
yínɡ yè shōu rù
  • operating revenue;operating income;proceeds of business
  1. 这位团购网站业界的领头羊使用了一种叫做“调整后综合营业收入”(adjustedCSOI)的会计方式来记量公司利润,但没有把它的在线营销支出包含在内。

    The leading daily deals site is using an unusual measure , adjusted consolidated segment operating income ( or adjusted csoi ) , to measure profits without including its online marketing expenses .

  2. 营业收入应当按照实际或者应予收取的款项登记入帐。

    Operating income shall be accounted for to the extent of the amount received and receivable .

  3. 该公司营业收入的绝大部分来自Facebook。

    The vast majority of revenues come via Facebook .

  4. 财务状况:Facebook2011年的营业收入达37.1亿美元,净收入为10亿美元。

    Financials : Facebook reports $ 3.71 billion in 2011 revenue , and $ 1 billion in net income .

  5. 据摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)估计,新浪2011年营业收入为4.84亿美元,其中广告收入占到77%。

    Advertising accounted for 77 per cent of its 2011 revenues of $ 484m , Morgan Stanley estimates .

  6. 这些新领军者(NewChampions)的典型代表,年营业收入在1亿美元至20亿美元之间,有着海外扩张的野心,并在各自行业领域展现出领导能力。

    Typical indicators of these so-called New Champions are annual revenues of between $ 100m to $ 2bn , a desire to expand overseas and demonstrated leadership in their particular industry .

  7. 来自娱乐商业杂志《组合》(Portfolio)的资料显示,该网站年营业收入达到2000万美元,每月页面访问量达到3000万次。

    ( According to the entertainment business magazine Portfolio this site generates an annual revenue of $ 20m , with 30m page views a month . )

  8. 如果Facebook的估值最终达到1040亿美元,则其交易价值将是2011年营业收入的28倍,而市盈率达到104倍。

    If Facebook ends up valued at $ 104 billion , it would trade at 28 times its 2011 revenue and 104 times earnings .

  9. 此外,Zynga还认识到,“事实上,我们的全部营业收入和玩家都来自于Facebook平台。”

    Moreover , Zynga acknowledges that it generates " substantially all of our revenue and players through the Facebook platform . "

  10. 但是该公司并没有任何营业收入,而且就在其IPO之前的一年,它的财产一度从337880美元暴跌至不到15000美元。

    But the company had no revenue and its assets had plunged to just under $ 15,000 from $ 337,880 in the year before the offering .

  11. 结论认为:(1)SARS对广州酒店业的影响显著,最直接表现为客房出租率下降与营业收入减少;

    The conclusions are : ( 1 ) The impact of SARS upon hotel Industry is remarkable , room rent rate and income dropped greatly ;

  12. 美国国土安全部(DepartmentofHomelandSecurity)必须每隔三年向国会汇报:持有签证的人创办了何种经营业务,他们带来了多少就业,营业收入是多少。

    The Department of Homeland Security would have to report to Congress every three years on what kinds of businesses the recipients create , how many jobs they produce , and how much revenue .

  13. 对于那些想把Facebook加为好友的人,有一个好消息:剔除营业收入低于5000万美元的IPO公司,新上市公司的回报率与同等规模的现有上市公司相当。

    There is some good news for those who want to friend Facebook : exclude IPOs with turnover below $ 50m and new flotations pace similarly-sized existing listings .

  14. 上周,智乐宣布其营业收入为1.41亿欧元,这实在令Rovio公司相形见绌,尽管Ravio作为《愤怒的小鸟》(AngryBirds)的出品方,名气比智乐大得多。

    Last week it announced 141 million euros in revenue , dwarfing the revenue of the far-more ballyhooed Rovio , makers of angry birds .

  15. 但是,油价大幅下跌打击了这家国有石油集团及其香港上市子公司中石油(PetroChina)的营业收入。

    But a sharp drop in oil prices has hit revenues at both the state-owned CNPC and its Hong Kong-listed unit PetroChina .

  16. 2010年,Zynga的净收入为9000万美元,营业收入为5.97亿美元。

    Zynga reports $ 90 million of net income in 2010 on around $ 597 million in revenue .

  17. 这对苹果来说是个好消息,对中国新兴的移动应用开发行业来说也是好消息,他们通过在APPStore销售自己的软件与苹果分享营业收入。

    That is good news for Apple , and also for the burgeoning economy of mobile application makers in China , who sell their software on the App Store and share revenue with Apple .

  18. 2010年,她领导公司兼并了英国糖果巨人吉百利公司(Cadbury)。同年,公司营业收入达到480亿美元。

    She led the company in acquiring British candy giant Cadbury in2010 , and the company generated $ 48 billion in revenues that same year .

  19. 台湾巨大机械(GiantManufacturing)财务长杜秀珍(BonnieTu)对ECFA表示欢迎,称这将有助于她的公司改善生产管理。按营业收入计算,该公司是全球最大的自行车生产商。

    Bonnie Tu , finance chief at Taiwan 's Giant Manufacturing , the world 's biggest bicycle maker by revenue , welcomed the agreement , which she said would help her company manage production better .

  20. 台湾智能手机制造商宏达电(HTC)正成为除苹果(Apple)以外智能手机日益流行趋势的最大受益者之一。该公司昨日透露,其第二季度营业收入飙升58%。

    HTC , the Taiwanese smartphone maker , is emerging as one of the biggest beneficiaries besides Apple from the growing popularity of smartphones , as it yesterday revealed its revenues jumped 58 per cent in the second quarter .

  21. 对Twitter的早期投资者来说,IPO也证明广告能够成为这种模式中有利可图的一部分,让营销者出钱在tweets中推销产品,从而获得每年数亿美元的营业收入。

    For its earlier investors , the IPO also proves that advertising can be a lucrative part of that mix , making hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenues by charging marketers to promote their tweets .

  22. AMR咨询公司早在1999年的一份研究报告显示,尽管售后服务对企业营业收入的贡献仅占24%,但对企业毛利的贡献率却占到45%。

    A report from AMR early issued in 1999 indicates , although the revenue in service business is only at about 24 % , it contributes 45 % of the margin .

  23. 高盛的盈利得益于其在固定收益、大宗商品和外汇(FICC)业务上创纪录的65亿美元营业收入。

    Goldman 's earnings were helped by a record $ 6.5bn in revenues in fixed income , commodities and currencies ( FICC ) activities .

  24. 通过AMOS标准路径系数的排序分析可知,影响营业收入因素的关键性从大到小依次为环境因素、商品因素、人为因素及其他因素。

    AMOS path coefficient by the standard sort of analysis , the key factors affecting revenue in descending order of environmental factors , commodity factors , human factors and other factors .

  25. 据位于加州库珀蒂诺(Cupertino)的苹果总部本周一份报告显示,截至9月24日2011财年统计,苹果在中国的营业收入从2010财年的30亿美元增长到了130亿美元。

    Cupertino , Calif. - based Apple reported this week that sales in China rose to $ 13 billion from $ 3 billion for the fiscal year ended Sept.24 .

  26. 2010年,研究公司SNLKagan指出,当年福克斯新闻盈利超过8亿美元,营业收入达15亿美元,超过了其竞争对手CNN和MSNBC的业绩之和。

    In 2010 it is thought to have made a profit of over $ 800m on revenues of $ 1.5 billion , according to SNL Kagan , a research firm - more than its rivals CNN and MSNBC put together .

  27. 在选取财务指标方面,本文选用了通用的五个财务指标:净资产收益率(ROE),毛利率,资产负债率,资产周转率,营业收入增长率,作为研究对象。

    In the selecting of the financial target , this paper chooses the general five financial indexes as the object of study . That is : ROE , gross profit , ratio of liabilities to assets , the assets turnover , and the revenue growth rate .

  28. 萨林昨天宣布将于7月卸任。沃达丰现任副首席执行官维托里奥•柯拉奥(VittorioColao)将接管这家按营业收入计算全球最大的移动运营商。

    That came as Mr Sarin yesterday announced plans to step down in July from the world 's largest mobile operator by revenue , with Vittorio Colao , Vodafone 's deputy chief executive , succeeding him .

  29. 如果你的公司成立不到三年,且营业收入低于100万美元,你就可以通过微软的BizSpark项目免费使用。

    If your firm is less than three years old and under $ 1 million in revenues , you can use Microsoft 's software without charge under its BizSpark program .

  30. Abano健保集团公布了在澳大利亚和新西兰增开的分店,预计这些分店会令集团的营业收入增加9百万纽元。

    The company has announced new purchases and site openings in Australia and New Zealand , which are expected to add more than $ 9 million to the group 's revenue .