
  • 网络Industry risk;sector risk
  1. 通过第三章的实证研究表明,本文构建的Logit模型度量商业银行信贷企业的行业风险是可行的,度量的结果也比较令人满意。

    The empirical research of this paper shows that it is feasible to measure industry risk by Logit Model in credit risk management of commercial bank , the metrical results are satisfactory .

  2. 信用品质变化与公司行业风险联系紧密。

    The changes of credit quality have tight relation with industry risk .

  3. VaR风险管理方法已经成为世界金融行业风险管理的主流方法,但金融危机的爆发不得不让我们对这种技术重新思考,深入研究。

    VaR approach to risk management has become the the mainstream approach risk management in world financial industry . But the outbreak of the financial crisis forced us to rethink on this technology deeply .

  4. 之后,以各个时期预警指标值为输入变量、以各个时期的综合警情为输出,对SVM模型进行训练,用以判断房地产行业风险警度并预测其发展趋势。

    Then this dissertation used the index of early-warning model as the imported variable and the warning status in each year as output variable to train SVM to estimate the warning alarm of the risk in the real estate and forecast the development of the real estate .

  5. 这些因素都是造成我国小额信贷行业风险产生的原因。

    All these factors cause risk in micro-credit in our country .

  6. 引入行业风险评级制度,优化信贷资金投向;

    Import the evaluation system , optimize the credit capital ;

  7. 最后介绍电子信息行业风险投资项目评估的相关理论。

    Finally introduce theory of electronic information industry venture capital project evaluation .

  8. 石油化工行业风险评价中风险表征方法的研究

    Risk Presentation During Risk Assessment for Petroleum Chemical Industry

  9. 山东省烟花爆竹行业风险防范与控制研究

    Research on the Risks Guarding and Controling of Shandong Province Fireworks Firecracker Industry

  10. 针对工伤事故行业风险的模糊性,分析了模糊聚类在工伤事故行业风险分级的可行性;

    Analyze the feasibility of fuzzy cluster theory in the classification of industry insurance risks ;

  11. 全球投资者在选择股票时,关注的是公司的行业风险和公司基本面,而不是国籍。

    Global investors choose stocks based on industry exposure and company fundamentals regardless of home country .

  12. 指出一方面要完善企业信用评级,注重行业风险对信贷风险的影响。

    First we must perfect the enterprise 's credit rating , particularly the influence of trade risk .

  13. 本文的创新在于把行业风险因子从虚拟变量变成了风险指数。

    The innovation of this paper is to change the industry factor from dummy variable to risk index factor .

  14. 行业风险是投资者进行投资决策、选择行业时要考虑的主要因素之一。

    The aspect of industrial risks is one of the main factors considered by investors when making investment decisions .

  15. 旅游危机管理是针对近年来旅游业中一些不确定因素引起的一些行业风险而提出的新的管理理念。

    Tourism crisis management is a new managing idea aiming at some uncertain factors taking place in tourism industry .

  16. 毕竟,汽车行业风险重重,世人瞩目,这个行业里的人肯定像他们制造的产品一样“卖点多多”。

    After all , the people in this high-stakes , high-profile business should be as interesting as the products they build .

  17. 中国股市汽车板块及相关行业风险与收益的实证研究

    An empirical study of the earning ratio and risk in China stock market of the automobile industry and its associated trades

  18. 本文还分析了神经网络在工伤事故风险评价中的可行性分析,为进一步研究行业风险分级和差别费率提供了一种可能性。

    The author also analyze the feasibility of neural network theory in the classification of industry insurance risks , provide a probability for further study .

  19. 另外,从贷款企业的行业风险、经营风险、管理风险和借款人还款意愿等方面对贷款企业的非财务因素进行分析;

    From the industry risk , conduct risk , management risk and repayment willing of a loan enterprise , this paper analyses non-financial factor of enterprise .

  20. 对农产品加工企业信贷风险影响的因素排序,依次为财务风险、经营风险、行业风险、管理风险和信誉状况。

    Credit risk ranking factors influence on agricultural products processing enterprises , followed by the financial risk , management risk , industry risk , management risk and reputation .

  21. 在其他行业风险增大并且市场疲软的情况下,资本市场的趋利性迫使国外资本、国家资本、民营资本激烈角逐中国水务市场。

    As the increasing risk of other industry and the weakness of market , foreign , national and private capital have all been fiercely competed in the water affair market for the abundant profit .

  22. 第二,在贷中决策方面提出除财务报表外还应综合考虑行业风险分析、企业经营风险分析、非财务影响分析以及银行贷款管理制度。

    Secondly , the loan decision put forward in addition to financial statements should also consider the industry risk analysis , business risk analysis , non-financial effect analysis and improvement for a loan management system .

  23. 我们知道金融控股公司在运营中往往具有行业风险、资本风险、经营风险、管理风险以及风险的传递等额外风险。

    We knew the financial holding company often has the profession risk , the capital risk , the management risk , the management risk , as well as the risk transmission in the operation , and so on .

  24. 多元化经营战略有利于企业规模的扩大、资源的有效利用、市场化交易成本和行业风险的下降及产业升级;

    The development of the business scale , the effective utilisation of the resource , the reducing of the market transaction cost and the industry risk even the the upgrade of the industry , all benefit from the diversified operation .

  25. 一般认为宏观审慎监管有两个维度:一是跨机构维度,旨在关注特定时间点的跨行业风险;二是时间维度,旨在分析风险的未来走势。

    Generally speaking , Macro-prudential supervision has two " dimensions ": First , the inter-agency dimension , which aims to address the cross-sector risk at specific time point ; Second , the time dimension , which aims to analyze the risk of future trend .

  26. 文章对行业风险作回归分析,对市场分化作具体的概括,对股市各行业价格指数与整体市场价格指数的有序关系进行分别研究,最后分析各行业与市场平均水平差异形成的原因。

    The paper analyzes to trade risks with the regression analysis method , sums up the market division , investigates respectively the ordinal price indexes each trade and the entire stock market . Finally it analyzes the cause of differences between each trade and average level in the market .

  27. 在过去的几年里,许多银行和法规制定者开始把VaR方法当作全行业衡量风险的一种标准来看待。

    Many banks and law-makers started to use VaR method as a standard to measure the risk of the whole industry .

  28. 行业收益风险、资本结构优化与资本配置效率

    Industry Earnings Risk , Capital Structure Optimization and Capital Collocation Efficiency

  29. 那么什么是跨市场、跨行业金融风险?为什么会产生这样的风险?

    Thus , cross-market , cross-sector financial risks get growing attention .

  30. 电力生产行业信贷风险的宏观分析

    A Macro Analysis of Credit Risks in Power Generation Industry