
  • 网络Business Rule;bussiness rule;operating rules
  1. tofunction将构建并返回代表着一条业务规则的函数。

    A functional representation of the business rule is built and returned by to_function .

  2. 这些原子性业务规则语句也与IndustryModels中的业务类型相关联。

    These atomic business rule statements are also bound to business types within the Industry Model .

  3. 在此,我们将这些非规范化定义称作业务规则语句(BusinessRuleStatements)。

    Here , we call these informal definitions Business Rule Statements .

  4. IndustryModels中的许多工件提供对于设计和编写业务规则有帮助的信息。

    Many of the artifacts available within the Industry Models represent information useful for business rule design and authoring .

  5. 本文首先讨论了业务规则的特性及其与IBMIndustryModels的关系。

    This article discussed the nature of business rules and their relationship to IBM Industry Models .

  6. WebSphereProcessServer还支持流程和服务选择中的业务规则集成。

    WebSphere Process Server also supports the integration of business rules in process and service selection .

  7. 它使用大多数XML技术人员已经用于实施业务规则的语法。

    It uses syntax that most XML technologists already understand to enforce business rules .

  8. 例如,一些业务规则组可以引用服务A、B和C。

    For example , some business rule group might refer to services A , B , and C.

  9. WebsphereProcessServer,用于处理业务规则、碳轨迹计算和财务计算。

    Websphere Process Server , which handles business rules , carbon footprint calculations , and financial calculations .

  10. WebSphereProcessServer中的业务规则编写功能由一个基于Eclipse的桌面工具提供支持。

    Business rules authoring in WebSphere Process Server is supported by an Eclipse-based desktop tool .

  11. 本文还将提供了对WebSphereProcessServer中业务规则组件的简要介绍。

    This article also gives you a brief introduction to the business rules component from WebSphere Process Server .

  12. 如果违反了您在触发器中定义的业务规则,就可以使用SIGNAL语句来抛出一个错误条件信号。

    You can use a SIGNAL statement to raise an error condition if the business rule defined in your trigger is violated .

  13. 请参考WebSphere信息中心,以获得更多关于如何使用RuleManagementApplication创建和加载业务规则的指导。

    Refer to the WebSphere Information center for more instruction on using the Rule Management Application for creating and loading business rules .

  14. 基于Eclipse的桌面工具支持业务规则的创建。

    Business rule authoring is supported with Eclipse-based desktop tooling .

  15. 因此,如果元素X包含某个值,业务规则应用于元素Y。

    So , if element X contains a certain value , a business rule is applied to element Y.

  16. 每个业务规则组根据SOA定义零个或更多服务引用。

    Each business rule group defines zero or more service references , according to the SOA .

  17. 它使用WebSphereOperationalDecisionManager实现规则引擎来执行数独业务规则。

    It uses a WebSphere Operational Decision Manager implementation of the rule engine to execute the Sudoku business rules .

  18. 如果元素X包括另一个值,该业务规则可以应用于元素Z。

    If it contains another value , that business rule can instead be applied to element Z.

  19. CAM如何实施业务规则

    How CAM enforces business rules

  20. 业务规则作为规则组部署在运行时规则执行环境(RuleExecutionServer)中。

    Business rules are deployed to the runtime rule execution environment ( Rule Execution Server ) as groups of rules called rulesets .

  21. RuleExecutionServer具备处理管理、性能、安全性和与业务规则执行相关的日志功能。

    Rule Execution Server handles the management , performance , security , and logging capabilities associated with the execution of business rules .

  22. 使用规则引擎可以显著降低实现Java应用程序中业务规则逻辑的组件的复杂性。

    Using a rules engine can significantly reduce the complexity of components that implement the business-rules logic in your Java applications .

  23. 它使用业务规则、OpenSCA信用卡服务和OpenSCA记录服务。

    It uses a business rule , the Open SCA Credit Card service , and the Open SCA Logging service .

  24. 不仅仅是Web页面,还包含前台应用程序文档、数据库行和元数据、个人数据、事务日志、业务规则和策略,甚至服务。

    Not just Web pages , but front-office application documents , database rows and metadata , personal data , transactional logs , business rules and policies , and even services .

  25. 基于AOP的业务规则应用框架的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Application Framework of Business Rules Based on AOP

  26. AuthoringServer中完成的所有业务规则交付都必须告知BuildServer,这样,它就可以决定是否可以触发一个构建。

    All business rules commits done in Authoring Server must notify Build Server , so that it can decide whether a build can be triggered or not .

  27. 其关键之处就是BPM不会推动更广泛地运用业务规则。

    The bottom line is that BPM is not advancing the broader use of business rules .

  28. NET框架下的四个层次,即:数据表示层、数据访问层、业务规则层和业务外观层,来完成应用系统的实现。

    Finally , the application system is implemented through four layers of . NET framework , such as data presentation , data access , operation rule , and operation appearance .

  29. WebSphereProcessServer集群需要进一步配置为指向SCASI总线、业务规则管理安装等。

    A WebSphere Process Server cluster needs to be further configured to point to the SI Buses for SCA , Business Rules Management installation , and so on .

  30. 检查当前流程流是否支持调用人工任务、选择器、业务规则和ESB。

    Check whether current process flows have support for invoking human tasks , selectors , business rules and ESB .