
  1. 周四(10月13日)发布的行业研究报告显示,去年,中国的造富能力在亚洲处于领先地位,同时将经历首个亿万富豪财富代际移交。

    China led Asia in creating billionaires last year and is set to undergo its first inter-generational billionaire wealth transfer , industrial research showed Thursday .

  2. 日本热饮行业研究报告。

    Hot Drinks in Japan .

  3. 美国能量饮料行业研究报告。

    Energy Drinks in the U.S.

  4. 证券研究报告主要包括涉及证券及证券相关产品的价值分析报告、行业研究报告、投资策略报告等。

    Securities research reports mainly include a value analysis report involving securities or securities-related products , an industry research report and an investment strategy report .

  5. 根据一份新的行业研究报告,报纸的网上读者数量增长迅速,随着报刊印刷发行继续受到挑战,昭示着报纸可以寻求开拓的一个主要增长领域。

    Online audiences are growing rapidly , according to a new industry study , highlighting a key growth area that newspapers are seeking to exploit as print circulation continues to be challenged .

  6. 目前,我国整个房地产行业可行性研究报告总体上处于中低等水平状态,针对二级、三级城市的房地产投资项目进行规范的可行性研究更是少之又少。

    At present , the feasibility study report of the real estate industry in general is in the low state ; furthermore , the feasibility studies of the real estate investment projects for the secondary or tertiary cities are even fewer .

  7. 国际能源署(IEA)对可再生能源行业的最新研究报告,展示了这个行业正在取得的显著进展,尤其是就不断降低成本而言。

    The International Energy Agency 's latest review of the renewables sector records the remarkable progress that is being made , particularly in terms of falling costs .

  8. 我国石化行业及上市公司研究报告

    Analysis of Petrochemical Industry and Listed Company

  9. 所以如果真想追踪通胀的话,我们需要建立一个投资组合,做多与通胀相关的行业股,做空与通胀不相关的行业股&该研究报告的作者们就是这样做的。

    So if you really want to track inflation , you need to build a portfolio that long the sectors that are correlated with inflation and short the sectors that are not , which is what the authors of the study did .