
  1. 早期我国的科研绩效评价的是以定性评价为主,也就是同行评议法,请来该领域的专家以及行政人员共同评价一项科研工作的学术水平。

    Our former evaluation of scientific performance focus on qualitative evaluation , in other words , it is peer review law , which means inviting experts and administrative staff together to evaluate the level of academic research .

  2. 在1941年秋天,这些密码专家开始对抗行政体制。

    It was in the autumn of 1941 that the cryptanalysts finally rebelled against the administrative system .

  3. 尤其是在经济欠发达地区,对新课标的认识和实施会遭遇到更多、更大的困难,特别是在高中阶段,这一现状必须引起各位专家、教育行政管理部门的重视。

    Especially in the area economically under-developed , understanding that the new lesson is marked and implementation will encounter more , greater difficulties , especially at senior middle school 's period , this current situation must cause the attention of every expert , educational administrative service division .

  4. 要制定教育法令时,民众意见、专家评估、以及行政可行性都应该列入考虑。

    Public opinion , professional estimation , and administrative practicability should all be taken into account when it comes to the making of an educational decree .