
xiào guān
  • field officer
校官 [xiào guān]
  • [field officer] 具有大校、上校、中校或少校军衔的军官

校官[xiào guān]
  1. 男孩知道他们的父母和校官绝不会接受这一切。

    They are sure that parents and administrators will never accept anything .

  2. 我得去把我的校官徽擦亮。

    I need to go polish my oak leaf clusters .

  3. 校官附和团长,也来规劝,但是巴格拉季翁公爵不回答他们的话,只是下命令停止射击,整理队伍,给行将到达的两个营让路。

    He merely gave the order to cease firing , and to form so as to make room for the two battalions of reinforcements .

  4. 这次将军级会谈是近七年来双方第一次举行如此高级别的会谈,尽管校官级别的会议较为频繁。

    The meeting of generals from each side was the first at such a level for almost seven years , although talks between colonels are more frequent .

  5. 瞧,这儿就是我们的炮台,校官指着那个制高点说道,就是那个不穿靴子坐在帐篷里的古怪人主管的炮台,从那儿什么都可以望见。公爵,让我们一道去吧。

    You see here is where our battery stands , said the staff-officer , pointing to the highest point , commanded by that queer fellow sitting without his boots ; from there you can see everything ; let us go there , prince .