
  • 网络Campus Marketplace
  1. 校园市场的电子数码产品分析;

    The analyse of the current digital products in college market ;

  2. 动感地带品牌大学校园市场营销策略研究

    Research on the Marketing Strategy of the " M-zone " Brand in University

  3. 娱乐营销在大学校园市场开发中的应用

    The Application of Entertainment Marketing in the Campus Market

  4. 因此,高校校园市场有非常广阔的前景,和巨大的商机。

    Therefore , the college campus has a very broad market prospect and tremendous business opportunities .

  5. 有很多州限制信用卡入主校园市场。

    There are about a dozen states that have restrictions on credit card marketing on campuses .

  6. 中国联通在校园市场中起步较晚,目前仍缺乏明确的战略定位和整体策略安排,全面落后于竞争对手。

    China Unicom starts later in campus market , so it now still lacks clear strategic positioning and overall strategy arrangement , leading to its comprehensive behind rivals .

  7. 如果正在出版的书籍有明显的校园市场潜力(例如面向对象设计的书籍),她就会选择一些教授参与读书和评审的周期内的一些活动。

    If a book under development has obvious college sales potential ( for example , an object-oriented design book ), she will include selected professors in the reading and review cycle .

  8. 另外,由于校园市场识别涉及到大量用户数据的迭代循环,需要耗费系统资源,因此特别对系统性能的调优进行了研究。

    The indentification on campus users concerned about huge amounts of users ' data iterative loop , which will waste lots of system resources , so the research on the optimization for system function has been made .

  9. 校园市场作为一个新兴市场,市场规模较大且保持稳定增长,越来越成为运营商新增用户的主要来源,明确的校园市场策略将成为三大运营商竞争中制胜的基础。

    Campus markets as a emerging markets , whose market size is bigger and maintains the stable growth , is increasingly becoming the main source of new subscribers for operators . Clear campus market strategies will be the winning foundation in competition for three operators .

  10. 在次基础上,我们对都江堰的市场进行细分,选择了都江堰移动分公司的目标市场,如:校园市场、农村市场、集团市场和外来务工市场等。

    Then , based on our market segment of Dujiangyan , we choose target markets , such as : campus market , the rural market , the Group markets and the migrant workers market and so on . And then , Position the mobile filiale .

  11. 本文以河池联通公司作为研究的对象,对其历年的校园市场营销策略进行研究,通过调查、分析河池本地高校市场的消费特征,从而制订相应的营销策略。

    The Hechi Unicom as the object of study , college marketing strategy in recent years , analysis of the communication consumption characteristics of the college student market , and to develop appropriate marketing strategies . First , the paper studies the meaning and purpose of the premise .

  12. 论高校校园文化市场

    On the Market of Campus Culture in Higher Education Institutes

  13. 高校校园文化市场的培育与调控

    The Cultivation and Control of College Campus Culture Market

  14. 李继义这两年都会去校园跳蚤市场淘一些小说,尤其是英文小说。

    For two years , Li has gone to campus flea markets to pick up novels , especially English ones .

  15. 据分析人士们介绍,国有银行有望净化被私人高利贷者控制的校园借贷市场。

    The state-owned banks are expected to cleanse the campus loan market , which has been controlled by private loan sharks , according to analysts .

  16. 高等教育越来越有企业的作派,校园和市场的界线渐渐模糊,校长的高薪就是其中一个表现。

    The lofty pay of college presidents is part of higher education 's increasingly corporate bent , of the blurred lines between the campus and the marketplace .

  17. 在竞争日益激烈的厦门零售市场中,竞争态势相对较弱的校园超市市场已开始进入零售商业企业经营视野。

    Under the increasingly competitive retail market of Xiamen , the campus supermarket seems little weak by comparison but has begun to enter the retail industry business field .

  18. 提出了高校校园文化市场的命题,并简略论证了其理论上的合理性和实践上的必要性。

    This paper comes up with the proposition of culture market of college campus , and gives a simple demonstration of the rationality of its theory and the necessity of its practice .

  19. 沃尔玛正准备进军大学校园抢占市场,他将在美国阿肯色州大学开设沃尔玛校园店,该举措似乎是这一零售巨头建立小型卖场的系列尝试之一。

    Wal-Mart is preparing to enter the university campus to seize the market , he will open " Wal-Mart campus store " in the Arkansas University , this act appears to be one try of the retail giant to established small stores .

  20. ibm则是校园商业竞赛市场最早的参与者之一。

    IBM , meanwhile , is one of the oldest players in the student game market .

  21. 校园附近自由市场对校园大气质量影响的调查

    A Survey of the Influence of Atmospheric Quality Caused by the Nearby Free Market over the

  22. 当大学毕业生从校园走向就业市场时,实践能力差的弊端就显露无疑,而实践能力正是企业招聘时最看重的能力之一。

    When college graduates turn to the job market from the campus , the shortcomings of lacking practical abilities reveals while the practical abilities is the most valued ability by enterprises when recruiting .

  23. 美国公共兴趣研究组做的一项调查显示,76%的学生表示信用卡已经进军校园,入主学生市场。

    A study released by US Public Interests Research Group shows that 76 % of students say credit cards have been marketed to them on their college campuses .