
xiāo shòu zǔ zhī
  • Sales Organization;marketing organization
  1. 用销售组织将市场细分为区域。

    You can use sales organizations to subdivide markets into regions .

  2. 每个销售组织是一个法人实体的销售单位。

    Each sales organization represents a selling unit as a legal entity .

  3. 销售组织先于其竞争者做出了重大行动。

    The marketing team that beat all the competitors to the punch .

  4. 一个或多个销售组织可拥有一个公司代码。

    Company codes are assigned to company for consolidation purpose .

  5. 基于汽车销售组织结构上的分解组合算法研究

    Studies of decomposition and combination arithmetic based on automobile sell organization structure

  6. 非洲国家间森林经济和木材销售组织

    Inter-African Organization for Forest Economy and Marketing of Timber

  7. 最后为飞鸿公司重新设计销售组织提出建议。

    Finally , the suggestion for designing sales structure of Feihong Corporation was given .

  8. 打造高效销售组织,培养卓越销售领导。

    Effective sales organization and effective sales leaders Nov.

  9. 它的销售组织每年得到一亿美元的广告费。

    Its sales organization is supported with an advertising budget of $ 100 million per year .

  10. 该公司有着十分稳固的销售组织,而且拥有一批最优秀的工程师。

    The company already had a solid dealer organization , as well as engineers second to none .

  11. 如何解决销售组织不公平的问题?公司试图为销售人员做一个什麽样的公平环境?

    How are sales organizations addressing issues of inequity ? What are companies doing to try to effect an equitable work environment for sales personnel ?

  12. 文章重点分析了飞鸿公司销售组织设计要考虑哪些因素,以及如何重新设计高效的销售组织,来适应公司所面临的新的竞争形式。

    The paper mainly analyzed which factors would be considered and how Feihong corporation design high efficient sales structure , in order to face the latest competition .

  13. 彻斯特勒先生主要负责飞马公司解决方案中心的工作,负责该公司的全球销售组织的供需渠道联合交易支持。

    He is primarily responsible for the Pegasus'solution center , an overlay to the company 's global sales organization supporting complex deals across both supply and demand channels .

  14. 完善企业销售组织机构建设加强企业销售组织机构管理蔬菜统营处属非政府组织,提供蔬菜批销设施。

    Intensifying The Construction And The Management Of The Sales Organization In The Enterprises ; The Vegetable Marketing Organisation is established as a non-governmental body providing vegetable wholesale marketing facilities .

  15. 分销渠道是企业将产品或服务向消费者转移所有权所经过的路径,涵盖了企业内部的销售组织和外部的经销商组织。

    Distribution channel is the way for the enterprises to transfer the ownership of their products to their customer , which covered the internal sales organization of the enterprise and its external distribution organizations .

  16. 销售组织不力果农是一盘散沙,各自为政,无序竞争,也没有科学的营销策略和方法,所以无法与国际大市场接轨;

    The incompetent orchardman of sale organisation is the a sheet of loose sand , Each does things in his own way , Disorder contest , There is not scientific knowledge marketing tactics and the means yet , Therefore can not join the track against the great marketplace of internation .

  17. IBM计算机在内存能力上不断提升,并在其大规模销售的组织支持下迅速树立工业标准。

    The IBM PC , with increased memory capacity and backed by IBM 's large sales organization , quickly became the industry standard .

  18. 全盘管理,市场管理,IT产品销售,组织设备维护和IT项目管理。

    General management , marketing , selling IT products , organizing equipment maintenance and IT project .

  19. 一个十六岁的孩子或17使他在汽车、销售盒组织。

    A boy of16 or17 was making his way through the car , selling boxes of tissues .

  20. 订货模型存在于大多数的公司中,用以根据销售情况组织公司生产。

    In the most supply chain enterprises , production is organized according to its sale , the ordering model of enterprises is especially important .

  21. 为了提取潜在的主题领域列表,您应该首先考虑客户的商业利益(例如:客户、利润、销售、组织或产品)。

    To extract a list of potential subject areas , you should first consider your customer ? s business interests ( for example : customers , profit , sales , organizations , or products ) .

  22. 同时,加强信用销售管理组织体系、信息技术、信用文化等基础配套措施建设,为全程信用销售管理的实施创造良好的条件和氛围。

    Meanwhile , strengthen construction of basic supplementary measure such as the management organizing system of credit , information technology , credit culture , create good condition and atmosphere for implementation of whole credit management .

  23. 拓宽营销渠道、突破流通障碍:即从专业市场、销售合作组织、龙头企业三路出发,拓宽农产品的销售渠道,解决农产品的卖难问题;

    Widening the marketing channel and breaking through the circulating obstacle : widen the marketing channel through three roads : the special market , the marketing cooperative organizations , the leading companies , and solve the difficulty of selling ;

  24. 最后,利用研究成果对JS集团销售公司的组织发展进行案例分析,案例分析的结果在一定程度上支持了本文的结论。

    Lastly the paper analyses the case of organizational development of sales department in JS Salse Corporation . The result sustains conclusion of this paper in a certain extent .

  25. 中国国有化肥企业中化化肥(sinofert)与canpotex签署了一项协议,后者是北美从事钾肥销售的卡特尔组织。

    SINOFERT , the Chinese state-owned fertiliser company , signed a deal with canpotex , the North American Marketing cartel .

  26. 参加公司召开的销售会议或组织的培训。

    Participant sales meeting or training courses arranged by the company .

  27. 该公司现在已经上市,正在拓展销售与市场组织。

    It 's now public and working on the sales & marketing organization .

  28. 销售队伍的组织与管理

    The Organizations and Managements of Sales People

  29. 国际汽车销售和修理组织

    International Organization for Motor Trades and Repairs

  30. 相对于销售驱动型组织,现在仍然很难见到一个真正的市场营销驱动型组织。

    It 's still very rare to see a truly marketing-driven organisation , as opposed to a sales-driven organisation , says Mr Doctoroff .