
  • 网络Asian bond market;Asia Bond Market
  1. 文章的这一部分主要对东亚货币合作的主要进展和成果进行论述,主要从《清迈协议》、亚洲货币基金、亚洲债券市场三个方面展开。

    This part mainly discusses development and achievements of East Asian currency cooperation , mainly from the perspective of Chiang Mai Initiative , Asian currencies fund and Asia bond market .

  2. 亚洲债券市场的发展与全球性国际收支失衡的调整

    The Development of the Asian Bond Market and Adjustment of Global Imbalances

  3. 我们同意在ABMI下协作努力,提升合作层次,进一步发展亚洲债券市场。

    We agreed to level up concerted efforts on the ABMI toward further development of Asian bond markets .

  4. 尽管讨论了20年,但亚洲债券市场仍不发达。

    Asian bond markets remain under-developed despite 20 years of talk .

  5. 亚洲债券市场的流动性分析

    An Analysis of Liquidity of the Asian Bond Market

  6. 亚洲债券市场:范畴、焦点及潜在误区

    The Categories Focus and the Potential Mistaken Ideas of the Asian Bond Market

  7. 本文是对亚洲债券市场流动性问题的初步分析。

    This is a primary analysis of the liquidity of the Asian Bond Market .

  8. 亚洲债券市场发展研究

    The Research on Development of Asian Bond Market

  9. 发展亚洲债券市场的新构思&“亚洲债券基金”

    The new conception of developing Asian Bond market & " asian bond fund "

  10. 论亚洲债券市场的建立和发展

    The Establishment and Development of Asian Bond Markets

  11. 不过或许令人惊讶的是,亚洲债券市场将这类插曲看成一次性的例外事件。

    But the market has , perhaps surprisingly , seen such episodes as one-off outliers .

  12. 因此,美国若加息将重创亚洲债券市场。

    Any rise in US borrowing costs would therefore hit the Asian bond market hard .

  13. 培育亚洲债券市场

    To Foster the Asian Bond Market

  14. 新编辑手记当前亚洲债券市场发展一瞥

    New Trend Of Asian Securities Market

  15. 新兴亚洲债券市场会议

    Emerging Asian Bond Market Conference

  16. 但设立区内有效的金融基建,是发展亚洲债券市场的先决条件。

    Effective financial infrastructure across the region is a precondition for debt market development within the region .

  17. 我们同意共同致力于推动亚洲债券市场倡议的发展。

    We agreed to work collectively to push forward the development of the Asian Bond Markets Initiative ( ABMI ) .

  18. 从亚洲债券市场的建立看亚洲金融合作

    The necessity and the development direction of the finance corporation among Asian countries considering the foundation of the Asian bond market

  19. 推进亚洲债券市场建设,更好地利用区内资金,促进亚洲经济发展。

    We should promote development of the Asian Bond Market and better utilize available regional funds to promote economic growth in Asia .

  20. 银行人士和律师预测,中国银行业将成为亚洲债券市场的主流,而在去年之前,这个市场上还完全不见它们的身影。

    Bankers and lawyers expect the sector to become the mainstay of the Asian bond markets , having been completely absent until last year .

  21. 但在当前世界经济存在严重的全球性国际收支失衡的情况下,亚洲债券市场发展造成国际资本流动的变化也对世界经济稳定构成新的挑战。

    In the meantime , capital flows between the United States and Asia will put new pressures on the stability of the imbalanced world economy .

  22. 但不管美国情况如何,有迹象表明,亚洲债券市场可能出现消化不良问题。

    But regardless of what happens in the US , there are signs that the Asian bond market could be developing a bout of indigestion .

  23. 为引导本区域的充裕储蓄转化为有效投资,从而促进区域经济的持续发展,我们重申了亚洲债券市场倡议的重要性。

    We reaffirmed the importance of the ABMI in order to enhance sustainable economic development in the region by channeling its abundant savings to the efficient investment .

  24. 东亚国家和地区应完善区域合作协调机制、加强区域货币和贸易投资合作,并进一步促进亚洲债券市场发展。

    To tackle global economic imbalance , East Asia should enhance regional cooperation in the field of strategic partnerships , Asian currency cooperation , intra-regional trade and investment .

  25. 发展亚洲债券市场对于减少亚洲地区对银行贷款的过度依赖,防范金融危机,解决融资的货币错配和时间错配问题具有重要意义。

    To develop Asian bond market is important to reduce excessive dependence on banking system , keep away from financial crisis , and eliminate both currency and maturity mismatch .

  26. 虽然像我上面所说亚洲债券市场的发展规模颇大,但以广度及深度而言仍未及得上已发展的经济体系。

    Despite the impressive growth of the size of the Asian bond market that I have just mentioned , it still lags behind the developed economies in terms of breadth and depth .

  27. 本文在详细阐述亚洲债券市场合作现状及现实的基础上,分析了不同资本来源对经济增长的影响,旨在考察外国债券投资和国内债券投资对经济发展的贡献率。

    With detailed study of cooperation proceeding and feasibility of Asian bond market , firstly this paper analyze effects of different capital flow to economy in order to demonstrate the contribution of foreign bond investment and domestic bond investment .

  28. 本文最后根据现阶段东亚金融合作的目标和任务,对清迈协议,亚洲债券市场以及区域内汇率协调的改革方向提出了一些看法。

    In the last part of the essay , some suggestions are proposed for CMI ( Chiang Mai Initiative ), ABMI ( The Asian Bond Markets Initiatives ) and regional exchange rate coordination according to the tasks of the current stage .

  29. 东亚经济体金融中介体系以银行为主导,这是一个历史的结果,东亚经济体没有其他的选择,以银行为主导的金融中介体系在培育亚洲债券市场中发挥着重要作用。

    As a result of history , the intermediary financing of the East Asian economies through a bank-oriented system has been an irreplaceable option for the East Asian economies , and it has played an important part in fostering the development of the Asian bond market .

  30. 从马尼拉框架的提出到亚洲债券市场的建立及亚洲货币单位提上议事日程,体现了东亚区域货币合作在信息协调和资源协调方面已基本达成共识并取得了较大的成绩。

    From the proposal of Manila Framework to the setting-up of the Asian bond market as well as the rising agenda of Asian Currency Unit , it has fully reflected the fact that the common sense and achievements had already been reached on resource and information coordination .