
  • 网络administrative management;public administration;Administration Science
  1. 本文运用行政管理学的基本理论,分析了在社会主义市场经济条件下,我国县级行政管理的内涵、特点和应遵循的基本原则。

    Using the basic theories of Public Administration , the thesis analyzes the connotation , characteristics and the basic principles of Chinese county level administrative system under the socialism market economy conditions .

  2. 行政管理学教学研究中的问题

    Problems in Studying and Teaching Public Administration

  3. 中国当代行政管理学的历史使命

    The Historical Task of the Administrative Management Studies in Contemporary China

  4. 案例教学法在行政管理学课程教学中优化的思考

    Consideration about Case Study Teaching Methodology in Administration Course Teaching

  5. 我从中兴大学的行政管理学系毕业。

    Vicky : graduated from the Department of Administration in Chung I Hsing University .

  6. 行政管理学指的是对行政管理学科施行的研讨;

    The administrative management science refers is the research which carries on to the administration discipline ;

  7. 对1998~2007年行政管理学硕士学位论文的实证分析

    An Empirical Review of Master 's Theses on Public Administration in China , 1998 ~ 2007

  8. 中国当代行政管理学课程体系与教学内容改革分析

    An Analysis of Course System of Administrative Managements and the Reform of Its Teaching Contents in China

  9. 公民参与问题是行政管理学界一个普遍关注的问题。

    That the citizen participates in problem is a administration educational circles problem paying close attention to commonly .

  10. 其与行政管理学等政治学的分支学科的联系更为密切。

    The connection of the branch course that its and administration learn to wait for politics is more close .

  11. 行政管理学系的学生在毕业前,导师们都会进行个别的生涯辅导。

    Before students in the Department of Public Policy and Management graduate , faculty advisors offer individualized career counseling .

  12. 我的研究生课程包括:行政管理学,谈判学,管理心理学,公共政策分析,人力资源管理等课程。

    My post-graduate courses include : administration of the negotiations , management psychology , public policy analysis , human resource management courses .

  13. 吴丕,《关于“有教无类”的思考》,《北京大学学报·政治学与行政管理学专刊》1995年。

    Thoughts on the Idea of Teaching without Class Differences , Journal of Peking University-Special Journal of Administration and Political Science , 1995 .

  14. 行政管理学教学主要是从语言表达能力、应变能力、分析问题的能力等方面来提高学生的专业化水平。

    Regarding the teaching of administration management , we mainly boost students'professional level in terms of their language proficiency , agility and problem-solving ability , etc.

  15. 我国行政管理学界对于中国传统行政文化的研究比较少,特别是关于传统行政文化对行政决策的影响的研究几乎还是个空白。

    The study on Chinese traditional administration culture is much less in our academic circles , especially on the influence which has on policy decision .

  16. 政府职能是行政管理学的重要范畴。特定时代和特定社会环境决定着政府职能的方式和内容。

    Government function is an important category in Administrative Governing whose patterns and contents are decided by the specific age and social environment of the country .

  17. 目前,在整个行政管理学界,对于非立法性抽象行政行为的规范和监督问题,可谓众说纷纭,见仁见智。

    Nowadays , in the field of administrative management , it is controversial as to the problems of improving the supervisory system of non-legislation abstract administrative behavior .

  18. 运用行政管理学的相关理论,对学生组织转型的动力、转型后遇到的困境、影响其发展的因素进行了分析。

    Using the relative theories of administrative management , I analyst the student organization reforming power , development difficulties after the transition , factors affecting its development .

  19. 治安学作为管理学门类中隶属于行政管理学之下的三级学科的定位,已滞后于学术的发展和社会的要求。

    As the third-class subject under management subject that is the second-class discipline , this status of public order has been backward in developing society and progressive academy .

  20. 形成这种状况的原因是多方面的,其中一个重要原因是长期以来政府职能转变的研究基本上局限于经济学和行政管理学的视角与领域,而未能从多视角多学科去研究这一难题。

    One of the important reasons which lead to this situation , is the study of transformation of government function has limited on the field of economics and administration management .

  21. 论提高行政管理学教学质量的途径与方法本文结合当前高等教育的实际提出了加强人文教育的必要性、途径与方法。

    Approaches and Methods to Advance Teaching Quality of Administration Management This paper discusses the necessity , approaches and methods of strengthening humanistic education in institutions of higher learning in China .

  22. 由于行政管理学自身跨学科的特点,决定了本研究必然不会是一个纯粹政治学的研究,或者纯粹管理学的研究。

    As a result of the administrative management is an interdisciplinary subject , it determines that this study will not be a pure politics research inevitably , or a pure management science research .

  23. 因此对我国证券市场风险系统管理这个横跨政治学、法学、经济学与行政管理学的热门课题进行研究具有时代的必要性。

    So it has necessity with times to research the risk systematic management of our country 's securities market which is being the hot subject amid politics , laws , economics and administrative science .

  24. 本文从行政管理学的角度阐述了高校体育部办公室工作的一般运行轨迹和主要操作规律,提出了加强办公室建设的若干意见和措施。

    This essay describes the general moving coci and major operation rules of college physical depts offices from the viewpoints of administrative management . It puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures to strengthen the office constructions .

  25. 论文将社区融入到公共管理学、行政管理学、公共经济学之中,能升华其学科的内涵,是对公共管理学、行政管理学、公共经济学学科的丰富和发展。

    It integrates community into public management , administrative science and public economics , which is able to sublimate their academic contents . It is the development of public management , administrative science and public economics .

  26. 本文以政府领导力为研究对象,意图通过理论研究和归纳分析等方法,从国家和社会发展对政府领导力提出的要求出发,交叉运用领导学和行政管理学的相关知识进行原创性的研究。

    The intention is , by using theoretical research and inductive analysis methods , according the requests of the state and social development , cross-use of leadership and administration knowledge , making a comprehensive and original study .

  27. 本文运用系统工程学、行政管理学、法学、航海学等多学科的理论,探讨了社会对海事管理系统的需求,系统应具有的功能。

    This paper probes into the requirements of the maritime administration system of the society and its required functions by using the theories of several subjects , such as system engineering , administrative science , law and navigation etc.

  28. 本文运用行政管理学、政治学以及社会学等学科的基本原理,从温州效能革命的个案入手,对政府效能建设的若干问题进行了深入的分析和探讨。

    Based on the case study of " Government Effectiveness Revolution " in Wenzhou , this paper has conducted a profound analysis and comprehensive discussion of the issues in building government effectiveness by using principle theories of Administration , Politics , and Sociology .

  29. 本文以清代州县差役作为研究对象,以他们的政治行为作为分析的框架,同时吸收政治心理学、行政管理学的理论和方法,重点探讨差役在司法行政中的积极作用;

    The thesis try to study county runners of the Qing dynasty and to analyse their political acts as a framework , while absorbing political psychology , management theory and methods , focused on the active role of runners in the administration of justice .

  30. 对我国行政管理学从恢复以来的教育发展情况,包括专业设置、课程体系、研究方向的确定以及人才培养体系进行评估,是明确未来行政管理学发展方向的基础;

    The foundation of ascertaining the direction of the discipline of administrative management is the development of education of administrative management , including the choices of setup of specialty , of course system and of research directions and the evaluation of the whole personnel training system .