
yè wù dài biǎo
  • business representative;business agent
  1. 我们的业务代表将给您介绍公司的产品。

    Our business representative will introduce the products to you .

  2. 会员应当设业务代表一名、业务联络员若干名,组织、协调会员与交易所的各项业务往来。

    Each member shall appoint one business representative and several business contact persons to organize and coordinate all the businesses between the member and the exchange .

  3. 无锡新区:跨国公司业务代表谈如何面对WTO

    Wuxi New Area : Busir ess Representatives of Multinationals on How to Face WTO

  4. Action电器公司是个高瞻远瞩的公司,我知道你们正在开拓新市场,尤其要在美国闯下一片天地;正因为如此,你们需要一位积极、肯负责的业务代表。

    I am aware that you are expanding into new markets , particularly in the U.S.Thus you are going to need aggressive , take-charge sales representatives .

  5. 对创新中心提供的服务感兴趣的企业可以通过业务代表与IBM取得联系。

    Companies should contact their IBM representative if they are interested in the services provided by the Innovation Center .

  6. 安东尼.斯内尔森法官(JudgeAnthonySnelson)精辟地说道,有关优步伦敦业务代表着依靠其技术平台连接起来的大约3万家小企业的说法“有些可笑”。

    The notion that the London operations of Uber , Judge Anthony Snelson remarked laconically , represented a mosaic of some 30000 small businesses linked by Uber 's technology platform , was " faintly ridiculous . "

  7. 我公司在为我们的产品寻求一位有经验的业务代表。

    We are looking for an experienced representative for our product .

  8. 业务代表是一个很流行的工作。

    Being a sales representative is a very popular job .

  9. 你看来有足够的信心成为一个好的业务代表。

    You certainly seem confident enough to be a good sales representative .

  10. 采用业务代表降低了各层次之间的耦合;

    We use business delegate to lower the coupling between two tiers .

  11. 业务代表们详尽地解释了他们的销售策略。

    The sales representatives explained their sales strategy in detail .

  12. 业务代表;业务员你该回去和那个业务员讲讲价。

    sales representative You should go back and bargain with the sales representative .

  13. 我是新任的海外业务代表。

    I 'm the new Overseas Sales Representative .

  14. 为每个大客户选派精干的大客户业务代表;

    Select sales representative for each big customers ;

  15. 我们先发送广告,然后电话安排业务代表上门走访。

    First we leaflet , then we phone to arrange for representatives to visit .

  16. 我打电话来是有关你们在报纸刊登要招聘业务代表的事情。

    And I am calling in reference to your newspaper ad for a Sales Representative .

  17. 对于即将开发的服务,综合业务代表和多方意见是必要的。

    Together with business representatives , consensus is needed about the services that will be developed .

  18. 契约中所同意支付的薪水将按月转入业务代表的户头。

    The salary as agree in the contract will is transferred monthly to the representative 's account .

  19. 因我公司现在雇佣自己的推销员,所以不再需要业务代表。

    As we not employ our own salesmen , we no longer have need of a representative .

  20. 感谢您的信任,我愿意担任贵公司在北美洲的业务代表。

    Thank you for your confidence . I am ready to accept your representation in North america .

  21. 多次面试后,新业务代表的人选已缩小到两人。

    After many interviews , the list for the new sales representative was narrowed down to two people .

  22. 我们很高兴任命你为我公司的业务代表,并且期待彼此有利的交往关系。

    We are very to appoint you as our representative and look forward to a mutually beneficial association .

  23. 他约来了三家房产公司的业务代表对这项工程进行竞标。

    He asked representatives from three development companies to come in and make a bid on the project .

  24. 我们希望IVR/CTI能够处理大多数呼叫,而不需要业务代表的介入。

    We anticipate IVR / CTI will handle a majority of these calls without the need for agent intervention .

  25. 数据架构的管理规则和变更控制流程,由IT和适当的业务代表共同管理。

    Governance rules and change control processes for the data architecture , managed jointly by IT and appropriate business representatives .

  26. 在东南亚地区,我公司正在寻求一位年轻人来接任我方的业务代表。

    For the area of southeast asia , we are look for a young man to take over as our representative .

  27. 发展网上银行业务代表着现代银行业的发展方向,具有广阔的发展前景。

    Development of Internet banking business represents the direction of development of a modern banking sector , with broad prospects for development .

  28. 谢谢,我们会尽快派业务代表去看看,把这个问题查清楚。

    Thank you . I 'll have a representative of ABC Trading Company visit you as soon as possible to investigate the problem .

  29. 在需要的时候,检查人员可以立即发送个性化的培训信息到每一个业务代表或到一组业务代表。

    Supervisors have the ability to send personalized training clips to an individual agent or an entire group as soon as a need arises .

  30. 如果您涂抹我们公司生产的这种药物,我是它的业务代表,那您的头发就会疯长,好像,请原谅,椰子果一样!

    If you 'd smear our company 's medicament on your head I am representing this medicine your hair would grow like a coconut .