
  • 网络Administrative Expert;operation expert;expert administrator;administration expert
  1. 该经办人将对与所涉争议及行政专家组联络有关的所有行政事件负责。

    In appointing a Panelist , the Center shall , subject to availability , respect the order of preference indicated by a Party .

  2. 旧草案要求打的服务像传统出租车公司一样运行,该法案已经违反了法律并引起了公共行政机关专家的反对。

    The conservative draft , which requires car-hailing services to operate more like traditional taxi companies , has drawn opposition from legal and public administration experts .

  3. 学术领域专家占46.6%,卫生行政管理专家占53.4%。结果表明:特尔菲方法用于该指标体系的筛选是实用、可行的。

    Among the experts who are scholars account for 46.6 % in total and health administration are 53.4 % The results show , it is practical to use Delphi method to screen indicator system .

  4. 公共行政和财政专家组

    Group of Experts on Public Administration and Finance

  5. 然而,公共安全行政部的专家和同济医院进行了尸检,认定涂某为自杀,当地警方也发现了涂某亲手所写的遗书。

    Local police officials have also confirmed that a handwritten suicide note found in the victim 's dormitory was written by Tu himself .

  6. 可通过加强自我修养、组织教师培训、教育行政支持、专家指导和社会支持系统等途径提高教师心理素质。

    We could strengthen the self-tutelage , organize the teacher to train , the support of educational administration , expert 's instruction and society support and so on to improve teacher 's psychological quality .

  7. 该项目涉及教师,行政管理人员,专家和公众评论。

    The project involved teachers , administrators , experts and public comments .

  8. 在抗战结束后,战时生产局还积极呈请行政院为美国专家授勋。

    After the war , the WPB also applied to the Executive Yuan for decorating the American specialists .

  9. 中国战时生产局也至1946年3月底,在抗战结束后,战时生产局还积极呈请行政院为美国专家授勋。

    The WPB officially declared its termination by the end of March 1946 . After the war , the WPB also applied to the Executive Yuan for decorating the American specialists .

  10. 本研究在总结了卫生行政部门和国内专家对特需医疗服务的定义之后,提出了对特需医疗服务内涵的一些看法。

    This study summarizes the health authorities and national experts on the definition of special medical services , the proposed content of the special medical services to some of the views .

  11. 从微观上来看,教育个体(如教师、学生、家长、行政领导、课程专家)都是有着基于自身理性估算的个人效用追求的,他们之间也必然产生博弈。

    From microcosmic aspects the individual ( such as teachers , students , parents and administrative leadership , curriculum experts ) have the pursuit of personal utility which is based on their own rationality , between them also will bring the game .

  12. 美国行政会议建议当行政机构拒绝咨询专家组的科学判断时,“应当解释拒绝的基础”。

    The Administrative Conference recommends that when an agency rejects an advisory panel 's scientific judgment , it " should explain the basis for that rejection " .

  13. 国家[教会]行政组织[机构]联合国公共行政和财政方案专家组

    Group of Experts on the United Nations Programme on Public Administration and Finance

  14. 我方在行政程序中的介入我方不参与管理由行政专家组所进行的任何程序。

    We do not , and will not , participate in the administration or conduct of any proceeding before an Administrative Panel .

  15. 行政诉讼制度应据此进行必要的修改和补充,正在草拟的行政程序法专家建议稿也应规定这些限制规则。

    The administrative proceedings system should carry on essential revision and supplement according to the above suggestions . Also the expert 's advisory draft of administrative procedural law should stipulate these restriction rules .

  16. 在审理涉及专业性问题的行政案件时,由于法官和当事人对专业性问题缺乏了解,所以行政诉讼专家辅助人出庭辅助当事人对专业性问题进行认识,帮助法官查明案件事实也就很有必要。

    When the judge try a case about very professional administerial cases , but his lack of professional knowledge , so it is very necessary to engage expert assistants to help the parties understand professional problem and help the judge identify the facts of the case .