
  • 网络business unit
  1. ManagementDrivenEnablement中最初的程序是一个全体领导小组都可以在这里学习策略的常用方法以及在营业单位管理水平进行计划的管理程序。

    The initial program within Management Driven Enablement was a management program in which the entire leadership team learned a common methodology for strategy and planning at the business unit level .

  2. 管理营业单位与重点客户的沟通;

    Manage communication between Business Unit and Key Accounts .

  3. 财务报表按营业单位编制的惯例用来表述某物重量的单位制。

    Business entity convention a system of units used to express the weight of something .

  4. 沃尔沃机动性系统,公司的新营业单位,积极涉及这次努力。

    Volvo Mobility Systems , the company 's new business unit , is actively involved in this effort .

  5. 暂停营业单位,主要的基金比基金的帐目净值的股票市值将成为网络上产生更大的影响。

    To suspend the stock market value than the net value of the Fund accounts for a major fund unit will be a greater impact on the net .

  6. 认为机关应从单位犯罪的主体中剔除,领有营业执照的单位分支机构和私营企业中的有限责任公司应当成为单位犯罪的主体。

    The author suggests that administrative organs should be rejected from the criminal subject of the unit crime but the branches of the unit which have business license and the limited liability companies among the private enterprises should be the criminal subject of the unit crime .

  7. 社会生活噪声防治对策:(1)加强营业性饮食服务单位和娱乐场所的管理。

    The countermeasures of society noise were : ( 1 ) Managing restaurant and entertainment places .