
  • 网络Female leaders;Women in Leadership
  1. 方法采用16PF量表对随机抽有代表性的82名女性领导干部进行测试。

    Methods16PF personality survey was done in82 random selected representative female leading officials .

  2. 在一群争强好胜的女性领导下,短短两年前再度陷入困境的DVF品牌终于走上了正轨。

    The brand - which was wobbling again as little as two years ago - finally appears on track , steered by a team of feisty women .

  3. 浅析当今女性领导干部的人格特征状况

    A research on personality characteristic status of the female leading officials

  4. 使女性领导干部从政道路再无障碍。

    Make the politics road of the women cadres to barrier-free .

  5. 西部地区女性领导发展状况研究

    Study on the State of Female Leaders ' Development in Western Region

  6. 性别刻板印象及其对女性领导发展的影响

    Gender Stereotypes and Their Implications for Women Leaders ' Development

  7. 教育领域中女性领导的优势及其所面临的压力&从女性主义视角出发

    The Superiorities and Obstacles of Female Leaders in Educational Field

  8. 美国央行百年历史上的第一位女性领导�

    and first woman to control American central bank in its 100-year history

  9. 论女性领导干部的角色冲突与调适

    On Role Conflict and Regulation of Female Leading Carder

  10. 女性领导研究在领导学和管理学研究领域都得到了很大的关注。

    The study of female leaders drew great attention in leadership and management .

  11. 190个国家元首里,九位是女性领导。

    190 heads of state & nine are women .

  12. 加强自身修养,是女性领导提高素质的重要途径。

    To strengthen self-cultivation is the important way to improve female leaders ' quality .

  13. 浅谈图书馆如何培养女性领导干部的情商

    A Brief Talk on How to Foster the EQ of Female Leading Cadres for Libraries

  14. 我国党政机关女性领导培养选拔对策分析

    Analyzing the Strategies of Chinese Party of Government Organizations ' Cultivating and Selecting Women Leaders

  15. 目的探讨当今在岗女性领导干部的人格特征状况。

    Objective To explore the personality characteristic status of on-the-job female leading officials in Guangdong nowadays .

  16. 并合理借鉴国外行政领域培养选拔女性领导的经验。

    It will fully learn from the experience of training and selecting women leaders in foreign administrative areas .

  17. 政府机关女干部作为女性领导人才的一个特殊组成部分,其培养和开发已经成为世界各国政府的重要工作内容,也是我国政府领导班子队伍建设的重点。

    As a special part of women leaders , training for female cadre in Government Institutions has become an important part of all countries ' government .

  18. 通过剖析培养选拔女性领导存在的问题,找出制约女性领导脱颖而出的主、客观因素。

    The existent problems of cultivating and selecting women leaders are anatomized and the subjective and objective factors of restricting the women leaders'talent showing itself are put forward .

  19. 女性领导人才作为领导人才的组成部分,其开发作为一项战略目标已被纳入世界各国政府的工作日程。

    The development of women leaders , which is a part of leading talents , has become one of the strategic objects in governments ' agendas in the world .

  20. 当今社会,柔性化领导方式成为适应现代领导实践要求的领导方式,而女性领导在这方面具有独特的优势。

    In nowadays society , flexible style of leadership has been adapted to the requirements of modern leadership practice , and female leaders in this area has unique advantages .

  21. 但由于我国地域之间经济、文化、教育等诸多方面的发展不平衡,导致了不同地区之间女性领导的发展不平衡。

    Due to the imbalanced development of many aspects such as economy , culture , education caused by geographical differences , the development of female leadership differs greatly in different resigns .

  22. 这种女性领导地位在母国从未有过:即使是对穆斯林兄弟会至关重要的阿尔加扎利,也从未在一个有男性成员的机构中担任过正式领导职位。

    Such female leadership is unprecedented in the home countries : even al-Ghazali , vital as she was to the brotherhood , never formally presided over an organisation which included men .

  23. 我国政治领域的女性领导的发展在党和国家的关怀下取得了一定的成绩,同时也存在着一些不可忽视的问题。

    Under the CPC and the State Council 's guidance , certain achievements in women holding leadership positions have been made in China , although there are still some noticeable problems .

  24. 如何科学有效地开发党政机关女性领导人才,提高其数量和质量,是当前公共部门人力资源管理面临的一个重要课题。

    It has been a key issue facing human resource management in public sectors as to how to effectively development women leading talents in administrative organizations and how to enlarge its quantity and improve its quality .

  25. 以往对管理中的性别研究非常有限,没有从组织机构上系统地探讨开发女性领导人才的潜在障碍和问题,也没有涉及对女性领导人才开发的战略研究。

    The limited research previously done failed to probe into those potential barriers and problems from a macroscopic or an organizational perspective with a systematic method , nor was any strategic research done concerning female leading talents .

  26. 女性领导政府,经营公司,占据了世界的半边天。但是一份全球的民意调查显示有四分之一的人,其中大部分是年轻人相信女性应该呆在家里。

    Women head governments , run companies and comprise about half the world 's workforce , but a global poll shows that one in four people , most of them young , believe a woman 's place is in the home .

  27. 面对时代和形势的发展要求,女性领导要用正确的观点认识自我,用人类社会丰富的知识充实自我,用坚强的党性战胜自我,用与时俱进的精神超越自我。

    To face the development of new era and situation , female leaders should know themselves with the correct view , substantiate themselves with the abundant knowledge of human society , overcome themselves with the strong Party spirit , surmount themselves with the spirit of advancing with the time .

  28. 最初我们交谈时主题不是社交网络。虽然我们以为是社交网络但是你有很多其他想法是跟女性领导职位的缺失有关尤其在科技和社交网络领域。

    PM : So when we first started talking about , maybe the subject wouldn 't be social media , which we assumed it would be , but that you had very much on your mind the missing leadership positions , particularly in the sector of technology and social media .

  29. Facebook首席运营长桑德伯格(SherylSandberg)上周三在该论坛上发表演讲时说,在中国、美国和其他地方,过去10年女性在领导领域扮演的角色一直停滞不前。

    At a speech at the forum on Wednesday , Facebook Chief Operating Office Sheryl Sandberg said women 's roles in leadership in China , the U.S. and elsewhere have stagnated in the last decade .

  30. 我注意到那些欢迎女性进入领导层的运动

    I 've noticed that movements which welcome women into leadership positions ,