
  • 网络Business continuity management;bcm
  1. 业务连续性管理的关键是规划,测试,并在系统发生故障或紧急情况下提供恢通信的战略。

    Business continuity management focuses on planning , testing , and providing strategies for recovering communications upon system failure or emergency .

  2. 二是在业务连续性管理模型创建过程中,首次以单独模块形式突出了资源建设和保障的重要性。

    Secondly , the importance of the construction and protection of resource is stressed by using a separate part of the business continuity management model for the first time .

  3. 进一步扩大企业文化建设的影响范围,强调业务连续和企业文化的深度融合,提出文件体系建设概念并应用到业务连续性管理实施的全过程。

    The influence of cultural construction in a enterprise is expanded further , and the integration of business continuity and business culture is emphasized . The concept of files construction is put forward and is applied to the whole implementation process of business continuity management .