
  • 网络Niche market
  1. Korporaal女士甚至给她的丈夫SkeeveStevens安装了一台“分机”,这项服务叫做ChipMyLife,目前还处于小众市场。

    Ms Korporaal has even set up a distribution service for the implants with her husband , Skeeve Stevens , called Chip My Life in what is a niche market .

  2. IMAX银幕体积庞大,造价昂贵,原本一直是个小众市场,只有几个特殊影院才有,而且多为放映纪录片。因此,好莱坞(Hollywood)电影公司曾一直不愿发行IMAX商业影片。

    Bulky and expensive , IMAX remained a niche market , mostly for documentaries in a few special theaters , making Hollywood studios unwilling to release commercial features with the format .

  3. IBM希望通过这一结盟,开发这一帮助银行管理快速变化的监管环境的市场。据IBM估计,这一小众市场每年的规模约为2700亿美元。

    Through this tie-up IBM hopes to tap into the market for helping banks manage a fast-changing regulatory environment , a niche that it estimates is worth some $ 270bn a year .

  4. 为超越耐克(NikeInc.)成为中国最大的运动装品牌,阿迪达斯(AdidasAG)将会瞄准高端时装和童装等小众市场。

    Adidas AG will aim at niches such as high fashion and children 's wear as it seeks to overtake Nike Inc. in China and become the nation 's top sports-apparel brand .

  5. 事实证明,ShopRunner拥有一个有趣的小众市场。

    ShopRunner , it turns out , has an interesting niche .

  6. 游戏实况直播是一个小众市场,但增长迅速。亚马逊进军这一市场的同时,正打算加大对在线原创视频内容的投资力度,以便和Netflix和Hulu等网站竞争。

    Its bet on the fast-growing niche of live game streaming comes as Amazon is upping its investment in online original video content to compete with the likes of Netflix and Hulu .

  7. 苹果的迷你iPad,更小的屏幕和更薄的设计,有望填补苹果产品的小众市场,但由于缺乏创新以及比竞争对手更高的价格似乎并没有刺激到中国消费者。

    APPLE 'S iPad mini , with its smaller screen and thinner design , is expected to fill a niche of Apple products but doesn 't seem to excite Chinese consumers due to a lack of innovation and a higher price than its rivals .

  8. 安联的代表JaniceJiang说,推出这一创新性的保险计划是该公司努力扩大其网络业务的行动之一,中国的保险公司未来可能通过与电子商务平台进行合作而更多地专注于小众市场。

    Allianz representative Janice Jiang said the novelty insurance plan was launched as part of the company 's effort to expand its digital presence , and that Chinese insurance companies may in the future do more to focus on niche markets by collaborating with e-commerce platforms .

  9. 汽油价格会维持在低位运行,将电动车逼入小众市场。

    Gas prices stay low , relegating EVs to niche status .

  10. 目前,高档玩具仍然是小众市场。

    For now , nice toys remain a niche buy .

  11. 市场观察者说,阿迪达斯进攻这些小众市场可能会遇到巨大的挑战。

    Market watchers say Adidas might face uphill challenges in pursuing such niches .

  12. 高品味休闲产业领域中金字塔最尖端的小众市场。

    The niche markets at the top of the pyramid in high-taste leisure industry area .

  13. 虽然很多应用开发者瞄准的都是小众市场,但也有些开发者意识到,做一个包罗万象的应用对人的帮助更大。

    While many app-makers aim for niches , others have realized that being all-inclusive is likely more helpful .

  14. 不过出现了两种小众市场的产品:一个是80%键盘,一个是左手键盘。

    Here are two of these products aim for small niche market : 80 % keyboard and left-hander keyboard .

  15. 全球化运营还能让企业服务于不同的小众市场,或运用案例获得规模效应。

    Playing in the global market also allows companies serving niche segments or use cases to still achieve massive scale .

  16. 高管教育传统上是中年人改善自身技能的小众市场。

    Executive education has traditionally been one niche in which the middle aged have been able to polish their skills .

  17. 因此,把握这一时期网络经济的要点便是开发与整合小众市场。

    Therefore , the main point of grasping the network economy on this era is the developing and the conforming small numerous markets .

  18. 百视达固守自己的实体商业模式,天真地将网飞公司视为可以忽略不计的小众市场开拓者。

    Blockbuster remained stuck in their bricks and mortar business model , naively treating Netflix as a niche player that they could ignore .

  19. 但是她补充道,在盒式磁带录像机退出市场后,也许人们出于档案整理等原因依然会想播放盒式磁带的内容,从而形成盒式磁带录像机的小众市场,这或许将成为缅怀盒式磁带录像机的一种方式。

    However , she added that a niche market for accessing VHS content , perhaps for archival purposes , would probably mourn the loss of VCRs if they became unavailable .

  20. 这款设备大胆地独辟蹊径,让我很难不对它表示尊敬,另外这款手机显然还是有属于它的小众市场。

    It 's hard not to respect the device 's bold departure from norms in the category , and there 's clearly a niche market for a device like this .

  21. 谭志娟说,这条生产线将有别于转基因大豆生产线,在抢占国内小众市场商机中更具竞争力。

    This non-GM industrial chain will differentiate itself from that for GM products and improve the competitive edge of the domestic soybean industry to target its niche market , Tan said .

  22. 人们倾向于认为她所针对的是一个小众市场,但这位年方31岁的苏格兰阿伯丁郡插画家已迅速超越这个范畴。

    Though it is tempting to describe the market for her books as niche , Ms. Basford , a 31-year-old illustrator in Aberdeenshire , Scotland , has quickly outgrown that label .

  23. 但专业文具商开始填补一个小众市场,即针对折扣商店销售的回形针、圆珠笔和笔记本,为零售顾客提供定制的、高端的、或奇特版产品。

    But specialist stationers are starting to fill a niche for retail customers with bespoke , high-end or quirky ranges of the same paper-clips , ballpoint pens and notebooks sold by the discounters .

  24. 在过去两年里,瞄准这个小众市场的公司的销售额增长了31%。当然这也离不开一些做大码女装的网络红人推波助澜,一些网络红人还有自己的大码服装品牌。

    Small niche companies addressing this market have seen sales rise 31 % in the past two years , helped by a tidal wave of plus-fashion bloggers - some with branded clothing lines .

  25. 已经回到美国的多比承认,虽然他在黎明做了很多工作,传统攀岩在中国攀岩界仍是小众市场。

    Now back in the United States , Dobie is quick to admit that despite his work in Liming , traditional is still very much a niche part of China 's climbing scene .

  26. 与此相应,消费者的需求被细分形成许多小的板块,已逐渐形成小众市场,他们所寻找的是一种完整的、能够体现他们自身价值观和素质、并丰富他们生活的产品。

    Corresponding to this , demand is divided into small detail plates called " Niche market " . What consumers are looking for is a kind of product which can reflect their own values and enrich their lives .

  27. 全球化运营还能让企业服务于不同的小众市场,或运用案例获得规模效应。尽管客户体验和入市策略可能需要作出调整,以适应不同市场和部门,但后端技术却能在全球范围内应用。

    Playing in the global market also allows companies serving niche segments or use cases to still achieve massive scale . While UX and go-to-market strategies may need to adapt to different markets and segments , the back-end technologies can apply globally .

  28. 粉色旅游,也叫同性恋旅游或LGBT旅游,是针对同性恋、双性恋以及变性人群(统称“同志”)开拓的小众旅游市场。

    Pink tourism , also known as gay tourism or LGBT tourism , is a form of niche tourism marketed to gay , lesbian , bisexual and transgender ( LGBT ) people .

  29. 中国游客在亚洲地区支出的增多,部分也因大型购物中心的发展以及一些小众旅游市场的崛起&比如新加坡的健康游和马来西亚的清真美食游。

    Spending across the region is also being lifted by shopping mall developments and the rise of niche sub-industries , such as health tourism in Singapore and halal tourism in Malaysia .

  30. 第六代电影的小众化特色遭到市场冷遇,引发了第六代导演创作转型后产业应对策略的思考。

    And the fact that the sixth generation of films characteristic of the " less popularity " suffer cold receptions gives a rise to thinking on industrial strategies after the creative transformation of the " sixth generation " directors .