
  • Salesperson;salesman;sales force
  1. 这种方法能有效地给销售人员的建议和赞美加分助力,并能促成更大的交易。

    The technique is effective at giving value and power to the salesperson 's suggestions and compliments , thus resulting in a larger sale .

  2. 每当在线贸易网站阿里巴巴(alibaba)的销售人员签下一位重要的新客户时,整个销售部门都会发出胜利的欢呼。

    Every time a salesperson at online trading site Alibaba signs up an important new account , the entire sales department cheers in triumph .

  3. 这个部门向国际销售人员提供服务。

    This department services the international sales force .

  4. 他手下有6名销售人员为他工作。

    He had a staff of six salespeople working for him .

  5. 医生们抱怨他们疲于应付医药公司的销售人员。

    Doctors are complaining about being barraged by drug-company salesmen

  6. 它建议销售人员和犹豫不决、不愿购买的顾客一边喝茶,一边说服他们。

    It advises salesmen to talk round reluctant customers over a cup of tea .

  7. 销售人员只根据销售量提取佣金。

    The salesmen work on commission only

  8. 公司正在寻找有活力、有闯劲的销售人员。

    The firm is looking for dynamic individuals to be salesmen .

  9. 在总公司开过各种情况介绍会后,我们全体销售人员都跃跃欲试,准备大干一场。

    After all the briefing sessions at head office , our sales team is at concert pitch .

  10. 销售人员通常属于这一类。

    Sales people often fall into this category .

  11. 研究发现,护士最诚实,而销售人员和政客最会撒谎。

    It is found that nurses are the most honest people , while sales people and politicians are the biggest liars .

  12. 我们需要一个目标明确的销售人员。

    We need a goal-oriented salesperson1 .

  13. 销售人员使用“漂移时刻”不是指潜在买家目光呆滞,而是说买家目光游离,开始设想这种产品会如何使生活变好。

    Sales people use this expression to refer not to a potential buyer ’ s eyes glazing1 over in boredom2 but to the moment when the buyer drifts off into imagining how Product X will make life somehow better .

  14. 早在2002年,日本的零售商就可以通过GPS技术跟踪销售人员。

    And retailers in Japan have tracked their salespeople with GPS tech since 2002 .

  15. Ann回答说在一家外贸公司做销售人员。考官又问是什么公司,Whereareyouworking?

    Watt : Where are you working ? Ann : I work at Lianfu Foreign Trade Company , Ltd.

  16. 选择EditasNew用于数据mashup,以计算给定销售人员的年销售额。

    Select Edit as New for the data mashup that computes yearly sales for a given salesman .

  17. 数据查看器widget显示销售人员名称及其负责地区组成的列表。

    The data viewer widget displays the list of salesmen 's names and their associated territories .

  18. DL公司商用汽车销售人员激励制度设计

    The DL Corporation Commercial Auto Sale Personnel Incentive System Design

  19. 过程主体由单个SELECT语句组成,该语句返回总销售额超过指定配额的每个销售人员的姓名及总销售数字。

    The procedure body consists of a single SELECT statement that returns the name and the total sales figures for each sales person whose total sales exceed the specified quota .

  20. 我们为什么想见到漂亮的好莱坞(Hollywood)明星,这一点不难解释,但同样的逻辑可能也适用于销售人员。

    There is no mystery as to why we want decorative Hollywood stars , but the same logic might apply to sales staff .

  21. 总部位于加州的做空机构香橼研究(CitronResearch)在其网站上发布的一份报告中说,基于对如新中国销售人员的采访,香橼研究认为如新的销售网络是一种典型的金字塔结构的传销。

    In a report posted on its website , California-based Citron Research said it believes based on interviews with Nu Skin salespeople in China that the company 's sales network is a pyramid .

  22. 雅芳(AvonProductsInc.)宣布将取消一个1.25亿美元的SAP软件系统,因为雅芳驻加拿大的许多销售人员觉得这个系统对他们的日常工作来说过于繁琐,因而辞去了工作。

    Avon Products Inc. said it is cancelling a $ 125 million SAP software system after sales workers in Canada left because it proved too onerous to their routines .

  23. TM将极尽全力创造一个理想环境,让客户们能够信任销售人员能设身处地提供客户所需,而不是被销售人员硬塞一些自己所不需要的产品或服务。

    Psyche-Selling TM would like to create an environment where customers can trust sales people to give them what they want , and NOT be pushed with all kinds of products and services .

  24. Nick提议对Harper-Tolland的销售人员进行再培训来提高销售量,以便在新产品的销售失利后有新的起色。

    Nick has proposed to retrain key sales staff at Harper-Tolland in order to boost sales after a disappointing new product launch .

  25. 现在公司不仅仅是派销售人员带着广告清单出去兜售,而是开始聘请怀揣MBA学历并且在业内拥有丰富经验、受广告商青睐的人士担任公司的“公关经理”。

    Now , rather than simply sending salespeople out to sell its ad inventory , Facebook has begun to hire mba-carrying " relationship managers " with experience in the industries from which the advertisers hale .

  26. 简单地介绍了平衡计分卡(BSC)和6σ管理法及其它们在家电企业销售人员业绩管理中的应用,探索性地使用它们分析了案例。

    Moreover introduces BSC ( Balanced Scorecard ) and 6 σ management method simply and how to use them to sale-forces performance management , further probes to use them to analyze the case .

  27. 他们的最新产品Serendipity将于本周发布,一旦客户出现在附近,这款应用程序就会向销售人员发出提醒。

    Their latest creation , serendipity , is an app that notifies salespeople when customers are nearby , which the company is unveiling this week .

  28. 为了推动销售人员能合作销售(包括云产品和本地软件),SAP为所有的云产品交易支付“双份佣金”,即给传统软件销售代表和云销售人员同时支付佣金。

    To get sales reps to work together and sell both cloud and on-premise purchases , sap has been " double comp-ing " all cloud deals , meaning it is paying a commission to both the traditional software reps and cloud salespeople .

  29. 阿伦德是资深果粉,在店铺中安排了配备iPad的销售人员和互动试衣镜,依托Facebook和Twitter来建立客户忠诚,并通过引进年轻人才,对员工进行了换血。

    Ahrendts , a longtime apple fan , has stocked the stores with ipad-clad salespeople and interactive mirrors , relied heavily on Facebook ( FB ) and Twitter to build customer loyalty , and overhauled the workforce by populating bringing in young talent .

  30. 在JotSpot,我们的第一个销售人员是尤金•列维斯基。

    At JOTSPOT , our first sales guy was a guy named Eugene levitsky .