
  • 网络marketer
  1. 而乔布斯则是天生的营销者,而且拥有足够的本事来说服别人,依靠合伙人史蒂夫•沃兹尼亚克发明了第一台苹果(Apple)电脑。

    A born marketer with enough technical chops to be persuasive , jobs relied on collaborator Steve Wozniak to create the first apple computer .

  2. 而保时捷(Porsche)则享有双重地位&既是跑车厂商,又是豪车品牌营销者。

    Porsche enjoys a dual status as a sports car maker as well as luxury marketer .

  3. “朋友圈推广”是营销者推广品牌的最新伎俩。

    Friendvertising ' is the latest trick by marketers who want you to sell their brand .

  4. 在2006年,美国联邦贸易委员会(usfederaltradecommission)颁布条例,规定口碑营销者必须披露他们与相关公司的关系。

    And in 2006 , the US Federal Trade Commission issued regulations stating that word-of-mouth marketers must disclose their relationships .

  5. Twitter表示:我们一直在与营销者讨论哪些方式可能会让他们从Twitter上获得更多收益。

    Twitter said : We are always talking with marketers about ways they could potentially get more out of Twitter .

  6. Black这样说市场营销者,他们不会说,通过购买我的这件产品,你就会成为全国最酷的人,他们会说你会变得很酷的样子。

    They don 't try to say , 'By buying and carrying my kind of product , you are going to be the coolest person in the country ' ; they say you will be like this kind of person .

  7. 对Twitter的早期投资者来说,IPO也证明广告能够成为这种模式中有利可图的一部分,让营销者出钱在tweets中推销产品,从而获得每年数亿美元的营业收入。

    For its earlier investors , the IPO also proves that advertising can be a lucrative part of that mix , making hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenues by charging marketers to promote their tweets .

  8. 首席运营官谢里尔•桑德伯格(SherylSandberg)在第一季度财报电话会议中表示,对中国市场营销者的业务出售“非常强劲”,她举例称,中国国航(AirChina)运用Faceboo宣传孟买到北京等新航线。

    Sheryl Sandberg , chief operating officer , said on the first-quarter earnings call that their business selling to marketers in China was " really strong , " giving the example of how Air China used Facebook to advertise new flight routes including one from Mumbai to Beijing .

  9. 一些营销者还致力于向男士们推销&或者像Lindstrom先生所说的那样,把男人们像女人一样推进商店。

    Marketers are also devoting much more effort to marketing to men & or , as Mr Lindstrom puts it , getting men to shop like women .

  10. 快餐店的营销者知道这点,并依此设计广告。

    Fast food marketers know this , and design ads accordingly .

  11. 而这种企业的功能异质化和生产者网络&营销者网络的形成是伴生的。

    Such heterogeneity of enterprise function is concomitant with producer network-marketer Network .

  12. 而市场营销者们和文化领跑者们又大肆宣扬成年前期这样的生活状态。

    Marketers and culture creators help to promote pre-adulthood as a lifestyle .

  13. 营销者必须学会识别与适应这些不同的身份。

    Marketers must learn to identify and adapt to these different identities .

  14. 市场营销者在多年前就意识到,品牌管理是一项团队运动。

    Marketers realised many years ago that brand management is a team sport .

  15. 营销者除了要制定决策吸引顾客并与之达成交易外。

    Beyond designing strategies to attract new customer and create transactions with them .

  16. 有多种销售术能够帮助营销者完成目标。

    Several sales techniques help achieve marketers ' objectives .

  17. 营销者用分销渠道来展览或者把产品或者服务送达购买者或者使用者。

    The marketer also uses selling channels to effect transactions with potential buyers .

  18. 我所看重的营销者的一个主要特质是好奇心。

    One of the qualities I always seek in marketing people is curiosity .

  19. 营销者很早就明白,最有力的营销方式是人与人之间的比较。

    Marketers have long known that the most powerful persuader is peer pressure .

  20. 营销者怎样才能在营销实践中做出符合伦理道德的决策呢?

    How can a marketer make a moral decision in his practical marketing activities ?

  21. 营销者需要在公司赢利和创造更大顾客价值之间寻求平衡。

    Marketers must balance creating more value for customer against marking profits for the company .

  22. 所以,对于大多数营销者而言,也没有其他既拥有社交战略,又令人满意的平台提供商了。

    So there is no other satisfactory provider for most marketers with a social strategy .

  23. 从营销者的角度来看,市场是某产品实际的和潜在的买主的集合。

    To marketers , market is the set of actual and potential buyers of a product .

  24. 营销者们在继品牌延伸之后另辟蹊径,尝试采用品牌联合策略来获得自身的生存与发展。

    After brand extension , marketers are trying a new way co-branding to survive and develop .

  25. 如今我们每个人都是营销者。

    We are all marketers nowadays .

  26. 那些资深营销者试图愚弄公众认为杂粮就是全谷物。

    Those tricky marketers are trying to fool the public into thinking that multigrain means whole grain .

  27. 越来越多的工业市场营销者正把视频并入他们营销策略中。

    More and more industrial marketers are developing video content as part of their marketing content strategy .

  28. 数字营销者的队伍越来越庞大,网络销售也越来越红火(见图表)。

    The number of digital marketers is increasing and online sales are booming ( see chart ) .

  29. 着重分析了态度对象发生分离的条件以及两种态度之间的关系,并在此基础上强调:营销者和广告商应重视这一现象,以减少分离的出现;

    This paper mainly analyzes the conditions on which attitude object separates and the relationship between two attitudes .

  30. 同时,加之市场各领域需求的饱和与竞争的加剧,不少非直销领域的营销者也纷纷采用数据库营销的观念和技术。

    Meanwhile , many marketers in the indirect selling field are using the database marketing ideas and technology .