
  • 网络CEO;Chief Executive;Chief Executive Officer;Chief Executive of the Corporation
  1. 你做行政总裁后请我。

    Hire me when you become the ceo .

  2. 史考力获擢升为苹果电脑公司行政总裁

    Sculley was installed as CEO

  3. 75%的行政总裁来自公司内部。

    75 percent of chief executives come from inside the company

  4. 逾400名行政总裁投票推选亚特兰大为最适宜开办公司的城市。

    Atlanta was voted the best city in which to locate a business by more than 400 chief executives

  5. 不同产地广佛手药材HPLC指纹图谱的研究九广铁路公司暨地下铁路公司主席兼行政总裁

    HPLC fingerprint of Fructus Citri Sarcodactylis from Guangdong province " Chairman-cum-Chief Executive , Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation and Mass Transit Railway Corporation "

  6. 随着大卫•吉尔(DavidGill)于下月卸任行政总裁一职,该俱乐部将面临重大变革。

    With David Gill stepping down as chief executive next month , the club faces a lot of change .

  7. 黄碧娟的中国区行政总裁职务将由汇丰在中国的资本市场总监廖宜建(DavidLiao)接替。

    Ms Wong will be replaced as head of China by David Liao , who runs its markets business in the country .

  8. 克里斯多弗贝利(ChristopherBailey)自2014年开始担任公司的行政总裁兼首席创意官。

    Since 2014 , Christopher Bailey has served as chief executive and chief creative officer .

  9. 该公司还宣布,将任命公司创始人李宁担任代理行政总裁,同时仍在继续物色新的CEO。

    The company also announced the appointment of founder Li Ning as " interim CEO " while the search continues for a new leader .

  10. 据BP石油公司伦敦办公室所说,达德利(BobDudley)将向BP集团行政总裁海沃德(TonyHayward)汇报工作。

    According to the firm 's London office , he will report to Tony Hayward , BP 's group chief executive .

  11. 港交所行政总裁周文耀(paulchow)表示,在32家上市申请正在受理过程中的企业里,中国内地企业占23家。

    Paul Chow , chief executive of the exchange , said Chinese companies accounted for 23 of the 32 applications being processed .

  12. 渣打香港(StandardCharteredHongKong)行政总裁洪丕正(BenHung)称,该行正鼓励欧洲客户在对华贸易中使用人民币,而非美元。

    Ben Hung , chief executive of Standard Chartered Hong Kong , said the bank was encouraging European customers to use the renminbi rather than the dollar for Chinese trade .

  13. 担任金融市场行为监管局(FinancialConductAuthority)行政总裁的韦奕礼认为,对于如何及何时抛弃Libor的问题,最终决定权应在市场参与者而非监管机构的手中。

    Mr Wheatley , chief executive of the Financial Conduct Authority , said he believes market participants rather than regulators should make the final decision on how and when to scrap Libor .

  14. 中国明白,这是阻碍其经济发展的潜在瓶颈,香港机场管理局行政总裁彭定中(DavidPang)表示。

    China knows this is a potential bottleneck for the economy 's development , said David Pang , chief executive of Hong Kong 's airport authority .

  15. 渣打银行集团行政总裁冼博德(petersands)昨日表示,明年年初有望在印度上市,但在中国上市的计划进展没有那么顺利。

    Peter sands , chief executive , yesterday said that a listing in India could come early next year , while plans for a China listing were less advanced .

  16. 香港交易所(HKEx)行政总裁李小加(CharlesLi)形容这一市场渠道的开通是一个历史性时刻,将重新定义香港。

    Charles Li , chief executive of the Hong Kong stock exchange , described the new market opening as a historic moment that would redefine Hong Kong .

  17. 汇丰正重新将战略重点放到亚洲,上个月已将行政总裁纪勤(michaelgeoghegan)的办公地点从伦敦迁往香港。

    HSBC is renewing its focus on Asia and last month relocated Michael Geoghegan , its chief executive , from London to Hong Kong .

  18. miraeassetglobalinvestments亚太区行政总裁威尔弗里德西特(wilfredsit)发现,有大量资金来自于香港和韩国新兴的退休行业。

    Wilfred sit , chief executive , Asia Pacific at mirae Asset Global Investments , saw strong inflows from the nascent retirement industry in Hong Kong and South Korea .

  19. 必和必拓行政总裁安德鲁麦肯齐(AndrewMackenzie)表示,该公司已从此事中汲取教训,如今变得更好、更强大了。

    Andrew Mackenzie , chief executive , said the company has learnt from this experience and is better and stronger as a result .

  20. 海皇东方行政总裁云杜斯(RonWiddows)表示,自6月底以来,市场状况已进一步好转。

    Ron Widdows , Nol chief executive , said conditions had improved further since the end of June .

  21. 汇丰中国(hsbcchina)行政总裁翁富泽(richardyorke)认为,一些外国商界人士的不满,可能只是反映了这样一个现实:中国正成为一个竞争日益激烈的经商地点。

    Richard Yorke , chief executive of HSBC China , thinks dissatisfaction among some foreign businesspeople could merely reflect the reality that China is becoming an increasingly competitive place to do business .

  22. 一个月前,国泰航空(cathaypacific)行政总裁汤彦麟(tonytyler)信誓旦旦地告诉分析师,形势已停止恶化,由此驱散了他们对配股的担忧。

    A month ago Tony Tyler , chief executive of Cathay Pacific , swatted away concerns over a rights issue by telling analysts that things had stopped getting worse .

  23. 港交所(HKEx)行政总裁李小加(CharlesLi)的说法给有关沪港通启动在即的看法泼了冷水,他上周表示,目前没有确定的时间表。

    Charles Li , chief executive of Hong Kong Exchanges Clearing , has played down the idea that a launch is imminent , saying last week there is no set timetable .

  24. 不过,港交所行政总裁李小加(charlesli)表示,港交所可能针对希望对冲人民币风险的内地贸易商和企业,推出大宗商品衍生产品。

    However , Charles Li , HKEx chief executive , said the exchange was likely to focus on commodity products that could be used by domestic Chinese traders and companies that wanted to hedge risk in Renminbi .

  25. BarryArbuckle是加利福尼亚州喷泉谷非营利组织MemorialCare医疗体系的行政总裁。

    Barry Arbuckle is chief executive of the non-profit MemorialCare Health System in Fountain Valley , California .

  26. 的确,据英国科技城(TechCityUK)行政总裁杰拉德•格雷奇(GerardGrech)介绍,现在流入伦敦的外国直接投资(FDI)的增长速度超过了柏林和纽约。

    Indeed , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) into London is now rising faster than in Berlin and New York , according to Gerard Grech , chief executive of Tech City UK .

  27. 他已指定汇丰内部的红人、香港区新任行政总裁冯婉眉(anitafung)执行这项任务。

    He has set Anita Fung , his new head of Hong Kong and a rising star within HSBC , the task of making that happen .

  28. 英国cfa协会行政总裁威廉古德哈特(williamgoodhart)昨日承认,调查结果表明了金融危机爆发后,人们新出现的“质疑”心态。

    William Goodhart , UK chief executive of the CFA , yesterday admitted the results showed a new mood of " questioning " following the financial crisis .

  29. 这项调查与金沙中国前行政总裁翟国成(stevenjacobs)提出的一宗不当解聘诉讼有关,金沙中国负责管理金沙集团在澳门的投资事宜。

    The investigation is connected to a wrongful termination lawsuit filed by Steven Jacobs , the former chief executive of sands China Limited , which oversees LVS investments in Macau .

  30. 黄碧娟任职于汇丰已有22年,自2010年以来执掌该行中国区业务。她将常驻香港,并向汇丰亚洲行政总裁王冬胜(PeterWong)直接汇报。

    Ms Wong , who has worked for HSBC for 22 years and has run its China operations since 2010 , will be based in Hong Kong and report directly to Asian chief executive Peter Wong .