
xiāo shòu zǒnɡ jiān
  • sales director
  1. 莎伦·塔克尔两年前加入威廉姆斯担任销售总监,三个月后接任CEO。

    Sharon Tucker joined Williams two years ago as Sales Director , taking over as Chief Executive three months later .

  2. ZipHeaters英国总部的销售总监NickTaylor谈道:这个研究表明,在茶歇中是绝对有办公室政治的。

    Nick Taylor , Sales Director for Zip Heaters UK , said : ' The research shows there is definitely office politics when it comes to doing the tea round .

  3. BrianL.FrankforTheWallStreetJournal在神念科技位于旧金山的办公室,神念科技的渠道销售总监DavidChung正在测试耳。神念科技公司面临着总部位于旧金山的初创企业EmotivSystemsInc.的竞争。Emotiv公司的多传感器耳机售价300美元。

    NeuroSky faces competition from San Francisco-based start-up Emotiv Systems Inc , which offers a $ 300 multi-sensor headset .

  4. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)驻伦敦的农业大宗商品销售总监史蒂夫杰西(SteveJesse)表示,食品公司态度上的主要转变发生在过去6-9个月内。

    Steve Jesse , director of agricultural commodity sales at Barclays Capital in London , says the main shift in attitudes has happened over the past six to nine months .

  5. 当时的挑战是,我们的中国游客中许多都不熟悉迪士尼的故事,迪士尼亚太地区销售总监邓庆玲(NickyTang)指的是老一辈游客。

    A challenge was many of our Chinese guests were not familiar with the Disney stories , said Nicky Tang , director of Asia Pacific sales for Disney Destinations , of the older generation of tourists .

  6. David:每半年进行一次全面体检,包括各种疾病,像结核病等。有关供应商使用情况,应在每半年整理档案时,向市场销售总监汇报。

    David : Every six months . Every six months you are checked any kind of diseases even like TB and things as little like that . Take supplier used record , arrange supplier file once half a year , and report it to the DOSM .

  7. 中国人绝对喜欢的是一些企业蕴含的历史和传统,Johnstons公司的出口销售总监伊恩•普莱德(IanPryde)表示。

    What the Chinese absolutely love is the history and heritage that some of the companies have , said Ian Pryde , Johnstons ' export sales director .

  8. 之后,他被提拔为高级销售总监。

    He has since been promoted to senior director of sales .

  9. 贯彻执行销售总监和区域经理指示的工作。

    Implement direction from director of sales and regional managers .

  10. 参与被销售总监委派的商业展会和促销活动。

    Participate in trade shows and sales promotions assigned by the DOS .

  11. 完成销售总监交给的其他销售服务事宜。

    To finish other service stuff assigned by director .

  12. 请复核或请销售总监指导。

    Please verify any special policies or guidelines with the Director of Sales .

  13. 参观的是谁——又是销售总监?

    Who are the visitors - sales directors again ?

  14. 我正式的头衔是销售总监。

    My official title is director of sales .

  15. 与销售总监紧密合作为客户服务,使其达到最大满意度。

    Work seamlessly with the Sales Director to serves the customer to maximum satisfaction .

  16. 销售总监,女性,40多岁

    Marketing director , female , 40s

  17. 履新前,她是上海复旦皇冠假日酒店的销售总监。

    Prior to this appointment , she was the Director of Sales at Crowne Plaza Shanghai Fudan .

  18. 设备使用申请单由市场销售总监签字批准。

    The facility use record form will be signed by director of sales & marketing for approval .

  19. 王高伟先生任北电网络公司企业网政府及北方区销售总监。

    Wang Gaowei , Sales Director of Central Government and North China , Enterprise Solution , Nortel China .

  20. 近日,李敏被西安赛瑞喜来登大酒店任命为市场销售总监。

    Lucy Li has been appointed as the Director of Sales and Marketing at Sheraton Xian North City Hotel .

  21. 中青旅市场销售总监冯若宾表示,他们想要让客户们获得一个全新的世界视角。

    CYTS marketing and sales chief Feng Ruobin says they want their clients to gain a new perspective of the world .

  22. 在晨会后,总经理及销售总监将做出取消那一个预定的决定。

    The General Manager and the Director of Sales & Marketing will make a decision right after the Morning Briefing which reservations will be cancelled .

  23. 公关部经理撰写完新闻稿件后,应呈交给市场销售总监和总经理审阅。

    After Marketing Communications Manager finishes composing the Press Releases , it will be submitted to Director of Sales & Marketing and General Manager for review .

  24. 公关部经理和市场销售总监将积极主动地以专业的方式迅速地回答这类问询。

    The Marketing Communications Manager and the Director of Sales & Marketing will use their best initiation and discretion to entertain such inquires professionally and promptly .

  25. 总经理、销售总监将阶段性地复查文件加以监督现有的销售活动,并确保所有的档案有序地进行。

    The General Manager , and Director of Sales and Marketing will periodically review files to monitor ongoing sales activity and ensure that all files are worked regularly .

  26. 设计这一新船的芬兰德他马林公司的销售总监马库?卡内瓦称,这将是“世界上最安全的大型游轮”。

    Markku Kanerva , sales director at Deltamarin , the Finnish company designing the ship , said it would be the " safest cruise ship in the world . "

  27. 根据全国区域市场发展和公司的战略规划,协助销售总监制定总体销售战略、销售计划及量化销售目标;

    Assist with the chief of sales department to make sales strategy , plan and goal , in accordance to national or area marketing development and company 's stratagem .

  28. 在一些情况下,不同的学生将担任总经理的角色,而其他学生则担任会计,销售总监,办公室职员,仓库管理员等角色。

    In some situations , various students will assume the role of General Manager , others will be the accountant , Sales director , office clerk , store man etc.

  29. 文章一作为一名国际计算机公司新的销售总监,戈登·亚历克斯期待着他与公司的区域经理们的第一次会议。

    Passage One As the new sales director for a national computer firm , Alex Gordon was looking forward to his first meeting with the company 's district managers .

  30. 我还与酒店的总经理爱德华先生,市场销售总监魏黎成了好朋友,一直保持着联系。

    What 's more , Robin Edwards ( General Manager ) and Philip Wei ( Director of Sales and Marketing ) have become great friends of mine , and we 've been in contact since .