
  • 网络administrative regulation
  1. 行政规制应当遵守效益原则。

    Administrative regulation should observe the principle of efficiency .

  2. 分别从立法规制、行政规制和司法规制层面提出了相关建议。

    Put forward suggestions from the legislative regulation , administrative regulation , and judicial regulation .

  3. 通过行政规制实现限塑相对于其他方式具有优越性。

    Administrative regulations have the advantage to achieve " limiting plastic " compared to other methods .

  4. 行政规制的成本应当小于市场失灵的成本;

    The cost of the administrative regulation should be less than the cost of market failure ;

  5. 韩国行政规制基本法的制定与实施论公用事业民营化及其行政规制

    Making and Implement of the Korea Basic Law on Administrative Regulations On Making Public Utilities Civilian-Run and Related Administrative Regulations

  6. 行政规制由于其事先性、灵活性、有效性而成为重要的合同规制手段。

    The administrative control is a very important method of format contract control because of its priority , flexibility and validity .

  7. 对格式条款进行规制的方法主要有四种:立法规制、司法规制、行政规制和社团规制。

    There are mainly four approaches to this goal : legislative regulated , judicial regulation , administrative regulation , and socio-organizational regulation .

  8. 本部分在前几部分的基础上提出了完善行政规制自治权的几点设想。

    Based on above , this section firstly proposes a sound of suggestions about how to improve the administrative regulation of Trade Association .

  9. 对规制者的规制&兼谈行政规制的效益原则并对系统的恒深变速过程和恒速变深过程进行了仿真计算。

    The invariable depth - variable speed process and invariable speed-variable depth process of the thermal power system with optimal regulator were simulated .

  10. 同时,国内外的案例也证明,对竞争性产业放松政府行政规制、破除行政垄断是有利于产业的发展的。

    At the same time , the cases both domestic and abroad also prove that deregulation is good for the development of competitive industries .

  11. 期望我国建立起以立法规制为主结合行政规制、司法规制,自律规制的模式。

    The author expects that our nation establish the mode of focusing on legislative regulation that combined with administrative regulation , legal regulation , and self-disciplinary regulation .

  12. 行政规制可以弥补市场失灵的缺陷时,行政机关应当在多种可供选择的规制措施中选择符合效益最大化原则的一种。

    When administrative regulation could make up the fault of the market system , the administrative agency should select one of the regulative measures that could maximize efficiency .

  13. 不合理分配合同风险等不公于的内容,应对其加以立法规制和行政规制,使其在发挥经济效率的同时符合社会公平、正义的价值理念。

    Therefore , the government should put legislative regulation and administrative regulation to let it play its economic efficiency as well as accord with fair and justice value concept in society .

  14. 规制,具体可分为立法规制、行政规制以及司法规制,其中立法规制无疑是首要前提,并且决定着其他规制的实施。

    Regulation could be divided into three aspects , legislation , administration , and justice . Legislation definitely is the necessary prerequisite among them , and decides the enforcement of other regulation activities .

  15. 行政规制作为早期解决网络域名与商标权冲突的机制,曾起到积极作用,但在权利救济上存在明显的瑕疵;

    Administrative regulation , as an early mechanism in settling the conflict between domain name and trademark right , has played a active role , but it has obvious flaws in the administrative relief .

  16. 中国逐步建立起一套解决网络域名与商标权纠纷的机制,其中包括行政规制、司法救济、域名争议解决中心的裁决。

    In order to solve the conflict between domain name and trademark right , China has gradually developed a set of integrated mechanism including administrative regulation , judicial relief and adjudication by Domain Name Dispute-settled Center .

  17. 包括进一步加强格式条款的立法规制、强化格式条款案件的审理水平、改进格式条款的行政规制方式以及建立广泛的社会监督体系。

    Including further the legislation system of strengthen the standard clauses , improve the judicial control of the standard clauses , enhance the administrative regulation of the standard clauses and build up extensive society supervision system .

  18. 无论从实体法来说还是从程序法的角度而言,还是从有关行政规制的协调性上来说,我国的电力行业反垄断法律规制都存在着各种各样的问题。

    No matter from substantive law is still from the procedural law perspective , or from the relevant administrative regulation of coordination speaking , our power industry anti-monopoly law regulation and there are all kinds of problems .

  19. 接着论述不正当免责条款在保险合同中的表现形式,并就此提出应从行政规制和司法控制两个方面来规制不正当免责条款。

    And according to the form of the unfair clauses appeared in insurance contracts , the paper tries to put forward some useful suggestions from administration rules and judicial control to regulate the unfair clauses in the insurance contract .

  20. 本文分析了我国格式合同行政规制的现状和问题,并针对我国的实际情况,从模式选择、主体选择、程序三个方面对相关制度进行了设计。

    In this thesis , the writer analyzes the current situation and problems in China , and designs the system in three aspects : the choice of pattern , the choice of subject , and program , to counter this reality .

  21. 在输出与反馈范畴,从质量判别维度来分析有合法性模式和合理性模式;从质量保障维度来分析有观念规制模式、行政规制模式和制度规制模式。

    In the paradigm of output and feedback , the analyses of legitimacy mode and rationality mode have been made on the dimension of quality judgment , which ideal-ruled , administration-ruled and institution-ruled ones have been also analyzed on the dimension of quality assurance .

  22. 据笔者所搜集的资料显示,目前,房地产市场风险产生原因主要是政府行政规制制度不够完善,由此造成两个失灵即市场失灵与政府失灵。

    According to the author collected data show that , at present , the real estate market risk causes are main that the government administrative regulation system are not perfect , which caused the " two failure " namely " market failure " and " government failure " .

  23. 建议取消网络域名与商标权纠纷的行政规制,明确域名和商标权纠纷应由侵权行为地或被告住所地法院管辖,延长提交司法诉讼的缓冲时间。

    The paper suggests that the administrative regulation should be abolished , the court where the tort happens or the defendant resides should be identified to have jurisdiction over the conflict between domain name and trademark right and the time for submitting the lawsuit to the court should be lengthened .

  24. 竞争立法与竞争秩序建构&以行政垄断规制必要性为中心

    On the Relationship between Competition Law Legislation and Competition Order Construction

  25. 准政府组织及其行政法规制

    Non-governmental Public Organizations and It 's Control by Administrative Law

  26. 我国现行的行政垄断规制制度由实体法和程序法两方面组成。

    I think the legal system include substantive law and procedural law .

  27. 第一部分,提出以行政法律规制证券市场中的政府行为的必要性;

    In part one , the author describes the necessity of the government self-regulation in securities-market .

  28. 我国关于酒后驾驶的民法与行政法规制也对酒后驾车的处罚作出了一些规定。

    About driving in civil law and the administrative regulations for drunk driving is punished provisions made some .

  29. 我国只有建立一套有效的行政垄断规制体系,才能实现行政垄断功能的有效发挥。

    China must set up an effective system of administrative monopoly regulation can be achieved by administrative monopoly function effectively .

  30. 最后,提出完善我国行业协会处罚权行政法律规制的具体对策。

    Chapter Five makes some specific measures to improve the legal regulation to the penalty power of trade association in our country .