
  • 网络security analysis;Investment Analysis;security investment analysis
  1. 证券投资分析分为基本面分析和技术分析两大部分,产业分析是基本面分析理论中的重要组成部分。

    Security analysis and investment can be classified into two parts , fundamental analysis and technical analysis . However , industry analysis is one of the most important part of fundamental analysis .

  2. 基于证据理论的证券投资分析方法

    New method of stock investment analysis based on theory of evidence

  3. 在这种情况下引入基于数据挖掘技术的决策支持系统(DSS)进行证券投资分析成为一个必然的选择,论文对数据挖掘技术及其在证券分析中的应用进行了较深入的研究。

    In the paper Decision Support System ( DSS ) is introduced to stock analysis . The paper deeply researches the Data Mining and how to apply it in the stock analysis .

  4. 《证券投资分析》教学模式的探索

    Exploration of Practical Teaching Mode of Investment Analysis of Securities

  5. 证券投资分析与决策是证券投资过程中重要的步骤。

    Analysis and decision making are the critical steps in stock investment .

  6. 科学的证券投资分析是投资者获得成功的关键。

    Scientific securities investment analysis is the key to success .

  7. 基于自由现金流的证券投资分析

    The Securities Porfolio Investment Based on Free Cash Flow

  8. 证券投资分析课程教学设计探讨

    On the Teaching Design of Shares Investment Course

  9. 关于《证券投资分析》课教学方法的探索与实践

    On Teaching Methods of Security Investment Analysis Course

  10. 第三章,证券投资分析。

    Chapter 3 : Security investment analysis .

  11. 一个非对称风险度量模型及组合证券投资分析

    Portfolio Analysis with An Asymmetric Risk Measure

  12. 专家系统应用于证券投资分析的初步探讨

    Probing of securities invest expert system

  13. 证券投资分析成功的关键在于信息,信息是证券市场的命脉,正确收集和分析信息的能力在投资中显得十分重要。

    The success in security market lies in information . It is vital to collect and analyze information in investment .

  14. 从资本资产定价理论和套利定价理论出发,研究了证券投资分析的收益率和风险问题。

    By applying the Capital Asset Pricing Theory and Arbitrage Pricing Theory , this paper analyses the problem of profit expectation and risk in securities investment analysis .

  15. 鉴于此,对于证券投资分析方法的研究不论是在实际应用还是在理论研究中都有着积极的意义。

    In consideration of that , no matter in practical application or theoretical research , the study of analysis method of stock investment must affect the market positively .

  16. 行业分析是证券投资分析中重要的一环,是连接宏观经济分析和上市公司分析的桥梁。

    Industry analysis is an important loop in the investment analysis of stocks and is the bridge that links macro-economic analysis and analysis of companies listed on the stock market .

  17. 通过对股市历史数据的变换和分析,考查各形态组合序列对应的盈利和亏损概率,建立新的证券投资分析方法即均线形态组合预测法。

    By transforming and analyzing history data of stock market , examine the probability of payoff or loss . Based on that , a new analysis method of securities investment is established , namely Equal-String Form Combination predicted method .

  18. 具有l2范数有界不确定性扰动的证券投资决策分析

    Decision Analysis of Long-term Portfolio Investment With l_ 2-norm Bounded Disturbance

  19. 将给出证券组合投资分析的一个对策论方法。

    This paper presents a game theory approach for portfolio selection .

  20. 证券投资技术分析中缺口理论的指导意义

    The Guiding Significance of the Gap Theory in Portfolio Investment Technique Analysis

  21. 女性股民证券投资特征分析

    An Analysis of the Characteristics of Female Stock Dealers in Securities Investment

  22. 第二部分,证券投资风险分析。

    The second part is an analysis of risk of securities investment .

  23. 经济不发达地区个人投资者证券投资策略分析

    Economy undeveloped district personal investor investing shares 's strategy analysis

  24. 现代西方证券投资战略分析与启示

    On the Analysis and Enlightenment of the Securities Investment Strategy in Modern West

  25. 关于证券投资技术分析有效性的实证研究

    A Practical Analysis of the Effectiveness of China 's Stock Investment Technical Analysis

  26. 证券组合投资分析的进化博弈方法

    An Evolutionary Game Theory Approach for Portfolio Selection

  27. 工薪阶层的证券投资策略分析

    Analysis on Securities Investment Strategy of Working Class

  28. 行为金融理论的发展与我国证券投资行为分析

    The Development of Behavioral Financial Theory and the Analysis of Chinese Securities-investor 's Behavior

  29. 根据该模型,我们开发了旋风证券组合投资分析系统。

    According to that model , we developed " tornado stock portfolio analysis system " .

  30. 在对证券投资风险分析的基础上提出风险控制的方法和策略;

    It gives the strategy of risk control based on the analysis of investment risk .