
shuì wù ɡù wèn
  • tax advisor;tax consultant
  1. 公司征求税务顾问的意见。

    The company called in a tax consultant to advise them .

  2. 税务咨询:电话及网上咨询,担任常年税务顾问。

    Tax consulting : Tel and Online consulting , serve as tax consultant .

  3. 顾问机构均富(grantthornton)的税务顾问迈克沃伯顿(mikewarburton)有一个客户,他希望给每个为他工作过的秘书每人5000英镑。

    Mike Warburton , a tax adviser with Grant Thornton , has a client who aims to award 5000 to each secretary who worked for him .

  4. 只有两个人知道奥斯卡奖获奖名单,他们负责审计整个流程,这两个人就是PwC公司的税务顾问玛莎?瑞兹和会计师布莱恩?卡利南。

    Only two people know the Oscars winners list and supervise the counting procedures - PwC tax adviser Martha Ruiz and Brian Cullinan an accountant .

  5. 我在我所驻的英国、葡萄牙和瑞士都有税务顾问。

    I work with tax advisers in the UK , Portugal and in Switzerland , where I am based .

  6. 让会计师事务所更好地履行职责,消除既担任审计师又担任咨询师与税务顾问造成的利益冲突,是值得赞许的目标。

    Making accountants perform better and ending the conflict of interest of auditors also acting as consultants and tax advisers are laudable aims .

  7. 如果你的母亲并不习惯于这么做,请你鼓励她与财务顾问、税务顾问或者是不动产规划顾问进行面谈。

    If your mom isn 't accustomed to doing so , encourage her to attend meetings with any financial , tax or estate-planning advisers .

  8. 琢磨出怎样才能把钱留给动物,并不是唯一让律师和税务顾问挠头的事。

    Figuring out how to leave money to animals is not the only item that can put solicitors and tax advisers in a muddle .

  9. 在瑞银集团公布这些案宗之前,许多持有海外账户且非常富有的美国人,急切地去咨询他们的税务顾问该如何面对。

    Publicity from the UBS case , even before the agreement was announced , had many wealthy Americans with offshore accounts nervously running to their tax advisers .

  10. 税务顾问警告,在中国经营、但采用海外注册结构以尽可能降低在华税收的公司,应准备迎接中国税务机关更为严格的审查。

    Companies operating in China using foreign - registered structures to minimise onshore tax should be braced for more aggressive scrutiny from mainland authorities , tax advisers have warned .

  11. 在北京等大城市,市政府也与辖区内的大公司联系,要求提供外派人士详细的收入信息,税务顾问透露。

    Municipal governments in Beijing and other big cities are also contacting big companies in their jurisdictions and telling them to provide detailed information on the expatriates ' incomes , tax advisers said .

  12. 从伦敦到香港,向律师和税务顾问咨询的海外美国人激增,他们担心在9月23日最后期限之前,自己是否正确申报了海外资产。

    Lawyers and tax advisers from London to Hong Kong have had a surge in inquiries from expatriate Americans worried about whether they have correctly declared offshore assets ahead of the September 23 deadline .

  13. 在亚洲,我们的一些大客户都是家族企业,所以他们不情愿聘用金融顾问和税务顾问,这点没有北洲和欧洲成熟。

    In Asia , some of our largest clients tend to be family-owned businesses and their willingness to use financial advisers and tax advisers is not as developed as in North America and Europe .

  14. 收入与资本利得区分起来较为困难,在对二者区别征税的过程中,经济状况较好的人会占便宜,因为他们的财务状况更加复杂,并且请得起好的税务顾问。

    The difference between income and capital gains is more difficult , and the problems of implementing that distinction work to the advantage of the better off , whose finances are complex and who can afford good advice .

  15. 根据这一爆料,雅虎将只遵照该公司税务顾问的看法,继续开展剥离交易。消息传来,雅虎股价在盘后交易中上涨逾3%,令周一交易日期间5.25%的亏损幅度收窄了一部分。

    The disclosure that the spin-off would go ahead , subject only to an opinion from the company 's tax advisers , sent Yahoo shares up by more than 3 per cent in after-market trading , erasing part of the 5.25 per cent loss they had suffered during normal trading on Monday .

  16. 会计,公司秘书,税务,顾问,资讯科技,翻译等服务。

    Accounting , secretarial , taxation , consultancy , translation and information technology services .

  17. 现还担任中国税务咨询协会首席顾问。

    He is now also the Chief Adviser to China Association of Taxation Consultancy .

  18. 确定现有单位以及新实体的税务最优化,与税务顾问和税务机关保持联络以获得最有利的税务平台。

    Identify tax optimization in existing units as well as new entities liaise with tax consultants and tax authorities to obtain favorable tax regimes .

  19. Peelo先生说,埃亨先生在有关期间“不时”寻求税务咨询,但他没有给出税务顾问的名字。

    Mr Peelo said Mr Ahern had during the period concerned sought tax advice " from time to time " but did not give the name of any adviser used .

  20. 年内,各咨询服务中心和中央电话咨询服务中心为273万人次提供服务。税务咨询:电话及网上咨询,担任常年税务顾问。

    The public enquiry service centres and central telephone enquiry centre received 2.73 million clients in 1999 . Tax consulting : Tel and Online consulting , serve as tax consultant .

  21. 更重要的是,我非常有兴趣加入的税务部门作为我的职业生涯长远目标是成为一个税务顾问。

    What 's more , I have great interest in joining the Tax Department as my long term career goal is to be a tax consultant .