
  1. 认真贯彻税收管理员制度,落实管户责任。

    To strictly implement tax administrator system and ascertain administrator 's responsibility .

  2. 对税收管理员制度的一点思考

    Reflections on The Tax Collectors System

  3. 然而,在税收管理员制度发挥积极作用的同时,随着经济社会的不断发展,有些方面已不适应形势发展的要求,必须因地制宜、与时俱进地加以完善和推进。

    With the social and economic development , the tax administrator system cannot adapt to the development in some aspects .

  4. 全文分为三个部分:一、税收管理员制度和纳税服务概述。

    The full text is divided into three parts : Firstly , the summarize of the tax services and tax administrators .

  5. 介绍了税收管理员制度的涵义、特征、理论依据、发展与变迁。

    It introduces the meaning , characteristics , the basis of the theory , the development and change of the tax administrator system .

  6. 推行税收管理员制度正是强化税源管理的主要手段,开展纳税评估工作是强化税源监控管理的重要内容。

    The policy of implementing Tax Manager is the main measure to strengthen tax source management , making tax evaluation work is the most important contents to strengthen tax source management .

  7. 在此基础上,阐述了这些困难的存在对税务机关提供优质高效的纳税服务的掣肘。三、将纳税服务融入税收管理员制度的举措。

    The paper discusses the baffle of the tax authorities provide fast and efficient service which brings from the existed problems . Thirdly , the mentality and the action on integrating the tax service to the tax administrator system .

  8. 结合实际把握管理重点、推行税收管理员制度、开展纳税评估和深化综合治税是不断强化税源监控管理的重要内容。

    Need to grasp administration priority with a view of reality , implementation of the tax system administrator , development tax payment appraisal and deepen synthesis administering tax are important parts to strengthen the supervision and control of tax sources .

  9. 税收管理员制度施行以来,在税源管理和纳税服务工作中的作用得以强化,有力地推进了依法治税工作,税收征管的质量、效率、税源控管力度得到进一步提升。

    Since tax administrator system was implemented , it has been playing a more and more important role in both tax source management and taxation service . It advanced taxation administration by law , promoted the quality and efficiency of taxation administration , and strengthened the tax source management .

  10. 小政策赢得大税收&山东泰安市国税局推行税收管理员制度

    Taxation Administrator System Implemented in Tai'an