
  • 网络Behavioral Management;Management in Action
  1. 分析行为管理学在工业设计中的应用

    The Application of Behavior Management in Industry Design

  2. 本研究是神经病态行为管理学研究的一次探索,在研究方法、研究内容、研究范式和对策措施上均具有交叉学科的创新之处,也具有较强的现实意义。

    It had innovations of interdiscipline in terms of study method , study content , paradigm and countermeasures and had strong practical significance .

  3. 关于承诺的研究一直是心理学、组织行为学及管理学研究中的一个很重要的课题。

    The research about commitment is a very important topic for psychology , organizational behavior and management science .

  4. 职业倦怠已成为当代组织行为学和管理学、心理学研究的热点。

    Nowadays , job burnout has become hot issue of research in organizational behavior , management science and psychology .

  5. 本文立足目前汽车品牌4S店销售部门现状,运用组织行为学、管理学、人力资源管理等专业相关知识理论,参考学习相关理论研究成果、文献资料。

    This thesis is based on the current status of automobile 4S dealers , using knowledge of Organizational Behavior , Management , Human Resource Management and other professional theories .

  6. 而基于行为科学的管理学中的激励理论则通过对一般人性的分析,提出应该设计使公司经营管理者达到心理满足的激励机制。

    The incentive theory of based on behavior science management through an analysis of general human nature , points out that it should design the incentive mechanism that enable the company 's administrator reach the psychology meets to put forward .

  7. 企业的税收筹划行为其实也属于管理学的研究范畴,构建企业税收筹划战略管理体系,有利于企业在战略的高度对税收筹划进行全面、系统的控制。

    Constructing enterprise tax planning strategic management system can help enterprises carry on overall and systematic control of the tax planning in the height of strategy .

  8. 人一任务互动广泛存在于企业个体与群体的工作行为中,也是管理学的重要研究问题。

    The phenomena of human-task interactions exist widely in working behavior of individuals and groups in enterprises . Related Issues about human-task interactions are also significant for management .

  9. 运用项目管理学、人力资源管理学、组织行为学、知识管理学等学科理论对全面薪酬体系建设的适用性进行了详尽的分析,最后系统地揭示了全面薪酬与传统薪酬的差异。

    The use of project management , human resource management , organizational behavior , knowledge management theory applicable to building a comprehensive compensation system were analyzed in detail , finally reveals the difference of total compensation and traditional compensation .

  10. 摘要运用管理经济学、组织行为学、现代管理学理论,通过对企业人力资源开发和培训的探讨与实践,提出了刚柔相济、协同和谐和管理模式。

    Under the guidance of the management economics , organization & behavior and modem management theory , and through the analysis and practice of the present human resources development and training situation a management model characterized by integration of discipline and flexibility , coordination and harmony is provided .