
xínɡ zhènɡ zhù lǐ
  • administrative assistant
  1. 这个职位的正式名称为“行政助理”。

    The official title of the job is ' Administrative Assistant ' .

  2. 职业:行政助理

    Occupation : administrative assistant .

  3. 他在1988年重回萨德勒的威尔斯皇家芭蕾舞团,任行政助理。

    He rejoined Sadler 's Wells Royal Ballet as Assistant Administrator in 1988 .

  4. 只有三个岗位(人员会计师、法律助理和行政助理)对STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)领域专长没有作出要求。

    Only three staff accountant , paralegal , and administrative assistant pertained to jobs that required no stem expertise .

  5. 所以她输入“必须包括”:行政助理,旧金山,Excel软件,Outlook,行程安排。

    So she enters the " must haves ": Executive Assistant , San Francisco , Microsoft Excel , Outlook , Travel Arrangements .

  6. 最后我录用了一位专业人士,他曾在一家大型电信公司担任CEO的行政助理,之前的薪酬高达60000美元。

    I ended up hiring a pro who had been the executive assistant to the CEO of a large telecom company and had been earning $ 60,000 before that .

  7. 会议内容包括组织行政助理们一起练习瑜伽做冥想,以及请一位老板讲述他的助理在飓风桑迪(Sandy)席卷之后拯救公司于危难的故事。

    N.J. Among the scheduled sessions : ' Yoga & Meditation for the Executive Assistant ' and a boss 's recounting of how his EA saved the company after Hurricane Sandy .

  8. 行政助理组织(ExecutiveAssistantsOrganisation)的创始人维多利亚•雷宾(VictoriaRabin)称,科技使得助理的“看门人”角色更重要了,无数请求通过电子邮件向高管涌来,他们需要助理对这些邮件进行初步过滤。

    Victoria Rabin , founder of Executive Assistants Organisation , says technology has made the assistant 's gatekeeping role more important in guarding against the deluge of requests by email .

  9. 上节课中,我们见到了LaFarge车制造厂人力资源部门的首席行政助理Christina。

    In the last episode we met Christina , the Head Administrative Assistant in the Human Resources department at LaFarge Automotive .

  10. Bannon是生物化学家的行政助理,之前她是BruceAlberts国家科学院的主席。

    Yolanda O'Bannon is executive assistant to biochemist and former National Academy of Sciences President Bruce Alberts .

  11. 从事猎头及培训的邓肯集团(DuncanGroup)总裁梅尔巴?邓肯(MelbaDuncan)对高级行政助理的开价在75000美元到175000美元之间。

    Melba Duncan , president of the Duncan Group , a search and training firm , recruits high-level executive assistants for salaries ranging from $ 75 , 000 to $ 175 , 000 .

  12. 其中一位便是纽约某控股公司的行政助理路易斯·多克托尔(LouiseDoktor),她有一件带四个袖子的外套,以及一个用足球做成的手袋。

    One was Louise Doktor , an administrative assistant at a New York holding company who had a coat with four sleeves and a handbag made from a soccer ball .

  13. 邓肯补充道,出色的行政助理应当倾注于所从事的业务,她本人曾在上世纪70、80年代之间为雷曼兄弟公司(LehmanBrothers,Inc.)的彼得?彼得森(PeterPeterson)担任了10年的助理。

    The best executive assistants immerse themselves in the businesses they work for , adds Ms. Duncan , who worked as an executive assistant for Peter Peterson at Lehman Brothers for 10 years in the 1970s and 1980s .

  14. 东京的一位行政助理naokoshinomiya表示,她的很多朋友都对“熊猫外交”持怀疑态度。

    Naoko shinomiya , an administrative assistant in Tokyo , said many of her friends were cynical about panda diplomacy .

  15. 佩吉•格兰德(PeggyGrande)曾为美国前总统罗纳德•里根(RonaldReagan)当了10年的行政助理。她表示,没有什么技术或是虚拟助手领域的突破能够替代人的因素。

    Peggy Grande , who was executive assistant to US President Ronald Reagan for 10 years , says no amount of technology or progress towards virtual assistants can make up for the human factor .

  16. 为比尔•盖茨(BillGates)和其他组织培训行政助理、使她们掌握微软(Microsoft)技术的维基•索科尔•埃文斯(VickieSokolEvans)表示,各类组织都面临着巨大压力,要求它们“用更少的资源办更多的事”。

    Vickie Sokol Evans , who trains Bill Gates " executive assistants , and those in other organisations , in Microsoft technology , says there is great pressure in all organisations to " do more with less . "

  17. 从为schlumbergersema工作至今,我一直承担公开演说培训经理及行政助理一职。

    To date , my schlumbergersema work experience includes assuming the position of public speaking training manager and executive PA.

  18. 现在,看下行政助理的角色。

    Now , on to the role of an administrative assistant .

  19. 麦克马洪的行政助理乔纳森科奇曼是有罪的一方。

    McMahon 's Executive Assistant Jonathan Coachman is the guilty party .

  20. 你怎么开始你的职业生涯作为一个行政助理?

    How can you begin your career as an administrative assistant ?

  21. 本公司诚聘行政助理,主要从事财务以及秘书方面的工作。

    Ineo recruits an Administrative Assistant for accounting and secretarial tasks .

  22. 一名家庭医生需要优秀的行政助理和接待人员。

    A family doctor needs good administrators and reception staff .

  23. 协助行政助理开展行政后勤工作。

    Assist Executive Assistant in administrative affairs and logistics .

  24. 行政助理对于商业组织都是十分重要的。

    Administrative assistants are important to any business organization .

  25. 协助行政助理每月发放一次纸巾,收集办证相片。

    Circulate a monthly release of toilet paper and collection of certificate photos .

  26. 弗拉戈特(AnikkaFragodt)被视作行政助理界的明星。

    Anikka Fragodt is considered a celebrity in the realm of executive assistants .

  27. 行政助理的职位,能运用办公室管理方面的兴趣,训练与经验。

    An executive assistant position utilizing interests , training and experience in office administration .

  28. 高级办理人员的行政助理,将用上速记和打字技艺。

    Administrative assistant to an executive where short-hand and typing skills will be assets .

  29. 行政助理和虚拟助理熟识协调配合和时间管理的技巧。

    Administrative assistants and virtual assistants have an abundance of coordination and time management .

  30. 高级管理人员的行政助理,将用上速记和打字技能。

    Administrative assistant to an executive where short-hand and typing skills will be assets 。