
xiāo shòu dài biǎo
  • sales representative;rep;sales reps
  1. 作为一名销售代表,她的工作压力很大。

    She had a stressful job as a sales representative .

  2. 例如,正在出差的销售代表可以使用web同步。

    For example , a traveling sales representative can use web synchronization .

  3. 销售代表前往日本推销本公司的最新产品。

    Representatives went to Japan to pitch the company 's newest products .

  4. 她是我们公司驻法国的销售代表。

    She 's our representative in France .

  5. 我一直在一家摄影公司做销售代表。

    I 'd been working as a sales rep for a photographic company .

  6. 如果两个销售代表获取订单并执行同步,则两个订单都将从product表的quantity列减去。

    If two sales representatives take orders and then synchronize , each order is subtracted from the quantity column of the product table .

  7. 当苹果公司(Apple)的销售代表向主要的杂志出版商显示此弹出窗口时,多数人脸都吓得煞白。

    Most major magazine publishers , when shown this screen by Apple ( AAPL ) representatives , blanched .

  8. 成为一名伟大的工程师、设计师、产品经理、营销专家、销售代表或所谓的增长黑客(Growthhacker)。

    Become a great engineer . Designer . Product manager . Marketer . Sales rep. Growth hacker .

  9. 要购买此产品,请联系IBM销售代表、获得授权的IBM业务合作伙伴或在线购买。

    To purchase the product , contact your IBM Sales Representative , authorized IBM Business Partner , or purchase online .

  10. 在过去的五年中我一直在做ABC印刷公司的销售代表。

    Well , for the last five years I have worked for ABC Printing as a sales representative .

  11. 业务流程的输入是销售代表希望查阅和更新的客户的ID。

    The input to the business process is the ID of the customer that the sales representative wishes to read and update .

  12. 销售代表可以查询到某个人,并在Outlook撰写邮件的过程中查看他们的领英信息。

    A sales rep could look up someone he 's pitching to through Outlook and see their LinkedIn information while writing an email pitch .

  13. 2000年,Cisco公司的一位销售代表告诉我,我在做的事情实际上应该算是项目管理。

    In2000 a Cisco sales representative told me that what I was doing was actually project management .

  14. 2013年,罗森伯格的儿子亚伯拉罕(Abraham)成为了该公司的金牌销售代表。

    In 2013 , Dr. Rosenberg 's son , Abraham , was a top sales representative for the company .

  15. 他曾经从事过Rational开发人员,技术销售代表,IBMRationalDoDAF插件的设计师和作者。

    He has been a developer at Rational , sales technical representative , and is the principal designer and author of the IBM Rational DoDAF plugin .

  16. 该公司表示是根据“HEART”标准(即谦逊、高效、应变、卓越和透明)衡量员工表现,却给销售代表规定了严格的任务额。

    The company says it evaluates its employees on " HEART " - an anodyne acronym for " humble , effective , adaptable , remarkable and transparent " - but holds its sales reps to strict quotas .

  17. 如果您目前还不是该产品的用户并且想获得试用版,请联系IBM销售代表或获得授权的IBM业务合作伙伴。

    If you are not a current customer and would like to obtain a trial version of the product , contact your IBM Sales Representative or authorized IBM Business Partner .

  18. 要知道,Penny刚开始接受医药销售代表的培训。也许她能和你练习一下。

    You know , Penny just started training to be a pharmaceutical sales rep. Maybe she can practice on you some time .

  19. 现在,他担任一名技术销售代表和培训师,支持客户在其现有的状况下集成模型驱动开发解决方案RationalRhapsody。

    Today he works as a technical sales representative and trainer supporting customers to integrate the model driven development solutions Rational Rhapsody in their existing landscape .

  20. 最近,MitchDrew就接受了在一家加拿大电视台当然广告销售代表;他曾经在这家电台担任销售经理。

    Mitch Drew recently took a position as an advertising sales representative at a Canadian TV station where he was formerly a sales manager .

  21. IBM销售代表也可以带您了解WebsphereApplicationServer的主要功能,向您介绍WebsphereApplicationServer的总体拥有成本(TCO)如何低于其他应用服务器。

    An IBM Sales representative can also take you through the major features of WebSphere Application Server and illustrate how Total Cost of Ownership ( TCO ) is lower for WebSphere Application Server compared to other application servers .

  22. 简艾伦(JaneAllen)是一家美国医药公司的销售代表,她会花半天时间回复自己的老板,保护自己免受痛苦的羞辱。

    Jane Allen , a sales representative for a medical company in the US , would spend half a day responding to her boss , defending herself from cruel smears .

  23. 与传统的内置全球定位系统(GPS)装置不同,OnStar要依赖于蜂窝网络,而驾驶员在有紧急需求或者需要方向指引时可以使用该网络联系汽车销售代表。

    Unlike traditional in-dash GPS units , OnStar relies on a cellular network that drivers can use to contact representatives for emergency services or directions .

  24. 如果您还不是以上产品的客户,那么需要购买该产品或获取试用许可证,请联系IBM销售代表和获得授权的IBM业务合作伙伴,或在线购买(见参考资料)。

    If you are not a current customer , to purchase the product or obtain a trial license , contact your IBM sales representative , authorized IBM Business Partner , or purchase online ( see Resources ) .

  25. 有关获取试用版或购买产品的更多信息,请联系IBM销售代表或ShopzSeries。

    See your IBM Sales Representative or ShopzSeries for more information about obtaining a trial version or purchasing this product .

  26. 另一名拿到高额费用的医生托马斯·L·惠滕(ThomasL.Whitten)的女儿今年在该公司工作了六个月,担任销售代表。

    Another highly paid doctor , Thomas L. Whitten , has a daughter who worked this year for six months as a sales representative .

  27. 在本世纪初,门多萨的这种习惯让他指派销售代表乔•桑塔莫雷纳(JoeSantamorena)主管纽约分公司快速壮大的金融销售队伍,尽管桑塔莫雷纳的直接上司们反对这次任命。

    In the early 2000s , the habit led him to put sales rep Joe Santamorena in charge of the New York office 's rapidly expanding financial salesforce , even though his immediate bosses argued against the appointment .

  28. 1978年的今天,史上首封垃圾电子邮件是由美国的DEC公司的一名市场销售代表,向ARPANET网络上每一个地址发送的。

    1978-The first email spam of history was sent by a DEC marketing representative to every ARPANET address on the west coast of the United States .

  29. 在惠氏的案子,这笔钱将与另一名举报人——劳伦·基夫(LaurenKieff)——分享,后者曾是辉瑞竞争对手阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)的销售代表。

    In the Wyeth case , this would be shared with another whistleblower , Lauren Kieff , a former sales representative for AstraZeneca , a rival of Pfizer 's.

  30. 万昌是ACAIF产品在中国的授权代理商及销售代表。

    Wan Chang is ACAIF the product and sells representative in China 's authorized business agents .