
  • 网络Security Analyst;analyst;Equity Analyst
  1. 今年初,新德里的证券分析师梅赫塔(KaranMehta)决定到内布拉斯加州奥马哈参加考试,原因是他要到那里参加一个婚礼。

    Earlier this year , Karan Mehta , a securities analyst in New Delhi , decided to take the test in Omaha , Neb. , because he was going to be there anyway for a wedding .

  2. 证券分析师被这份金融报告吓了一跳。

    The securities analyst was caught off guard by that financial report .

  3. 知情的市场参与者(informedmarketparticipants),主要指证券分析师,机构投资者,公司内部人等掌握市场信息的参与者。

    Informed market participants primarily refer to securities analysts , institutional investors and insiders , who master firm-specific information .

  4. 布拉德•欣茨是自由市场的忠实信徒,他曾担任摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)首席财务官,目前在伯恩斯坦研究(BernsteinResearch)做证券分析师,主要关注经纪商、交易所和信托银行。

    Brad Hintz believes in free markets .

  5. 市场调研公司Thomson/FirstCall跟踪的40位证券分析师中,目前有32位给予这只股票“买入”或“强力买入”评级,8位分析师给予“持有”评级,没有一位给予“卖出”评级。

    Of 40 securities analysts tracked by Thomson / first call , 32 currently have a buy or strong buy rating , 8 have a hold rating and none have a sell rating .

  6. 汇丰(hsbc)驻香港证券分析师stevensun表示,这些规定中可能存在一些漏洞,比如在几个月的时间内分阶段进行处置。

    Steven sun , equity strategist at HSBC in Hong Kong , said there could be a number of loopholes in the rules , such as phasing the disposals over several months .

  7. 最近,法国农业信贷银行(CreditAgricoleSecurities)证券分析师迈克尔•梅奥根据美国各大银行现任CEO任职期间所在银行的股价表现对这些银行业大佬的绩效进行了排名。

    Michael Mayo , a bank analyst at Credit Agricole securities , recently ranked current bank CEOs by the relative performance of their shares during the time since they took over the banks .

  8. 股市狂热遭受了几次巨大的冲击,除了两波熊市外,市场的巨幅震荡也让采取买进并持有策略的投资者难受到了极点,苏格兰皇家银行的证券分析师艾伦·鲁斯金(AlanRuskin)说。

    The cult of equity has taken some big knocks , and aside from the two bear markets , the sheer volatility was very hard for buy-and-hold investors to stomach , Alan Ruskin , strategist at RBS Securities , said .

  9. 证券分析师的执业利益冲突及其民事法律责任

    The Securities Analysts ' Conflicts of Interests & the Civil Liability

  10. 中国的证券分析师能够提高资本市场的效率吗&基于股价同步性和股价信息含量的经验证据

    Can Securities Analysts Improve the Efficiency of Capital Market in China

  11. 会计信息与证券分析师关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship between Accounting Information and Security Analysts

  12. 文章最后即第四章探讨了证券分析师对会计信息供给的影响。

    Chapter Four discussed how security analysts affect accounting information supply .

  13. 谁吸引了海外证券分析师的关注

    Who are the Attention-getting Finns for Foreign Securities Analysts ? PRODUCT OVERSEAS

  14. 以往的研究表明,证券分析师盈利预测总体上存在乐观倾向。

    Overall optimistic bias exists in analysts ' earnings forecasts .

  15. 会计信息是证券分析师进行盈利预测的重要信息来源。

    Accounting information is an important source for analysts ' earnings forecasts .

  16. 中国证券分析师跟进行为的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Security Analyst Following in China

  17. 基于行为金融学的中国证券分析师行为研究

    Research on Behavior of China 's Security Analysts Based on Behavioral Finance

  18. 声誉机制与证券分析师的利益冲突行为研究

    Reputation Mechanism and Behavior of Analysts ' Conflict of Interest

  19. 因此引发了对证券分析师荐股行为的研究。接着介绍了本文存在的可能创新与不足。

    Then it introduced innovation and shortcomings in this paper .

  20. 证券分析师的利益冲突及防范对策

    The analyst 's conflict of interest and the way to address it

  21. 我国证券分析师选股效益的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Performance of Analysts ' Recommendation

  22. 实证数据也证明了这一观点:即证券分析师所推荐的股票,即使得到的是二手信息也能为投资者带来超常的收益率。

    Even with the second-hand information , investors could get abnormal profit .

  23. 证券分析师盈利预测精确性的影响因素研究

    An Study about the Influence Factors of the Precision of Analysts'Earnings Forecast

  24. 构建我国证券分析师制度的理论探讨

    Suggestions on Establishing Stock Certificate Analyst System in Our Country

  25. 证券分析师的信息来源、关注域与分析工具

    The Information Sources , Concerned Areas and Analysis Tools of Financial Analyst

  26. 研究表明,证券分析师评级具有投资参考价值。

    Research shows , analyst ratings have investment value .

  27. 证券分析师的信息解读能力调查

    Survey on the Understandability of Information by Securities Analysts

  28. 想想市场研究公司和证券分析师是怎么衡量计算机市场行情的吧。

    Consider how market researchers and stock analysts often measure the computer market .

  29. 利益冲突对证券分析师股票评级准确性的影响研究

    The Impact of Interest of Conflicts on Analysts ' Security Recommendations ' Accuracy

  30. 中国证券分析师的盈余预测行为有效性研究

    A Study on the Effectiveness of Chinese Security Analysts ' Earnings Forecasting Behavior