
  • 网络Business Modeling;business model;traffic modeling
  1. 组件业务建模对SOA非常重要,其中心是与业务保持一致的服务。

    Critical to SOA , component business modeling is centered on business-aligned services .

  2. UML在电子商务系统中的业务建模应用

    Application of UML Business Modeling in E-commerce System

  3. 基于UML的信息系统业务建模方法

    Modeling Method of Information Business Based on UML

  4. RBF神经网络在视频业务建模及预测中的应用

    An application of RBF neural network in video traffic modeling and predicting

  5. 请参考RationalSOMA本身关于用例驱动的业务建模实践方法的信息。

    Please refer to Rational SOMA itself for information regarding the Use Case Driven Business Modeling practice .

  6. 在这里,您希望利用SOA技术分析业务建模,以便能够优化业务流程。

    Here , you want to leverage SOA technologies to analyze the business modeling so you can streamline and optimize the business process .

  7. 一种MPEG-4编码的视频源业务建模

    Traffic Model of MPEG-4 Coded Video Source

  8. SOAFoundation生命周期从业务建模开始,将模型转换为信息系统,部署该信息系统,然后管理该部署。

    The SOA foundation life cycle starts with modeling business , translating the model into an information system , deploying that information system , and then managing that deployment .

  9. 基于ODM的融合业务建模及生成方法的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Convergent Service 's Modeling and Generation Method Based on ODM

  10. CBM和其他业务建模方法会让业务用户参与进来,帮助他们了解业务和IT的一致性。

    CBM and other business modeling methods engage business users and help them understand the alignment of business and IT .

  11. 《长春一汽厂区门禁智能管理系统》的开发过程是严格按照RUP规范进行的。流程的主要组成部分有:业务建模、需求分析、分析与设计、实现(编码及实现)、测试、部署。

    The workflow of Rational Unified Process is composed of Business Modeling , Requirements , Analysis and Design , Implementation , Test and Deployment .

  12. BPDM是OMG所领导发展的业务建模语言套件中的一员。

    BPDM is a member of a suite of business modeling languages being developed by OMG .

  13. 文章介绍了业务建模基本概念及其在企业信息系统建设和集成中的重要地位,同时简要地介绍了用UML进行业务建模的基本原理。

    The basic concepts of business modeling and methods of it with UML , the role of business modeling in enterprise information system development and integration are intro ˉ duced in the paper .

  14. OOAD技术在业务建模中的应用

    Application of OOAD Technology in Business Modeling

  15. 要将CountyStore业务建模项目添加到CVS

    To add the CountyStore business modeling project to CVS

  16. 组件业务建模(CBM)以及面向服务的建模与架构(SOMA)都为以最佳实践的方式来建模提供了支持。

    Component business modeling ( CBM ) as well as Service-Oriented Modeling and Architecture ( SOMA ) both support a best practices approach to modeling .

  17. 讨论了UML2.0对MIS系统业务建模的机制和特点,提出了针对中小型软件开发的需求分析方法,并给出了一个计算机设备管理系统实例。

    It discusses the modeling mechanism and character of UML and develops the Computer Equipment management Information System Based Web using Rational Rose of UML CASE Tool .

  18. 现在,工作区中已出现该业务建模项目,您需要将该项目添加到CVS中,以便其他人可以进行访问(下一步)。

    Now that the business modeling project is available in the workspace , you need to add it to CVS so that others can access it ( next ) .

  19. 本论文主要是参考现有的工作流设计模式,特别是轻量级工作流引擎的设计模式,学习并总结一下工作流引擎的业务建模、控制模式和流程对象实例状态模型,还有关于WFMS的管理策略。

    We study and summarize about business model , control model , process object instance state model of workflow design engine and management way on WFMS .

  20. 存在有九个RUP工作流程,包括了需求、项目管理、配置变更管理,甚至还有业务建模但是没有一个是用于软件质量保证(SQA)的。

    There are nine RUP workflows , including requirements , project management , configuration change management , and even one for business modeling but not one for software quality assurance ( SQA ) .

  21. 应该围绕用户场景创建可视化的情节串连板,用户场景能够在业务建模被识别,并且他们是USBD方法的核心。

    The visual storyboard should be created around the User scenarios that have been identified during the Business Modeling phase and that are the core of USBD .

  22. 因而实现了可扩展的三层网络结构,实现了实际网络向OPNET仿真平台的映射,实现了几种业务建模方法的综合,实现了改善仿真精度和速度矛盾的混合建模。

    This paper realizes the design of an extensible three-layer network structure and the mapping of a real network to OPNET and it also realizes the hybrid modeling method which can overcome the contradiction between the precision and speed in simulation .

  23. 本文系统地将长相关特性的时间序列分析方法引入到Wi-Fi业务建模中,给出了FARIMA(p,d,q)模型的建模步骤,并利用该模型对Wi-Fi业务进行研究。

    In this paper , we applied the self-similarity time-series analysis method to the modeling of Wi-Fi traffic , presented the procedure of FARIMA ( p , d , q ) model building and conducted our research using FARIMA ( p , d , q ) model .

  24. 在对本体构建的原则和方法进行介绍的基础上,给出了使用描述逻辑对水环境特定业务建模的方法,然后使用描述逻辑SHIQ为水环境特定业务建模,构建知识库;

    On the basis of introduction of the principles and methods of constructing ontology , the thesis gives a method to model the given business of water environment using description logics .

  25. 零码平台中多用户业务建模的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Multi-user Modeling in Zero-code Software Production Platform

  26. 因此在业务建模中可以使用相同的模式。

    The same pattern can therefore be used within business modeling .

  27. 企业网络管理中的业务建模与实现

    Component model for service management and its implementation in enterprise network management

  28. 具体来说,业务建模有助于定义系统需求。

    Specifically , business modeling helps to define system requirements .

  29. 业务建模工具显然是最好的解决方案。

    A business modeling tool is clearly the best solution .

  30. 业务建模及其在企业信息系统建设、集成中的地位和作用

    Business Modeling and its Role in Enterprise Information System Development and Integration