
xiào zhǎnɡ shì
  • President's Office;office of a schoolmaster/president
  1. 请在信上写好地址寄给该校校长室。

    Please address your letter to the head-master 's office .

  2. 她因冒犯别的老师而被送到女校长室了。

    She was sent to the headmistress for cheeking the other teacher .

  3. 别以为你被叫到校长室的事就算了。

    Don 't think you 've avoided talking about the principal 's office .

  4. 我又不是唯一被叫到校长室的小孩。

    I 'm not the only kid who 's been sent to the office .

  5. 我们的校长室个老男人。

    Our headmaster is an old man .

  6. 上午过了半晌,我给叫到校长室去。

    About the middle of the morning , I was asked to go to the principal 's office .

  7. 卡露没有遵照老师的命令去做,所以被叫到校长室。

    Carol didn 't keep with the teacher 's orders so she was sent to the principal 's office .

  8. 她还在踌躇,校长室派人送来帖子给辛楣。

    While she was thinking about the invitation , a messenger came from the president 's office asking for hsin-mei .

  9. 数学老师更坏吓唬她说:“你下课和我去校长室。”

    Worse frighten her math teacher , said : " You and I went to the principal 's office after class . "

  10. 如果我屡教不改,我将会被送到校长室,为我的不良行为道歉,老师也会和家长联系。

    If I regularly misbehave in class I will be sent to the principal to explain my behaviour and my parents will be contacted .

  11. 在许多转帖中,网友表示要“围观”该学校以表示不满,并准备用上海话拨打该学校校长室电话发表自己的看法。

    Some posters were trying to organize a visit to the school today to protest and they were also planning to call the school principal 's office line with their views , expressed in Shanghai dialect .

  12. 周一在安静的江山中学校园里,在标着“校长室”的大办公室工作的一名男子说自己只是普通老师,并在被问及前述海外学习项目时匆匆离开了大楼。

    On the quiet Jiangshan campus on Monday , a man working in a large office marked ' principal ' said he was an ordinary teacher and fled the building when asked about the study-abroad program .

  13. 捉迷藏、拉手,甚至模拟《星球大战》中的光剑决斗之类的行为都会受到学校的惩处,如果有学生不遵守此项规定,那将会被剥夺娱乐时间,送至校长室接受处分。

    Playing tag , holding hands , and even Star Wars lightsaber duels all became punishable offences , with students liable to miss playtime and be sent to the principal 's office if they didn 't comply .

  14. 明天上午,辛楣先上校长室去,说把鸿渐的事讲讲明白,叫鸿渐等着,听了回话再去见高松年。

    Next morning Hsin-mei told Hung-chien that he would see the president the first thing and get hung-chien 's case straightened out , instructing Hung-chien to wait until he came back before going to see Kao sung-nien .