
  1. 健株和脱病植株地上部营养器官均不存在上述症状,但两者在组织结构分化程度上有所区别。

    Both healthy plant and pathogen-free plant had not these symptoms , yet there were some different in tissue differentiation of both .

  2. 国有企事业单位职工体育组织结构的分化与整合研究

    A Study on the Organizational Division and Conformity of Worker 's Physical Cultures in State-Owned Businesses

  3. 教育分工促使社会组织结构进一步分化,提供了更多人文社会科学知识的携带者,使得社会分工中非技术性进步的人才增多,从而改善了制度供给的知识存量与结构,提高了制度变迁的有效性。

    The educational division of labor makes the social organizational construction further to divide , and provides more carriers of humanities and social science knowledge .

  4. 腺瘤很接近于正常组织结构,属于分化较好的肿瘤。

    This adenoma is a well-differentiated neoplasm because it closely resemble normal tissue .