
  • 网络Property consultant;real estate consultant
  1. 我的第二份工作是置业顾问。

    My second job is a property consultant .

  2. 沈阳一位不愿具名的置业顾问说,对于政府管理房地产市场的方式,人们失去了信任,房价正在下跌,人们积蓄的财富面临危险。

    ' People are losing trust in how the authorities have handled the property market . Home prices are falling and it 's their nest egg at stake , ' says a Shenyang-based property consultant , who declined to be named . '

  3. 置业顾问:轨道交通还是现在购房的唯一理由?

    Home Consultants : rail or now houses the only reason ?

  4. 而随着房地产业不断发展及房改的实行,置业顾问成了一种新兴且热门的职业。

    With the continuous development of real estate and implementation of the housing reform , real estate consultant has become a new and hot occupation .

  5. 理论上,不仅能更好的衡量置业顾问的发展,激励其进步,也可以使置业顾问的绩效评价工作更具针对性和主动性。

    In theory , it not only be able to measure the development of real estate consultant and encourage them to make a progress , but also to make the job about achievement evaluation more focused and active .

  6. 长期以来,置业顾问的绩效评估都是在以注重销售量为基础上的业绩评估,这种评估方式随着房地产行业不断规范,其弊端不断显现。

    For a long time , the performance evaluation to the consultant in real estate industry has emphasized on the achievement evaluation which based on the sales quantity . As the real estate industry been up to be more and more standard , its disadvantage has become more apparent .