
  • 网络Business personnel;business people;sales;sales person;Business Specialist
  1. 业务人员可能很了解业务数据,但并不知道如何使用IntegrationDeveloper或者管理控制台的关系管理器。

    Business people know business data well , but might not know how to use Integration Developer or the relationship manager of the admin console .

  2. 在这个方面,UI层的风险较大,因为对那些经常改变需求的业务人员来说,它是一个可视层。

    The UI tier contains much risk in this area because it is a visual tier for which business people often change requirements .

  3. displayname是任务的可供人阅读的名称,业务人员可以理解此名称,用于表示任务列表上的任务。

    The display name is the human-readable name of the task that business people can understand ; it represents the task on a task list .

  4. 因此可以利用Web数据仓库技术,将办公自动化系统中的海量数据重组,构成可用、可控、可扩展的数据组织,以满足企业各级主管和办公、业务人员分析决策的信息需求。

    In order to meet analysis decision information demands of director and office man , it could use Web data-warehouse reform great date to form useable patulous manipulative date .

  5. 假设该表格由业务人员Lisa创建。

    Let 's say the table was created by a business person , Lisa .

  6. 自动化测试工具的初衷,比如Fit,是想让业务人员(“客户”)自己写出可执行的例子来。

    The real planned benefit of an automated acceptance tool , like Fit , was that the business folks (" customers ") would write executable examples themselves .

  7. 其中一个由话务员和业务人员使用和操作,与呼叫中心CTI系统、IVR语音系统集成,提供系统的操作界面。

    One used by telephone operator and provide the system interface .

  8. 一种过于重视技术的SOA是不可能实现该承诺的,因为它们不会显示出业务人员希望看到的价值。

    A SOA that is too technology focused is unlikely to deliver on that promise since they will not show value in terms business people want to see it .

  9. SOA在这一点上的附加价值就是,架构师和其他业务人员一道讨论和工作,而不仅限于项目干系人。

    The added value of SOA in this case , is that architects talk and work together with other business people as well , not just the project stakeholders .

  10. BDD使用的语言,和DDD中的通用语言,都是为了能够让业务人员和开发人员可以进行交流。

    The language of BDD , like the ubiquitous language of DDD , is designed to enable conversations between the business and the developers .

  11. 不仅要求功能的完善性,同时要求能够随时随地与银行业务人员取得联系,进行业务的办理,或者随时随地通过自助渠道办理业务,于是CallCenter这个平台应运而生。

    Requires not only functional integrity , also asked business people at anytime , anywhere to get in touch with the bank to conduct business , handle , or through self-help channels to conduct business , so CALL CENTER comes into being on this platform .

  12. 类图及E-R模型的制定方便了与业务人员的交流探讨,与技术人员的协调互助,同时也是制定清洗规则、编写存储过程等工作的有效指南。

    Class diagrams and E-R model development to facilitate business exchanges in the coordination of mutual aid and technical staff , the development of cleaning rules , write stored procedures work effectively guide .

  13. 在这本书中,Ross先生将术语描述为业务人员在其日常的业务职责的执行过程中使用的词汇和短语,将事实描述为描述业务人员所知道的业务真实情况的术语组合。

    In his book , Mr. Ross describes terms as words and phrases that are used by business people in the daily execution of their business responsibilities and facts as combinations of terms that describe what business people know to be true about their business .

  14. 本文不但对哈尔滨市TPY进出口公司有着对业务人员激励的指导作用,同时也对国内的家族外贸企业有着借鉴的作用。

    This paper not only have the guide role for the business staff incentives of the Harbin TPY foreign trade company , but also have the reference role for the domestic foreign trade enterprises .

  15. KethSwenson提到,BPMN新版本的大多数增强都是针对开发人员而非业务人员的,它将图形化编程语言转换成流程。

    Keth Swenson notes that most of the enhancements to the new version of BPMN are for developers , not for business people , turning it into a graphical programming language for processes .

  16. 流通企业业务人员绩效考核

    The performance assessment of business operation personnel in circulation enterprises

  17. 联合国向斯威士兰提供业务人员信托基金;

    United Nations Trust Fund for provision of operational personnel to swaziland ;

  18. 建模平台可以将约束信息通过不同视图传递给业务人员。

    Display more information in different views to business people .

  19. 主要管理人员和业务人员必须具有证券从业资格;

    Its key managers and personnel must be qualified to deal in securities .

  20. 外贸企业核心业务人员激励对策研究

    Study on Countermeasures of Encouragement to Core Sales Stuffs in Foreign Trade Enterprises

  21. 我想成为高科技公司的资深业务人员。

    I want to be in a senior sales position with a high-tech company .

  22. 共享的日程表是编排业务人员和销售人员的的手段。

    A shared calendar is a way of orchestrating your business or sales people .

  23. 她脸皮太薄,不适合在广告公司担任业务人员。

    She is too thin-skinned to be an account executive in an advertising agency .

  24. 信息时代和网络时代的到来,对档案业务人员的素质提出了更高的要求。

    The coming of information and internet era demands more constitution for archives personnel .

  25. 业务人员和软件开发人员应该每天就解决方案交换意见并展开协作。

    Business people and software developers should have daily exchanges and cooperate on the solution .

  26. 业务人员可以不必学习复杂的安装、配置、维护方面的知识。

    Business can without having to learn complicated installation , configuration , maintenance of knowledge .

  27. 在油田开发过程中,数据对业务人员来说是至关重要的。

    In the oil field development process , the data is critical for business people .

  28. 我的IT和业务人员有多么灵活,他们能改变现有的过程吗?

    How flexible is my IT and business staff , can they change their existing processes ?

  29. “泳道”或者列,显示哪一个业务人员在执行活动。

    " Swim lanes ", or columns , show which business worker is performing each activity .

  30. 最近由非技术业务人员作的调查结果是显著的。

    Recent observations which have been made by non-technical business people are striking in their implications .