
nǚ shén
  • goddess;deity;divinity;earth mother
女神 [nǚ shén]
  • [goddess] 女性的神明或至尊。神话中的女性神仙

女神[nǚ shén]
  1. Easter(复活节)一词由Eostre(多神教的春天女神)衍生而来。

    The word Easter derives from Eostre , the pagan goddess of spring .

  2. 印度上层种姓多数崇拜女神时母。

    Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali .

  3. 由于揭露此事,他被女神赫拉弄瞎了眼。

    For this revelation he was struck blind by the goddess Hera .

  4. 他将把收获的第一束稻子献给太阳女神。

    He will offer the first harvest of rice to the sun goddess .

  5. 她仍然是一位处于事业巅峰期的银幕女神。

    She was still a screen goddess at the pinnacle of her career .

  6. 拉克尔·韦尔奇作为一名性感女神红极一时。

    Raquel Welch was at the height of her popularity as a sex goddess .

  7. 她曾是法国画家亨利·马蒂斯的人体模特和灵感女神。

    Once she was a nude model and muse to French artist Henri Matisse .

  8. 他把她当作女神崇拜。

    He adored her as a goddess .

  9. 这个时候,维纳斯的信徒才想起来向维纳斯女神感谢了一番。

    Then at last the votary of Venus found words to thank the goddess .

  10. 布兰德斯顿对照明略知一二,他是照亮自由女神像的人。

    And Brandston knows a thing or two about lighting , being the man who illuminated the Statue of Liberty .

  11. 你可以看到许多古罗马的物品,包括被扔到水里用来表达对女神敬意的硬币。

    You can see many ancient Roman objects , including the coins that were thrown into the water to show respect to the goddess .

  12. ThunderForce《雷霆女神》如果扎克·施奈德的《正义联盟》对你来说太阴郁了,不妨看看《雷霆女神》。这部超级英雄电影比《正义联盟》轻快一些,而且短得多。

    If Zack Snyder 's Justice League was too gloomy for you , try Thunder Force , a superhero film that is a bit lighter7 and a lot shorter .

  13. 你们一定要毁掉自由女神像吗?

    You guys had to ruin the Statue Of Liberty ?

  14. 她梦想成为好莱坞的银幕女神。

    She dreamed of becoming a Hollywood screen goddess .

  15. 他们把她当作活女神崇拜。

    They adored her as a living goddess .

  16. 它在生命的篮子里”巴思特女神回答道

    Search in the basket of life , you will find it , answered Felines .

  17. 狩猎女神狄安娜

    Diana , the goddess of hunting

  18. 恼火的女神无法息怒,她将泉水溅到猎手的脸上。

    The angry goddess was not to be calmed . She splashed1 water in the hunter 's face .

  19. 自然女神鲜用黄,较之其它色。省下都付与夕阳。——大片泼蓝色,又似女人好鲜红。启用黄色时,千挑万选尤慎重,如爱人措辞。

    Spending Scarlet , like a Woman , Yellow she affords Only scantly and selectly Like a Lover 's Words .

  20. 从我们纳斯达克的办公室,我可以俯瞰整个纽约港。伫立在港湾的自由女神像(StatueofLiberty)当年曾经欢迎我的祖辈来到这个国家,令我深受启发。

    From our offices at Nasdaq I can look out over New York harbour and be inspired by the Statue of Liberty that welcomed my grandparents to this country .

  21. 仙灵(fairy)这个词来自于古法语fay(现代法语则是fee),而fay又起源于拉丁词Fata,即命运女神。

    The word fairy is drawn from fay ( Old French fee ), which itself comes from the Latin Fata , the goddess of fate .

  22. 对话者是女神巴瓦娣(Parvati)和全能全容的湿婆神。

    The conversation is between the goddess Parvati and the almighty , all-encompassing god Shiva .

  23. 七年后再次提名Esquire杂志评选年度最性感女人,女神斯佳丽约翰逊再次赢得此称号。

    Seven years after being named Esquire magazine 's sexiest woman alive , Scarlett Johansson has earned the title for a second time .

  24. 复活节的名字来源于撒克逊人的春之女神的名字Eostre,人们在在春分时节为她进行庆祝。

    Easter day is named after the Saxon goddess of spring , Eostre , whose feast took place at the spring equinox .

  25. 今年57岁的里奇为Sullivan&Cromwell律师事务所的一名合伙人,他拒绝透露他在这处楼顶避世之所上花费了多少资金。从这个花园可欣赏到自由女神像与总督岛的景致。

    Mr. Rich , a 57-year-old partner at the Sullivan & Cromwell law firm , declined to say what he spent on his rooftop retreat , which has views of the Statue of Liberty and Governors Island .

  26. 按照这个神话的说法,Frigga(北欧海盗爱情的女神)的儿子死于有毒的槲寄生叶子做的箭下。

    According to this myth , the son of Frigga ? C the Viking goddess of love ? C was killed by a poisonous mistletoe dart .

  27. 埃特:引人草率行事并受到惩罚的犯罪女神。

    Ate : the goddess of criminal rashness and consequent punishment .

  28. 《女神》:五四的时代旋律

    " Goddess ": the melody of times of May 4th Movement

  29. 他们认为女神弯弓般的身体笼罩着整个地球。

    Her arched body was said to cover the whole earth .

  30. 席伦,我们的白银女士,月光女神。

    Selune , Our Lady of Silver , Goddess of Moonlight .