
zhuān lì shì chǎnɡ
  • monopolistic market
  1. 专利市场具有双边垄断的性质。

    The patent market has the feature of bilateral monopoly .

  2. 对我国催化重整工艺专利市场的思考

    Some Reflections on Patent Market for Domestic Catalytic Reforming Process

  3. 专利市场交易价格的实质及其思考

    On the essence of the patent market transaction price and afterthoughts related

  4. 意见:监管者可利用专利作为市场准入的障碍——这就是为什么美国反垄断监管者对专利感兴趣的原因所在。四月,美司法部要求Novell公司改变出售专利,以保护开源软件。

    There is a retort to that , too : that incumbents can use patents as barriers to entry , which is why America 's antitrust regulators are showing interest in them . In April the Department of Justice demanded changes to Novell 's patent sale to protect open-source software .

  5. 专利是市场经济下的一种合法垄断,专利就是市场,要积极发挥专利技术的市场效用。

    Patents are legal monopoly under market economy , patents mean market .

  6. 二是大的跨国公司主导了世界专利药市场。

    Second , large multinational companies dominate the world patent medicine market .

  7. 专利技术市场与专利情报工作

    Patent Technology Market and Patent Information Work

  8. 我国非专利药市场存在的问题与制药企业的市场发展策略探讨

    Problems Occurred in the Generic Drug Market and Discussion on the Market Developmental Strategy for Pharmaceutical Enterprises

  9. 目的:为我国制药企业确立非专利药市场发展策略提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE : To provide references for Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises in establishing developmental strategy for generic drug market .

  10. 由中国企业所获美国专利检视市场竞争力

    An Investigation of the Competitive Power in the Market of the China Enterprises by Analyzing the US Patent Database

  11. 采用二手数据分析从宏观视角讨论上海专利服务市场需求的发展潜力和某些影响可专利化技术产出的因素;

    Based on the second-hand data , it performs a macroscopic analysis on the development potential of the demands in Shanghai patent service market and the factors influencing the output of patentable technologies .

  12. 指标的选取引入了平衡计分卡的理念,从专利、市场、法律、人力四个维度,选取共20个指标构成专利预警指标体系。

    The Balanced Scorecard ( BSC ) is brought in when selecting indicators . This indicators system is made up of twenty indicators from paten , market , law and human four dimensions .

  13. 最后在本文理论分析的基础上,本文针对四川省专利代理市场的需求和特点,结合虹桥专利事务所的经营发展状况及目前的综合能力,为其提出具有借鉴价值中长期战略方案。

    Finally , based on the theory analysis , aimed at the requirement and the characteristic and combined with the management situation and the integrative capability of Hongqiao , the text concludes the medium and long-term strategy for Hongqiao Patent Agency for reference .

  14. 最后本文扩展了二阶段的实物期权模型,同时考虑了研发期权、专利期权、市场引入期权可能共存的RD项目的投资评价和决策问题。

    The last , we expand the two stages to three stages real options model , considering RD option , patent option , and commercialization option .

  15. 自主创新能力、专利许可与市场结构

    Licensee 's Innovation Ability , Patent License and Market Structure

  16. 单一市场结构下专利联盟的市场绩效分析

    Analysis of the Market Performance of Patent Pool in Single-Market

  17. 浅议专利文献对市场经济的作用

    The effect of patent documents on market economy

  18. 专利联营滥用市场支配地位的表现形式有:拒绝许可、超高定价、搭售、价格歧视及回授条款。

    Abuse of dominant position includes refuse to permission , excessive pricing , tying , price discrimination and grant back .

  19. 进一步,文章对两种可能的场景进行了分析:专利持有者在市场外以及在市场内。

    Further , we carry out the analysis for two possible scenarios : the innovator is an outsider to the industry and an incumbent producer .

  20. 如果你申请的专利不是当地市场最需要的产品,他们根本无所谓。

    If you don 't bother filing your patents in their country which is the largest emerging market , then don 't cry about it .

  21. 另一方面,比较分析了美、日、中三国专利和国际市场占有率。实证分析显示高新技术企业专利战略对外贸竞争力的提升具有积极作用。

    On the other hand , a comparative analysis is made of the patents and international market shares of high-tech enterprises from United States , Japan and China .

  22. 专利制度是市场经济的产物,产品必须取得专利保护,才能形成市场竞争优势。

    Patent system is the product of market economy . The superiority of market competition may be obtained only due to the achievement of patent protection of the products .

  23. 从专利技术、市场份额、工艺条件、设备配置、产品品质指标、物耗能耗、三废排放及治理等全方面进行了评析;

    Many kinds of aspects were analysed such as patent technologies , market proportion , process conditions , equipment arrangement , product quality indexes , energy and material consumption , waste treatment etc.

  24. 项目主要研究人员预见到该项专利技术投放到市场之后的巨大前景,因此于2003年决定投资成立Sensics公司。

    Excited with the potential of bringing this invention to market , key researchers in this project decided to found Sensics in2003 .

  25. 阿美:是啊,但是它们没有任何专利保护就进入市场了。

    May : Yes , but they went to the public without any patent protection .

  26. 在知识经济全球化背景下,专利日益成为企业市场竞争的利器。

    In the time of knowledge-based economical globalization , patents become powerful weapons for enterprises to engage in market competition .

  27. 达到完善我国专利制度,为市场经济的发展提供良好环境的目的。

    Ultimately we can perfect our country patent system , provide the good environment for the development of the market economy .

  28. 在陈述基础理论以后,本文对专利制度在现代市场经济中对技术创新的作用进行了具体分析。

    After the statement of the basic theory , the thesis makes a concrete analysis of the role of patent system on technological innovation in the modern market economy .

  29. 同时,借鉴主导产业选择的相关理论和评价指标,构建出评价高新技术产业化项目的专利-产业-市场一体化组合评价模型及评价指标体系。

    At the same time , referring to the theory related to choosing leading industry , the paper constructed the patent-industry-market integration portfolio assessment model of high-tech industrialization projects .

  30. 简而言之,市场力量以及专利保护等推动市场力量的奖励措施本身并不能充分解决发展中国家的卫生需求。

    In short , market forces and the incentives , such as patent protection , that propel them cannot by themselves adequately address the health needs of developing countries .