的竞争,人是企业的原动力,人才流失是企业中人才流动超过合理限度的部分。

    The competition of talent is the core of business competition in the twenty-first century , the brain drain is the part of the flow of talent in the enterprise beyond reasonable limits .

  18. 知识经济中,人力资源作为制药行业的第一资源比以往任何时候更显现出其重要性和稀缺性,企业间激烈的人才竞争使人才流失现象越来越突出。

    Knowledge economy , human resources as the primary resource in the pharmaceutical industry than ever plays a more important , intense competition for talent among enterprises that the phenomenon of the brain drain has become increasingly prominent .

  19. 在当今企业竞争取决于人才竞争的时代,如何做好人力资源管理,提升组织和人力资源竞争力,是制胜的关键。

    In this age when competition between enterprises is largely a competition of talents , it is crucial to the success of these enterprises to do a good job in human resources management so as to lift the competitive strength of the organization and human resources .

  20. 企业之间的竞争是人才的竞争,企业对人才的竞争归根到底是人力资源管理的竞争。

    The competition among enterprises is the competition for talents , the competition for talents among enterprises is the competition about human resources in the last analysis .

  21. 企业有没有得力的留人措施是企业间人才竞争的关键在。

    The key of competition for talent persons lies in the right-hand human resource measures .

  22. 通过对人才资源供给外部影响因素的历史趋势与未来趋势的分析与预测,可预知未来企业人才资源供给的外部环境,这对企业迎接人才竞争的挑战,抓住机遇具有重要的意义。

    This article makes out exterior environment of enterprise human resource supply in the future through analyzing and estimating the exterior affective factor of human resource supply , which is important to hold opportunity tightly and win the competition of human resource .

  23. 现代企业在市场中的竞争是综合实力的竞争,是企业人才的竞争。

    The modern enterprise in competition in the market is the overall strength of the competition , the corporate talent competition .

  24. 然而,只有在企业中建立起积极的、健康的领导成员关系,才能够为企业在人才的竞争上打下良好的基础。

    However , the enterprises can only make a solid basis for the future human resource competition through establishing the positive and healthy leader member relationships .

  25. 反观中国的一些企业,对人才的招聘甄选工作存在很多不足,也正是这些不足导致了一些中国企业在人才竞争中的失败。

    As for Chinese enterprises , they have many weakness at work , which lead to their failure in the competition for talents .

  26. 面对挑战,如果企业能快速、高效、持续不断地以较低的成本引进优秀人才,那么企业便能在人才竞争中占领先机。

    If the enterprise can fast , efficiently , continuously introduce talent at a lower cost , it will be able to grab opportunities in the competition for talent when facing Challenges .

  27. 进入21世纪以来,企业之间的竞争日趋激烈,企业重要的资源是什么?谁能成为竞争者中的胜者?说到底,企业竞争就是人才的竞争,是人力资源综合素质的竞争。

    In the 21 century , the competition between enterprises is becoming intense , what is the important resource of enterprises ? Who will win in the competition ? In one word , the competition between enterprises is the competition for talents and the complicated qualifications of the talents .