
  • 网络operational management
  1. 在选择候选服务时,产品经理和其他业务领导应该进行协商。

    When mining for candidate services , product managers and other business leaders should be interviewed .

  2. 他曾与业务领导和执行IT团队密切合作,制定了企业的IT战略。

    He has worked closely with business leaders and executive IT teams in shaping IT strategy for the enterprise .

  3. 他写道:我们各位业务领导对这场危机的反应是通用电气文化的典型体现。

    He continues : The response of our business leaders to the crisis was typical of the GE culture .

  4. 职务犯罪案件立案备案制度的目的在于加强上级检察院对下级检察院的业务领导,加强对直接受理案件内部监督制约,提高职务犯罪侦查案件质量。

    The purpose of the system of putting on record when placing official crime cases on file is to enhance working guidance of superior procuratorate to subordinate one , strengthen interior supervision and control to directly accepted cases , and improve the effect of the investigation of the official crimes .

  5. 这份调研的目的是理解业务部门领导目前所遇到的人才挑战。

    The goal of our survey is to understand the present talent challenges of business leaders .

  6. 系统功能覆盖包括侦查员、业务主管领导和情报信息工作人员在内的各类经侦民警的业务工作需求。

    And the system functions cover investigators , business executives and business needs of all kinds of economic police including information staffs .

  7. 结构:对协会事务和业务的领导、控制和管理由协会理事会行使。

    Structure : the government , control and management of its affairs and business are vested in the Council of the society .

  8. 访谈调查共约谈了13个相关部门和33个访谈对象,访谈的对象主要是各单位负责人或联系分管具体业务的领导和党员乡土人才。

    The interview survey interviewed a total of 13 departments and 33 interviewers . The interviews were mainly targeted at the head of the unit in charge of a specific business or the leadership of the party members and local talent .

  9. Tiwtter高兴地宣布,杰克•多尔西已经同意重返Twitter,参与公司日常业务,并领导我们的产品开发部门。

    Twitter is pleased to announce that Jack Dorsey has agreed to return to twitter in an everyday role to lead our product development .

  10. 他们的职责也发生了戏剧性的变化,从技术职责(超级开发者)变为业务架构师和领导。

    Their duties also changed dramatically from technical responsibilities ( super developer ) to business architecture and leadership .

  11. 调试和启动运营,包括业务执行,领导和员工的发展,和其他关键的准备工作。

    Commissioning and start-up of operations including operational implementation , leadership and staff development , and other key preparations .

  12. 哎,他年轻的时候一直太严肃。他这个人根本不适合于家族业务的组织领导工作。

    Well , he was always too serious when he was young and he was never the man for Family business .

  13. 近年来,随着新兴技术趋势不断挑战思科的核心业务,钱伯斯领导的这家公司也一直承受着巨大的压力。

    Cisco under Chambers has also been under considerable pressure in recent years from emerging technology trends that challenge its core businesses .

  14. 所有人都拥有推动他们交流方式的期望,不论他们是在家庭聚会、参加会议、进行项目、管理业务或者甚至领导国家。

    All people have expectations that drive the way they interact , whether they are at a family gathering , attending a meeting , working on a project , managing a business , or even leading a country .

  15. 事情都是平等的,主要的业务竞争优势是领导才能的提升速度超越同行,而不是头衔。

    All things being equal , the primary competitive advantage of your business will be your ability to grow Leaders Without Titles faster than your industry peers .

  16. 基于模型建立的招聘评价工具能够获得业务部门和公司领导的认同,提高招聘效率。

    Assessment tools based on the model is easy to be accepted by employees from both the business department and the senior management and thereafter improves the recruitment efficiency .

  17. Secretary/Assistant公司中某人的助手的名称该数据为业务经理、团队领导和执行人员之间的交流提供便利。

    Secretary / Assistant Name of the assistant for a person in the organization This data is useful in facilitating communications with business managers , team leaders , and executives .

  18. 我更希望先谈谈业务需求,但是绝大多数SOA计划由IT团队领导的,而不是被与IT团队协作的业务团队领导的。

    As much as I 'd like to focus first on business requirements , most SOA initiatives are led by IT rather than by the business team in collaboration with IT .

  19. 优化销售业务处理流程,强化对价格、资信政策的控制和执行,实现销售业务和财务的信息集成和共享,为业务员考核、领导决策提供真实、准确的数据。

    Optimize the sales process , strengthen the control and enforcement to the prices and credit policy , achieve the integration and sharing of sales business and financial information , provide the true and accurate data for salesman assessment and leadership decision-making . 4 .