
  • 网络sales support;Sales Enablement
  1. 美国电子消费品零售商百思买(bestbuy)也打算参与中国市场的竞争,通过提供更好的销售支持,证明其较高的价格物有所值。

    Best buy , the US consumer electronics retailer , is also trying to compete in the Chinese market , justifying higher prices by offering better sales support .

  2. 为营销和销售支持控制提供必要的招聘战略。

    Provide necessary recruitment strategies for marketing and sales support control .

  3. POS系统不但能完成传统的POS销售支持的功能,而且也能采集顾客相关信息。

    POS takes role of not only sale support but also customer information collection .

  4. 提供销售支持对公司指定的代理商。

    Provide the sales support to Richco appointed distributor .

  5. 所有产品的销售支持审查,市场引导和客户复阅。

    Sales support audits , marketing leads , customer reviews , for all products .

  6. 客户访问、销售支持;

    Customer visit and Sales support ;

  7. 紧急情况下,作为销售支持人员的后备,负责准备投标文件和报价。

    Backup of other sales support for urgent cases , including bidding documentation and quotation preparation etc.

  8. 负责项目报价、销售支持工作;

    Project proposal and sales support ;

  9. 我想补充的是,我们在这个行业中有最好的销售支持网络。

    I 'd like to add that we have the best sales support network in the industry .

  10. 不仅如此,他还常常参与面向客户的一些活动,比如需求收集、设计验证以及销售支持。

    As such , he is also often involved in client-facing activities such as requirements gathering , design validation , and sales enablement .

  11. 例如,销售支持应用程序可能将价格列表下载到设备上,并在设备上捕获和上载新的订单。

    For example , a sales support application might download a price list to a device , and capture and upload new orders on the device .

  12. 开发员宣称他很有把握这个系统能在下一季度为三个表演艺术团体提供票务销售支持。

    The developer declares he is confident that the system will be running for three performing arts groups to use it for ticket sales next season .

  13. 区域销售支持队伍,大客户销售支持和技术支持。因此,第一周的票房销售显得尤为关键。

    Area sales support teams , key account sales support and technical support officer . Oddly , this has made the opening weekend 's box-office sales more important .

  14. 决策支持系统主要应用于销售支持、客户分析、财务分析、企业分析和市场研究等方面,对企业决策至关重要。

    The policy-support system mainly applies on aspect of sale , customer analysis , financial analysis , enterprise analysis and market research and so on . It is very important to the enterprise decision .

  15. CIMS环境下基于DW的销售决策支持系统

    Sale DSS Based on Data Warehouse in CIMS

  16. Google表示他们当前仍在修补销售和支持进程中遇到的问题,同时也还没有确定是否会将这种销售模式推广到国际市场。

    Google notes that it is still tinkering with its sales and support process and isn 't sure whether it will follow the same model in international markets .

  17. Intel日前与以色列首席科学家办公室达成了一项合作意向,在这次合作中Intel将为以色列本地的软件公司提供设备、技术以及销售渠道支持。

    Chicago ( IL ) - Intel and the Israeli Office of the Chief Scientist have agreed to provide local software companies with equipment , technology and access to distribution channels .

  18. pseudo是开放源码而非源码保密项目的根本原因是,我们对其销售或支持业务不感兴趣。

    The fundamental reason that this is an open source project , and not a closed-source secret bit of technology , is that we have no interest in being in the business of selling or supporting it .

  19. 到年底的时候,该中心将通过ISO9001认证,届时将有来自该地区其他卫星办事处支持额外技术和销售协助支持的提供全面服务的工作人员。

    By year-end , the facility will be ISO9001 certified , offering a full-service staff supported by additional technical and sales assistance from other satellite offices in the region .

  20. 本文介绍了在YH-CIMS二期工程背景下,基于数据仓库技术建立的销售决策支持系统。

    This paper introduces the sale decision support system ( DSS ) based on data warehouse in YH-CIMS (ⅱ) .

  21. 我们流程的最终目的是要为仪器销售提供支持。

    Our processes were set up to support selling instruments .

  22. 商业企业销售决策支持系统的开发与研究

    Develop and Research of Business Sale Decision Support System

  23. 一种基于DW+OLAP+DM的连锁销售决策支持系统模型

    Model of Chain Stores Decision Supporting System Based on DW + OLAP + DM

  24. 协助市场部经理满足客户的需求,并且提供技术销售的支持。

    Assists Marketing manager to meet customer requirements and provides technical sales as well .

  25. 庞大的520亿美元可销售资产支持证券组合,如今只是在以缓慢的速度减少。

    The vast , $ 52bn available-for-sale , asset-backed securities portfolio is only slowly coming down .

  26. 即使技术捆绑仍然疲弱,但单一产品的销售和支持渠道起到了一定的帮助作用。

    Even if the technology tie-in is weak , the single sales and support channel helps .

  27. 贤者软件公司是一家从事开发,销售和支持的企业管理软件及相关产品和服务。

    Is engaged in the development , distribution and support of business management software and related products and services .

  28. 本文针对某企业实际情况,提出一套基于数据仓库的销售决策支持系统的解决方案。

    In this paper , we have provided a sale decision support system based on data warehouse according to our practical work .

  29. 在数据仓库、联机分析处理、数据挖掘技术的支持下,提出了连锁销售决策支持系统解决方案,即数据仓库+联机分析处理+数据挖掘→决策支持系统。

    Based on the technologies mentioned before , the solutions of Chain-Sale Decision Support System is put forward , that is DW + OLAP + DM → DSS .

  30. 本文的选题,目的在于建立一个新的系统,使企业在客户服务、市场竞争、销售及支持方面形成彼此协调的全新的关系实体,为企业带来长久的竞争优势。

    This thesis aims at establishing a new system , combining customer service , marketing compete , sales and supporting work , ensures enterprises ' long term priority .